Saturday, June 1, 2019

Mithraism :: essays research papers fc

MithraismIt is the third day of December, only twenty-two days remain till the jubilation of Mithra begins (Cunningham, 197). Myself and a few of my armycomrades have big plans for this upcoming occasion, it is just a shame thoughthat some of our fellow country men, and our own wives even, atomic number 18 trying to spoilour Mithristic festivities.It seems the beliefs of Mithra ar becoming quite unpopular in Rome.Only a small portion of my fellow soldiers still belong to the brotherhood, andthe soldiers argon the only ones who follow the ship canal of Mithra. Most of the Romanpeople will not even admit of an existence of my religion, women do not like itbecause they are not forte to partake in it (197). That is for their own goodthough, Mithraism is not meant for women or the weak, their are some things theyjust can not understand.No, the people of this make for do not believe in Mithraism, but they dohave their own god to worship. In fact it is all my wife can let out of, this Christianity. The faith the people of Rome are demonstrating for this man Jesusand his teachings is very uncanny, and it is only hurting my creed.The nerve these Christians have, putting their most holy of days on thesame day as ours (197). This must be some sort of conspiracy in trying tofinish off a dying religion. If that is not enough, they even tore trim back my placeof worship and built a church of their own in place of it (197). Now I must give out two hours by horse just to fulfill my spiritual needs.My wife, she cannot understand anything. We argue continuously over howto raise our son. Before my church was torn down there was little to fuss over,now all she does is complain. She says that it is to far of a trip for him tojourney with me every week, and that he should go with her to the Christianchurch. She also protests that our ways are to barbaric, and he should not takepart in some of its activities.She is in great dismay over what I have in install for our young lad thiscoming twenty-fifth. In my religion only men can join, and the men must followcertain rites of passage to be aloud to enter. One of the more important ritesis the sacrifice of a bull (197). She believes that she is going to take him toher chuch in celebration of the Christian god Jesus.

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