Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Analysis of Emily Dickinsons I Felt a Funeral in My Brain :: Felt a Funeral in My Brain Essays

An Analysis of Emily Dickinson's I Felt a Funeral in My Brain This poem is very interesting in many aspects because it reminds me of a person that I use to know. In my life I have met people just like Emily Dickinson who were mentally depressed and very unsociable. In this poem it shows how unstable her mind was in words that she wrote in her poems. I do not want people to get me wrong she was a very smart woman it was said that she attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley, it also said that she was one of the best poets of all times. I do not understand were she went wrong because she lived a normal childhood in which she was very bright, witty, friendly to people, she had friends, and she went to parties. So where did she go wrong? By her early 30's she began to separate herself from everyone, even the people who she obviously loved had to speak with her from the other side of a closed door. In her life it was that she was in love with some man who died this maybe her for become very depressed. Emily Dickinson was ver y suicidal (meaning she tried to kill her many times, but was afraid of what it would be like). I am glad we got this poem because I have some things I would like to say about this weird acting woman. In my town were I come from their was a girl who acted just like this lady. This girl would not talk to anyone, she would run away all the time, she tried to commit suicide a couple of times, but did not succeed. Her parents it seemed they would be always looking for he all the time. So finally one day they decided to put her into a hospital to see what was causing her to act like this. In my mind I think she was depressed because she did not have any friends. And according to my knowledge Emily Dickinson was the same way. Emily Dickinson was a very smart person, but she was very strange acting. For example, I read her poem " I Felt a

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