Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Problem With Subprime Mortgages And Minorities

The problem with Subprime Mortgages and Minorities When it comes to buying a home there are a few things you need first. Of course you need money , but what if you don t have the money but you want to get a home? Well you would apply for a loan, but there are two loans you could qualify for and those two are known as prime loans and subprime loans. There are far too many cases where there are well qualified people with the credentials to get a prime loan but were denied, forcing them to settle for worse forms of credit such as subprime loan. The problem is that it is unethical to even offer these subprime loans because of the debt that it puts subprime borrowers in. Through my research I have gathered I have determined that well-qualifying minorities, in particular blacks and Hispanics, have been denied prime mortgages based on race and prejudices, making them easier prey for less convenient loans such as subprime mortgages, which results in higher default and foreclosure rates amongst minority residences. Subprime loans A subprime loan is a loan given to people who generally have bad to below average credit and are charged with higher interest rates because of past credit history. Subprime mortgages was designed to help those Americans who want to achieve the goal of homeownership for low-income minorities (Gorton 12). The unethical dilemma is that the lender has the choice to decide whether to refinance or not at the end of the first period without the borrowerShow MoreRelatedCountrywide Home Loans ( Countrywide Hl )1466 Words   |  6 PagesCountrywide Home Loans (Countrywide HL) provide, service, and sell mortgage loans and after-loan services such as collections and payment processing. As a leader in the mortgage industry, they provide these products and services to homeowners through prime and subprime mortgage loans and subsequently resell these loans to investors. In 2009, the United States (US) Treasury Department (Treasury) invested (i.e., US taxpayer-based funding) in Count rywide HL under the Treasury’s 2009 Troubled Asset ReliefRead MoreThe Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the U.S Essay1586 Words   |  7 PagesThe argument over who should be at fault for the subprime mortgage crisis and housing market collapse in the United States has been a heated debate. Even though home foreclosure keeps rising, there should be some accountability for the economic meltdown resulting from the subprime mortgage situation. Should we blame banking institutions, mortgage lenders, brokers, and investors for this crisis? Should minorities be blamed for recklessly accepting loans and defaulting on them after realizing theyRead MoreSubprime Lenders And The Financial Crisis865 Words   |  4 PagesSubprime loans are ethical tools which were wildly misused during the time leading up to the financial crisis in 2008-2009. Subprime lending targeted borrowers who would typically not qualify for standard loans for various reasons. These included low credit scores, low incom e, and history of late payments. The loans were offered at a rate higher than the market rate due to the increased risks of the borrowers. Many of the clients Countrywide supported were much less likely to be able to pay off theirRead MoreSubprime Lending1295 Words   |  6 PagesDefining Subprime Lending The problem to be investigated is the effect of subprime mortgage loans on the economy. According to Merriam Webster subprime is defined as having or being an interest rate that is higher than a prime rate and is extended especially to low-income borrowers; extending or obtaining a subprime loan (Webster, 2012). Subprime mortgage loans are loans given to people with a low credit score. Subprime borrowers normally don’t qualify for prime loans or prime lending. AccordingRead MoreCentral Causes of the Global Financial Crisis1295 Words   |  6 Pagesfactor through the use of subprime mortgages and predatory lending. The U.S Government’s risk-averse policies on banking regulation gave way for reckless bankers on Wall Street to make quick money by exploiting the population; selling the ‘American dream’ which created the largest housing bubble and national debt to date. This essay looks at two types of banking practices practiced during the GFC by investme nt banks and lenders which contributed to the economic downturn: subprime lending and predatoryRead MoreThe Role of the Community Reinvestment Act on the 2007 Housing Bubble Collapse1670 Words   |  7 Pagescollapse and the wider financial crisis. This argument is subject to a number of problems, namely: the CRA never mandated lower lending standards, the CRA was enacted over a quarter of a century before the housing crash took place, none of the hundreds of banks that collapsed were subject to CRA legislation, CRA loans had a historically low level of default, and CRA loans comprised an extremely low amount of subprime loans during the relevant period of the crisis. While the CRA may have played someRead MoreSimultaneously, The Community Reinvestment Act (Cra) Of1320 