Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sport, Education, and the Meaning of Victory Essay -- Athletics Greece

Sport, Education, and the Meaning of VictorySport was included in ancient educational systems because it was thought to promote art or human excellence which could be utilise to almost any endeavor in life. The goal of most modern scholastic athletic programs might be better summed up in a word winning. Is this a sign that we have lost touch with the passe rationale for including sport in education? I argue that it need not be by showing that we value winning precisely for the virtues associated with it. I then take Platos traditional parts of aret piety, sophrosun, courage and justice and show how they are manifest in modern athletic ideals of self-knowledge, discipline, courage and justice. To the extent that scholastic athletic programs develop these virtues, I conclude, their pursuit of winning is not at betting odds with the institutional mission of educating students. If an athletic programs pursuit of victory allows such character-building to fall by the wayside, however, i t deserves no place in our high schools, colleges or universities.As in the world of the Ancient classics, sport plays an important role in the educational institutions of 20th century America. The reasoning for this in ancient times, as now, is a legal opinion that sport helps to make better people that it promotes excellence (what the Greeks called aret) in individuals, excellence which can be applied to almost any endeavor in life. That said, it moldiness be acknowledged that most athletes, coaches, and school administrations identify the goal of their athletic programs in one word winning. Is this a sign that weve lost touch with the age-old rationale for including sport in education? Is the philosophy that winning is everything, or the only thing... .... 38-45.Marrou, H. I. 1956. A History of Education in Antiquity, translated by George Lamb. Madison, WI University of Wisconsin Press.Mihalich, Joseph. 1992. Sports and Athletics doctrine in Action. Totowa, NJ Rowman and Littl efield.Nettleship, R. L. 1935. The Theory of Education in Platos Republic. London Oxford University Press. First published in Hellenica in 1880.Plato. 1989. Collected Dialogues. Edited by Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns. Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press.Sansone, David. 1988. Greek Athletics and the Genesis of Sport. Berkeley, CA University of California Press.Simon, Robert L. 1984. Good Competition and Drug-Enhanced Performance. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, vol. XI. 6-13.Walton, Gary M. 1992. Beyond Winning The Timeless Wisdom of Great Philosopher Coaches. Champaign, IL empty Press.

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