Sunday, October 6, 2019

Work Experience Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Work Experience Report - Essay Example As a biomedical scientist we work in the most important area of healthcare. It is our job to carry out laboratory tests and techniques that can help doctors diagnose diseases through laboratory testing and tissue sampling on affected laboratory mice or animals. The nature of the work involves evaluating the effectiveness of treatments or discovering the links between various human DNA strains with genetic or viral illnesses. Through experimentation, observation, and evaluation, a biomedical scientist is able to trace the root cause of various illnesses and viruses and is then able to predict whether it shall mutate into another type of illness, how it will mutate, and hopefully how it can be stopped before or upon mutation. However the main focus of biomedical research is to understand an illness or disease and how it can be rendered non threatening to human beings. This is a tall order for any medical scientist but biomedical scientists are not daunted by this task because it is a c hallenge that they look forward to. The enigma of an illness and the explanation behind it is what drives the nature of a biomedical scientist and it is what also drives this particular field of medical science. The world of biomedical research has always been of particular interest to me because of the promise that it holds for the future of our society and the world. The nature of the work dictates that biomedical scientists shall be at the forefront of medical and viral research in order to stay one step ahead of the various developing viruses, infections, and genetic illnesses that seem to be overtaking our world. The nature of our work is to predict the cause of the illness, the possible outcomes of the viruses discovered, and how to prevent the development of the virus before it actually becomes a problem for any country or society. The nature of our work includes analysing cell cultures grown from tissue samples and identifying whatever specific groups are required for partic ular experiments. This is done via the use of complex computer systems, sophisticated automated machinery, microscopes and other top of the line, ultra modern laboratory equipment. We use this information to accurately record and analyse data so that we can writer reports and share data with others in the field who can then use the information to effectively treat and diagnose patients in the field. It is through the results of these experiments and research that we will be able to help the medical world conquer or control diseases and illnesses such as the common cold, anemia, cancer, AIDS, and cardiovascular problems. Biomedical research may one day discover the cure to dementia and Alzheimer's. The results of the experiments in this particular field of medical science as cannot be fathomed for this research and experiment holds the key to the longevity of mankind. We may not conquer death but, thanks to biomedical science we can slow down the effects of illness and time in order to live longer than the previous generations. Our work in the biomedical research field of the utmost importance to hospital departments because we help their various departments operate effectively in the treatment of patients. This is because we work on challenging illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, AIDS, malaria, food poisoning or Anemia. We also try to discover new ways by which doctors can diagnose their patients without becoming too invasive in nature. I was privileged enough to be allowed to work with the experts of biomedical science over at the Biomedical Sciences Research Center located at St. George's University in London. Our facility concentrates on the field of molecular cell biology research. Our research includes work on transmembrane

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