Words   |  6 PagesSimultaneously, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 was forcing banks â€Å"to make loans to low-income borrowers, especially minorities and particularly African Americans, with a focu s on home loans...In order to make acquisitions, open branches, and generally grow its business, a bank must have a satisfactory CRA rating† (Allison, 2013, pp. 55-6). This essentially forced banks to make riskier loans than they otherwise would have. The situation in the early 1990s through 2007 was loan originatorsRead MoreCountrywide Subprime Lending Crisis4911 Words   |  20 PagesExecutive Summary Even though Countrywide stopped offering subprime loans 4 months ago, the company is still in the forefront of the subprime mortgage lending and foreclosure crisis. Lawsuits seem to be coming from all directions, federal and state investigative probes are launched against them, stock price tumbled to 1/5 of its value, even desperate lenders demonstrated outside their offices. 2007 has definitely not been Countrywide s year. The company has lost its place as America s Home LenderRead MoreThe Role Of Government Affordable Housing Policy1424 Words   |  6 Pagesup this observation. â€Å"At President Clinton’s direction, no fewer than 10 federal agencies issued a chilling ultimatum to banks and mortgage lenders to ease credit for lower-income minorities or face investigations for lending discrimination and suffer the related adverse publicity. They also were threatened with denial of access to the all-important secondary mortgage market and stiff fines, along with other penalties. The threat was codified in a 20-page â€Å"Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending†Read MoreSocial Policy Related to Individuals in a Rural Setting1611 Words   |  6 PagesGuidelines and Principles for Social Impact Assessment, 1994) Statement of Problem The problem addressed in this particular study is that of available suitable and energy efficient housing in rural areas and the tendency for rural low-income individuals to purchase mobile homes that are financed through mortgages characterized by predatory lending. The work entitled Subprime and Predatory Lending in Rural America: Mortgage Lending Practices that can trap low-income rural people published in 2006

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Economics and True False - 7484 Words

Question 2 (0.5/0.5) Exhibit 2–4 Production possibilities curve data | A | B | C | D | E | F | Capital goods | 150 | 140 | 120 | 90 | 50 | 0 | Consumer goods | 0 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 | | | | | | | | In Exhibit 2-4, the concept of increasing opportunity costs is represented by the fact that: a) Greater amounts of capital goods must be sacrificed to produce each additional unit of consumption goods. Question 4 (0.5/0.5) As shown in Exhibit 8-3, in order to maximise its profit, what price should GeneTech charge for it’s vaccine? a) $35 per dose Question 5 (0.5/0.5) A demand curve for the Steel Porcupines’ concert tickets would show the: a) Number of tickets that will be purchased†¦show more content†¦This is evidence that price elasticity of demand for steak is: a) Unitary elastic Question 30 (0.5/0.5) The income elasticity of demand for shoes is estimated to be 1.5. We can conclude that shoes: a) Are a normal good Question 31 (0.5/0.5) The price elasticity of demand for a vertical demand curve is: a) Perfectly inelastic Question 32 (0.5/0.5) To maximise its profit, a monopoly should choose a price where demand is: a) Elastic Question 37 (0.5/0.5) In Exhibit 7-3, when the price is $2, the profit-maximising (or loss-minimising) firm: a) Should shut down and produce zero Question 38 (0.5/0.5) Which of the following is not a market failure? a) Prices determined in competitive markets, which consumers, as individuals, have no control over. Question 39 (0.5/0.5) Suppose prices for a new home have risen, yet sales of new homes have also risen. We can conclude that: a) The demand for new homes has risen Question 40 (0.5/0.5) Water is often provided to households by one supplier because: a) It is a natural monopoly PRODUCTION POSSIBILITIES AND OPPORTUNITY COST CHAPTER 2 Which of the following is NOT one of the three fundamental economic questions? | a. | What happens when you add to or subtract from a current situation? | | | b. | For whom to produce? | | | c. | How to produce? | | |Show MoreRelatedPA 315 Final study guide Essay1288 Words   |  6 Pageseconomies. False Question 3 One form of protectionism is to place limit on the amount of an incoming product. This is called Import quota Question 4 Neoliberalism refers to a political movement that espouses economic liberalism as a means of promoting economic development and securing political liberty. True Question 5 Tariffs, import quotas, and regulatory barriers are forms of protectionism that â€Å"unfairly† promote domestic goods in foreign markets. False Question 6 Read MoreMidterm BUSN1201398 Words   |  6 PagesMidterm Student: 1. Socially responsible activities are never done for building the reputation of a firm within the philanthropy model.   