Monday, October 7, 2019

Management Report on a case-study Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management Report on a - - Case Study Example Table of Contents: Sl. No. Particulars Pg. No. 1 Introduction 4 2 Outline a set of values typical for the organizational culture of a well-established small business 5 3 Current business environment for existing business in homeland and world over 7 4 SWOT analysis of newly proposed solar powered and heating units 8 5 Guidelines and directions for the proposed business plan 11 6 Organizational chart which best suits the diversified organization 13 7 Conclusion 14 8 References 14 Introduction: Wobble & Strait Engineering Ltd. is a well-established small business catering to the needs of rural, forestry and fishery companies. The Company was established in 1946 and was mainly family managed. It currently, employs 21 staff in various cadres, including Stanley the Managing Director, to support the purpose of the business. Candy, his heir is now inclined to get involved in the business matters and understands that there are questions regarding the financial soundness of the business in th e present scenario of rising New Zealand dollar as against the US one. The high dollar value is forcing many forestry and fishery companies to defer their requirements with the result that the demand for the company’s products is getting thinned out day by day. ... 2. Consider a real current business environment for the existing business in the homeland and the world over. 3. Conduct a SWOT analysis of newly proposed solar powered energy and heating units. 4. Propose some guidelines and directions for the proposed business plan and 5. Project an organizational chart which best suits the new diversified organization. Outline a set of values typical for the organizational culture of a well-established small business: For any business to be a going concern, it needs to be economically viable while ensuring that the work standards are quality ensured for guaranteed future prospects. As such, it needs to develop Vision and Mission Statements which can lead it towards the goal orientation of profit maximization. This goal can be achieved only when an encouraging culture is established in the organization. Organizational culture is dependent on the values it professes towards it customers, members, manager to staff and all other related inter-personal associations. Thus, a set of values which are like a bible to the organization have to be assimilated which need to be revisited to ensure that no severe deviations occur in the activity process. W&S, being a semi-service oriented organization, has developed similar values (related attitudes) basing on which, it has developed all these years. A recollection of those values and focusing on newly required areas which were overseen in the previous years is imperative for the company’s success in the future: Having a Pro-active Attitude: The employees of an organization should be enthusiastic and believe in its purpose. They should be confident that the goals of the organization are achievable and whenever there is any slack in the business, the

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