Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Violent Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violent Crime - Assignment Example Research from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) reveals that there have been more than 19 million violent crimes in the last two decades. These crimes constitute of forcible rape, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, robbery, or assault. For an individual to engage a violent crime, he or she may be forced by circumstances or has a record of criminal activities. Factors that may affect an individual’s action to commit a violent crime is dependent on cultural aspects i.e. religion and colonial heritage, age, gender, peers, and the poverty rate.  Violence and crime threaten social foundation and are becoming chief obstacles to development. A critical analysis of this topic reveals that the dependent variable is the crime rate, and the explanatory variables include economic and social characteristics. Although violent crime has been discussed with a keen focus on the offender, the victim must also be regarded. From various researchers, victims of violent crimes ar e left with emotional as well as physical scars, which lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, social withdrawal, relationship strains, and in severe cases death (Ruback & Thompson, 2001). Lack of a conclusive data of victims is a major challenge in the analysis of violent crime. This is because of most victims faced by the vile act of violent crime face shame and discrimination. For instance, rape victims will opt not to report a violent act committed on their bodies due to shame and fear of discrimination (Kullgren & Nordstrom, 2003).  Methods used to research this topic include data from primary and secondary sources. Primary sources include anonymous questionnaires filled in by the victims of violent crimes. Secondary sources include data from police stations and hospitals, as well as books and journals.

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