True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False   2.  Which of the following statements is true about Whistleblowing?   A.  It can occur both internally and externally . B.  It does not cause any harm to the whistleblower. C.  It involves the disclosure of ethical activities. D.  It may seem disloyal, but it does not harm the business.    3.  The practice of attending to the _____ of a firm is referredRead MoreEssay on Week 2809 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   False | 2. In the U.S., most workers can be discharged for good cause, no cause, and even a morally wrong cause, as long as the discharge is not on the basis of race, gender, religion or another classification protected by law. (Points : 1) |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   False | 3. Conflicts between what employees want and what employers want are generally resolved privately between the individual and his/her employer. (Points : 1) |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   False | Read MoreEnvironmental Interupstions1308 Words   |  6 Pageshuman development is referred to as a   A.  tract development. B.  reserve. C.  wilderness. D.  multiple land use.    2.  Environmental science is an interdisciplinary area of study that deals with all of the following except   A.  politics. B.  economics. C.  ethics. D.  All of these are correct.    3.  An ecosystem is   A.  the transition zone between grassland and desert. B.  a group of interactive species and their environment. C.  a body of freshwater. D.  the lowland area on either side ofRead MoreManaging Innovation Quiz 11631 Words   |  7 PagesPart 1 of 2 - True False 17.0 Points Question 1 of 40 1.0 Points Practically all innovative ideas become successful products. True False Question 2 of 40 1.0 Points Flexible manufacturing technologies have increased the importance of production economies of scale. True False Question 3 of 40 1.0 Points Innovation and new technology have caused the product life cycle to become longer as better quality products are being produced. True False QuestionRead Moremanaging across cultures1592 Words   |  7 Pagesrule themselves as they see fit. True False The elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation is a principle of the Global Compact which applies to: A. Human rights B. Labor C. Environment D. Anticorruption Question 3 of 40  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (worth 0.4 points) Which of the following statements is not true of Hungarys economic reform measures? A. Hungary had a head start on the other former communist-bloc countries in terms of adopting economic reform measures B. MNCs have beenRead MoreEssay on Brs Mdm3 Tif Ch121696 Words   |  7 Pagesoptimal EOQ? A) 200 bags B) 5000 bags C) 2500 bags D) 100 bags E) 50 bags Answer: E Page Ref: 12-7 Topic: Economic Order Quantity: Determining How Much to Order Difficulty: Moderate AACSB: Analytic Skills 2) Refer to the information above. What is the maximum inventory held in a given EOQ cycle? A) 5000 bags B) 200 bags C) 50 D) 100 bags E) 15 bags Answer: C Page Ref: 12-6 Topic: Economic Order Quantity: Determining How Much to Order Difficulty: Moderate AACSB: Analytic Skills 3) Refer toRead MoreEssay about Eco 372 Week 4 Quiz1307 Words   |  6 Pagesproduction and distribution of goods. c. Argue for more governmental stimulus to help the economy. 2. Would Henry Hazlitt more likely say: B a. That government should fund public works to maintain full employment. b. The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups. c. From each according to his ability, to eachRead MoreEntr1363 Words   |  6 Pages1) What are the three parts of sustainability?   Social   Environment   Economic 2)   What did Michael Porter come up with?   A)Reinnovation   B) The Five Forces concept   C) sustainability 1) Which country was used as a subject to test the potential benefits from entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries? (a) Haiti   (b) Uganda (c) Ghana (d) Latvia 2) According to the article pertaining to innovation in developing nations, there is a positive relationship between ___________Read MoreThe And Its Influence On East Asia Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesto Judaism b) Hinduism is to Islam c) Christianity is to Judaism d) Judaism is to Hinduism 4. A policy promoting growth of Gross National Happiness, rather than ____________ growth, is sanctioned by the monarchy of _____. a) population; Nepal b) economic; Bhutan c) agricultural; Bhutan d) cultural; Nepal 5. With approximately ____________ percent of the world’s population and less than _________ percent of the world’s arable land, China has a need to generate higher agriculture outputs. a) 10;

Friday, December 13, 2019

Things You Should Know About The Tempest Essay Topics

