Friday, October 11, 2019

Essays --

1.0 Introduction This report aims to explore the different views of those who believe that having an unrealistic ideal body image positively affects women and those who believe that it has a negative impact on women. This report will also provide the issue and its debate background, its social significance, the parties involved in this debate as well as the differing opinions and arguments related to the debate topic. 2.0 The issue and background to the debate Our body image is an important part of our self-identity and our self esteem. In Medilexicon’s medical dictionary, body image is the personal conception of one's own body as distinct from one's actual anatomic body or the conception other people have of it. In medicine and psychology terms, body image refers to a person’s emotional attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of their own body. Body consciousness is a growing phenomenon among women and this has started the debate on the positive and negative effects of having an unrealistic body image on women. 3.0 The social significance of the debate According to Boston’s Women Health Book Collective, Inc (2005), it is said that researchers have found that ongoing exposure to certain ideas can shape and distort our perceptions of reality and that it is not surprising that in our media-driven culture, our views of what women should look like are warped- Real women with pubic hair and breasts that aren’t perfect round orbs begin to seem unnatural compared to the altered images we see in the media. Therefore, the question here is will the impact of having an unrealistic ideal body image positively affect women or will it negatively affect women? 4.0 The participants in the debate The main participants in this debate are expe... have a goal to work towards whenever they see the waif-like models in the media. According to R. Modrzejewska and W. Badura-Madej (2013), they have concluded that more women have a negative self-image of themselves when compared to men. As such, women are also more likely to be motivated to lose weight by going on diet plans or by exercising because they are teased that they look fat and or encouraged by friends and family to shed the extra pounds. 6.0 Conclusion From the discussion above, it is very clear that there are different opinions on the issue of having an unrealistic ideal body image. Just as there are benefits of having an unrealistic ideal body image on women, there are also drawbacks that can be harmful to women. To decide which impact has a greater consequence, more detailed research and analysis of the arguments of both sides are needed.

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