Saturday, June 15, 2019

Research proposal (research method) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research proposal ( query method) - Essay ExampleThis research would particularly determine the impact on the family after the institutionalization of the patient. Accordingly, the sample would be taken from at least ten different nursing homes. The family members of at least three patients who have been diagnosed with alzheimers from ten nursing homes would be mailed a letter inviting them to participate. on that point may be reluctance on the part of some of them to participate and comply with the research. Only those that have been institutionalized for over three months would be include in the research process because a minimum time is needed to determine the impact. The hospital authorities would first be approached to collect a cite of the Alzheimer patients and then the family members who have been in regular contact with the patient contacted through mail. This would include primarily the children but if grandchldren too have been involved as seconday caregivers, they would be included.The questionnaires would be mailed to the caregivers as they may be reluctant to speak out or fatigue and depression may distort responses. It is assumed that they would be willing to give vent to their feelings in the settings of their own homes which would also help to maintain privacy.Data would be collected through self-completion questionnaires as this method of information collection allows the ability for unambiguous quantitative data to be collected (Redmond & Griffith 2003). This questionnaire wud be developed specifically for this study although guidelines may be adopted from former studies. Wherever possible, family members that have been secondary caregivers would also be asked to complete the questionnaire in addition to the primary caregivers, which would help to corroborate the results. This would be particularly helpful for this research because it is essential to determine how the caregivers are affected after the

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