Things You Should Know About The Tempest Essay Topics It really can change the direction you use to live life. It's in this portion of The Tempest that someone can witness the way the themes of time and power connect. Prospero's many different kinds of power in the play can be viewed as good and bad. The transition isn't complete, however, and might not become complete, even by the conclusion of the play. Vital Pieces of the Tempest Essay Topics Writing an excellent persuasive essay is not a simple task, however, it's achievable. You have to be at first really clear about what you would like to write, than you need to craft a topic based on the subject of your essay on Shakespeare. Keep reading to discover more aboutTempest Essays, and figure out how you can get a distinctive and high standard Tempest essay online. Utilize Kermode and Barker and Hulmes essays to back up your thesis. In case the latter is true, the topic has to be chosen dependent on its depth and controversial nature. It isn't that your furry friend doesn't enjoy the post, the problem is you have to concentrate on the perfect one and know what things to buy. Also, you have to ensure that the post is secure and doesn't offer any odds of getting injured. It is ideal for unwinding in sunlight and even to taste the standard nourishment at the many cafes and bars. In summer, it's at the focus of the occasions sorted out by the area of Positano. Spiaggia Grande It's the key seashore of Positano. It is the principal seashore of Positano. To begin with, individuals are getting more aware they can buy electronic appliances, antiques and a number of jewellery at far lower price, instead of buying new ones in expensive stores. You aren't going to experience that much discomfort in regards to lifting bags and getting them inside the vehicle and house. Some businesses may need you to remove or eli minate furniture, so check to determine if the business you employ can finish the eradication without forcing you to devote the extra cash on new furniture or linens. When you decided upon the scratching post, it's time to embrace different supplies that have great added benefits and make your life easier in precisely the same time. The Basics of the Tempest Essay Topics That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Today You even don't need to devote lots of money get the interior design as expert interior designers Gurgaon will always begin the job within the budget you've got father undertaking. The internet websites are obtainable for you offering the very best product at the very best price. the Tempest Essay Topics Help! When prior brainstorming is finished, you might begin drafting your essay. The multiple topics could possibly be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. There is an assortment of motives, order and structures that joi n with each other to form some of the most fascinating observations brought by means of this play. Freedom, among the larger themes in the play, due to the easy identification and numerous references. You may get a smaller sized cage at the start as soon as the parrot is a baby nonetheless you'll need to switch it quicker than you are perhaps thinking. If you wish to breed or show the cat, then you need to get in touch with a registered breeder to discover decent superior animals. Siamese cats are a very common breed of cat and may also be quite pricey, based on the breeder and the bloodline of the cat. Picking the ideal cat scratching post is a difficult job, since you will never know if your feline will actually utilize it. Choosing The Tempest Essay Topics Is Simple Immersion caused by floods and tempest floods will likewise essentially help determine the tasks of several port offices. Instantly you will find that life is good. Alonso is regenerated because of his repen tance. This rider provided by HCSL insurance provides you with a protection against a complete loss suffered by your bike. Ruthless Tempest Essay Topics Strategies Exploited Furthermore, the lending company will just interview the borrower for an extremely brief period. According to money pros, it's the simplest sort of loan that has a which can be availed within this modern generation. A personal loan is largely availed by a specific person as a result of their private purposes regarding where they would like to devote the amount on. An individual loan is one of the commonest loans that are being availed by folks nowadays since it's deemed to have the swiftest process of being accepted compared to other sorts of loans.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Baron Manfried Von Richtofen The Red Baron free essay sample

Baron Manfried Von Richtofen: The Red Baron Essay, Research Paper Baron Manfried Von Richtofen was the best One of World War One. With confirmed putting to deaths coming in at around 80, he is the combatant one with the most putting to deaths of all time recorded-ever. However, he started out his calling as a soldier in the trenches, non as a pilot. During the conflict of the Somme, he saw his first aeroplane fly operating expense, and was instantly aquiline. He loved everything about winging, and his grandiloquent, chesty, and some would state determined, personality, made him a quick scholar, and clever mind. His flight calling started out instead easy in the first old ages of the war, but finally took on a torrential gait, and shortly after his twentieth putting to death, he was to be called the Red Baron. This moniker can be chiefly attributed to the fact that he flew a modified Fokker DR I triplane, which he had painted ruddy, so as to galvanize the enemies that he was contending. We will write a custom essay sample on Baron Manfried Von Richtofen The Red Baron or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some say that he was like a devil when he flew, and that the existent ground he painted his plane red was to raise up images of winged deamons in his enemies # 8217 ; heads. His tactics were largely responsible for his repute, nevertheless. During the war, the Baron developed some of the most superb tactics of all time seen until so. He used methods neer earlier attempted, like faked engine flameouts, utilizing air brakes in the center of axial rotations to shorten the cringle distance, assailing from utmost angles, both above and below, and firing his guns before coming in scope to decelerate down his opposition. A pilot is no good if he doesn Ts have a plane to wing, nevertheless. And the Baron surely had a plane. His aircraft was made about wholly for him. It had arms built to his specifications, a larger engine, and was one of the lone triplane designs employed during the war. While his tactics were impressive, most of them were centered around manoeuvrability. His plane was by no means the fastest aircraft of the War, but with its particular design, it could outmanoeuvre, out-turn, and out wing most other planes flown. He put this manoeuvrability to his advantage, and it surely shows in his putting to deaths. A unkown pilot was heard stating, upon the Barons decease, # 8220 ; I hope he burned all the manner to hell. # 8221 ; Baron Manfried Von Richtofen embodies some of the best qualities of a combatant pilot yet seen. He was brave, honest, and brave, but he knew how to acquire the occupation done. His accomplishment, continuity, and tactics will most surely go down in the history books for a long clip. The Red Baron genuinely is the best one of World War One.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Agriculture and Irrigation Essay

Agriculture and Irrigation Essay Agriculture and Irrigation Essay The use of irrigation in ancient times has affected the way we grow crops today. Irrigation has been used for many centuries to get the water from a river to the crops. Today, we also use this way of watering crops. With the use of irrigation crops are able to be grown in larger amounts. In Sandra Postel’s article â€Å"Growing more Food with less Water† uses facts to explain how the use of irrigation is very effective in growing more food. The quote â€Å"Most of these people live in Asia and Africa, where long dry seasons make crop production difficult or impossible without irrigation† shows that many countries depend on irrigation to survive. (Postel 7) In many countries they depend on rivers to get the water they need to the crops. Since there isn’t much rain in countries like Asia Africa they need any fo rm of irrigation they can use. It is important for these countries survival that they use irrigation. Many irrigation systems are very expensive so many farmers in poorer countries cannot afford them. Recently, a new machine has been created which is very inexpensive and farmers can afford the new irrigation machine. â€Å"Over the next quarter of a century the number of people living in water-stressed countries will climb from 500 million to three billion. New technologies can help farmers around the world supply food for the growing population†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote shows how new irrigation technology can help farmers have a surplus in crops. (Postel 8) New, cheap, irrigation methods have provided farmers with the technology necessary to grow and water crops. New irrigation methods have helped farmers provide markets with crops which increased their income. The quote â€Å"Fields are flooded or water is

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Miss Julie essays

Miss Julie essays In Miss Julie, by August Strindberg wrote about the naturalistic view of human behavior. He symbolizes the behavior through animal imagery. The animal image Strindberg uses helps him exemplify his naturalistic view. The first animal imagery Strindberg uses is the dog. Jean uses the dog imagery to describe to Kristen how Miss Julie made her ex-fianc act before the break-up. Why, she was making him jump over her riding whip the way you teach a dog to jump. A dog is mans best friend only because a dog is an extremely loyal animal. Having Jean compare what Miss Julies did to her ex-fianc with what some one would do to a dog shows Miss Julies drive to be the dominant one or the master. Strindberg again uses the imagery of a dog when he has Miss Julie say, dog who wears my collar to Jean. Miss Julie feels that her social status is so much superior to that of Jean that their relationship could be compared to that of a master and his dog. The dog imagery in the play is also used to demonstrate the difference in social classes. In the play Miss Julies dog, Diana, is impregnated by the lodge-keepers pug. Kristen demonstrates Miss Julies disgust when she says; She almost had poor Diana shot for running after the lodge-keepers pug. The sexual affair between the dogs also represents the sexual affair between Jean and Miss Julie and how the two of them look down on each other. Jean looks down on Miss Julie for being surprisingly easy to obtain. While Miss Julie looks down on Jean for being a servant of hers and of a lower social class. In the play Miss Julie says that she would have killed Jean like a wild beast and Jean goes on to compare it to the killing of a mad dog. Jean comparing himself to a mad dog also shows how Miss Julie feels that Jean is a sick animal and deserves to die. Like the imagery of the dog Strindberg uses the imagery of a horse. Jean says ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health Promotion Program Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Promotion Program - Assignment Example Health promotion programs in the workplace are focused on reducing, preventing and also eliminating any health hazard that can lead to poor health of the employees and also enhances the work capabilities of the employees. Not only physical but also mental, social health also has to be maintained to produce maximum results at the work place. According to the article, the studies showed that health promotion programs at workplaces were offered by most of the organizations and emphasized on health risk screening, healthy diet programs, and exercise counselling and improving relations with co-workers. According to evidence, wellness health programs can positively affect presenteeism and also highlight the risk factors for the workers (Cancelliere, Cassidy, Ammendolia, & Cote, 2011). The increased numbers of health related problems in our society are a warning sign to improve our health associated habits and ask for a more health conscious state of mind. Helath promotion programs are a very effective way of improving the public health habits by spreading awareness of risk factors, teaching how to prevent them and at the same time making plans for the members so that they can imporve their daily life habits. Workplace diseases are also soaring which not only affect the employees but also lower the economy, productivity of the company and its financial growth. According to studies, an approximate of $3.27 decline in medical costs is observed with the induction of wellness programs and the fall in the health related leaves by the employees leads to increased savings (Baicker, Cutler, & Song, 2010). This supports the evidence in the main article that wellness programs are an effective way of increasing financial growth, increased savings and enhanced productivity. Cancelliere, C., Cassidy, J. D., Ammendolia, C., & Cote, P. (2011). Are workplace health promotion programs

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Water and human development (drinking water, sanitation) Essay

Water and human development (drinking water, sanitation) - Essay Example Most diseases causing deaths in developing countries are on sanitation. Diarrheal diseases such as typhoid, cholera, amoeba, and shigellosis among others are caused by poor water sanitation. Statistics show that 5000 children die every day as aresult of diarrheal diseases. This translates to every child dying in seventeen seconds. These death rates are because of inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene practices in developing countries. Poor sanitation has a direct link with economic growth of the country; A recent study shows that developing countries with improved sanitation achieved an annual economic growth of 3.7%, while on the other developing countries with poor sanitation, achieved only 0.7% economic growth (Chew 33). A sick society is unable to be effective in their work towards improving the economic status on their country. Most countries with water and sanitation problems spend most of their resources in treatment of diseases stemming from poor sanitation and poor hygiene practices. Accessible and affordable water is also essential in agricultural and livestock production. In the quest to reduce the disease burden stemming from poor sanitation, several institutions including states, non- governmental organizations and the private sector, have tried to come up with approaches to curb this. Kamar Kal invented an approach known as Community Lead Total Sanitation in his endeavour to promote sanitation and hygiene. The approach is based changing people’s behaviour toward achieving an Open Defecation Free society. Instead of building latrines for communities, it’s aimed at igniting change in communities through triggering.The approach uses shameful and disgusting examples, therefore,enabling people to realize the importance of an Open Defecation Free Society (Drew 76). Communities are also encouraged to use locally available materials to construct latrines. Since the invention of this method in Bangladesh,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Improving the value of the performance appraisal system Essay

Improving the value of the performance appraisal system - Essay Example This motivates creative and positive discussion in the workplace. Additionally, using an appraisal for each employee plays a major role in the managers attempt to improve performance appraisals (Deb, 2009). This means that the manager will assess the ability and performance of all employees as per their capacity as opposed to having a general format that all employees use. This move will create a focus-driven discussion that will allow the manager discuss issues based on an individual. Lastly, empowering the employees will lead to an improved performance appraisal (Deb, 2009). This refers to the managers helping the employees set meaningful goals and plan well on how to implement the same. The employees will also feel that the manager trusts them and most will commit to fulfilling the set goals. If the employees set the goals well, and achieve them in the end, it means the performance appraisal is successful (Deb,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Contemporary Hospitality Industry Assignment Tourism Essay

Contemporary Hospitality Industry Assignment Tourism Essay The main aim of this report is to provide a brief description of the hospitality industry in UK along with its size, scope and diversity in order to convince the panel of potential investors to invest in the hospitality industry.My management consultancy firm was asked to produce a formal report focussing on the foreign business people to help them to decide whether to invest or not in particular sector of the industry for the coming London 2012 Olympic games.It will provide them a brief description of different ownership styles, management styles as well as organisational structure of several different sectors of the hospitality industry.Moreover, it will also provide the detail analysis of current trends, issues and recent developments within the industry.There are different sectors in the hospitality industry like hotels, restaurants, clubs and bars, contract catering, casinos etc.The particular sector that I am going to focus is the accommodation sector i.e. hotel and I am presen ting the ideas that i have generated while doing the research. Hospitality industry is a very broad industry.It is not always easy to define the hospitality industry.There are different criteria of defining it.One of the way of defining hospitality industry is by using Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) which was founded in United Kingdom in 1948.It defined the hospitality industry under the 1968 classification, as Establishments (whether or not licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquors)providing meals, light refreshments, drink or accommodation. (jones, 2002).Hospitality industry is defined as hotel, motels, inns or such businesses that provides transitional or short-term lodging, with or without food.( Both definition suggests that hospitality industry is the industry which provide food and accommodation to the guest.Hospitality industry is made up of two distinct services- provision of overnight accommodation for people staying away from home, and the provision of sustenance for people eating away from home or not preparing their own meals. (jones, 2002). British Hospitality: Trends Developments 2010 which was published today has revealed that, despite the recession, the UK hotel industry is continuing to expand, with over 10,400 rooms opening in 2010 and a further 43,000 planned for the period 2011-2015.(British Hospitality Association,14/11/2010).The hotel industry is flourishing every year.Moreover, the tourist coming to the UK especially London is never stopping.The amount spent by overseas visitors to the UK rose by 15.9% during July 2010   to  £1.96b, compared with  £1.69b during the same month of 2009, according to the Governments latest Overseas Travel and Tourism figures. The number of overseas visits to the UK increased by 4.9% to 3.24 million during this period, compared with 3.1 million in July 2010.( looking at the figures above we can say that it is secure and safe to invest in the hotel industry. There are various sectors in the accommodation where businessman can invest.They can invest in different types of chain hotels, business and conference hotel,budget hotels, boutique hotels, motels,lodges etc.They can invest in the existing property or build up hotels by themselves.If they invest in chain and popular hotels they may save the time and money for the advertisements and promotions.Budget hotels are also getting popular nowadays because of the low disposable income.People want to spend less money and get good facilities and service.Moreover, they can also construct a new hotel by themselves where they can be the sole owner and can have control over the profit and loss of the business.Business people can also buy the franchising license or do the management contracting. Scale, scope and diversity The hospitality is one of the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. There are just over 46,000 hotels and guest houses in the UK, and the hotel industry remains a significant sector of the economy, with an annual turnover of around  £40billion (Trends Statistics, 2008, British Hospitality Association). According to the British Hospitality Association, the industry is made up of about 127,000 properties and employs a workforce of 1.6 million people.It is very large and diverse industry.It is the third largest company that provides employment. The scope of the UK hospitality industry is very big.There are different commercial sector like hotels, restaurants, fast food outlets, takeaways, motels, hostels, pubs, clubs etc whereas the welfare sector like educational institutions, halls of residence, hospitals, old age homes, prisons etc.Many tourists are coming to the country every year as the london is popular city around the world.We can find many big hotels in london in order to accommodate large no. of tourists every night.Therefore large no. of workforce is required in order to run such hotels which creates millions of jobs. The hospitality industry is very diverse due to the innovation, ownership, classification and grading system, level of service, leisure facilities, future trends etc.There are different types of hotel which provide standard services to the guest.The hotel now not only provide the food and accommodation but also provides facilities like internet, gymnasium, swimming pool, sauna bath, jacuzzi, night clubs, shops, hair and beauty salons, laundry, car parking, conference and meeting rooms etc.The ownership and classification of hotel grading system also make it diverse.There are different type of ownership and management style like sole owner, partnership, public limited company and private limited company.The grading system of hotel by rating with stars from 1 to 5 level according to the level of service they provide to their guest. Food service is also one of the important facilities provided by the hotel.The facilities provided by the hotel depends upon the type of the hotel.There are one or many restaurants in a hotel.The restaurant provide different type of facilities like ala carte menu, buffet service, bar menu, catered service, room service etc.Nowadays we can usually find a restaurant in every hotel.Thus, food service is one of the important sector of the hotel industry. Another important sector of the hotel industry is entertainment.Different types of guest come to the hotel some of them are business people, leisure guest, holiday makers etc.Leisure guest and holiday makers are travelling fully for the purpose of entertainment.They want to utilise their holidays and enjoy a lot.Therefore, the hotel should provide entertainment facilities like night clubs, bars, themed parties, casinos, swimming pools, sauna and jacuzzi, sports facilities etc.They should arrange the indoor activities so that the guest dont need to go outside searching such facilities. Organisational Structure Organistaional structure is the relationhsip between the people and different departments of an organisation.Different organisations have different organisational structure.Some organisations have tall structure whereas some have flat structures.Tall organisational structure is in mainly found in large organisations such as hotels which consists of different levels of staff from the managers to the workers whereas the flat organisational structure do not have many level of staff.For e.g. in a flat stucture of a restaurant an owner can be the manager and the chef as well.The organisation is divided in two different parts front of the house and the back of the house.Front of the house are the departments like food and beverage, accommodation, conference and banqueting etc whereas back of the house are the departments like finance , food preparation areas, and the areas not seen by the guest. In the accommodation sector you can find different types of ownership and the structure.Mostly two types of ownership are popular in the hospitality industry.They are sole ownership or the franchised.Sole ownership means opening hotel by yourself without taking any financial help from other except loans.The advantage of this type of organisation is that the owner have sole access to the profit and can make the hotel according to his ideas and concepts whereas the disadvantage is that you have to bear all the lossess of the business and may not have full support as those of chain hotels.In this type of ownership the owner will have direct control over the business. The hotel can be chain hotel or franchised and it can also be the partnership or limited companies.You can directly own a hotel in the chain or can get it be franchised.You can invest in a chain hotel where you can be a part of renowned chain whereas in franchise system of ownership you need to pay the franchisor a royalty fee in order to operate the business.In this type of ownership one can save the expense of marketing and promotions as it is already well known by the public.Moreover you will be also less affected by ups and downs in the business as you are part of a chain. Both of the above mentioned ownership and management style is popular in the hotel industry.The solely owned hotel should be more promoted in the market as everybody do not know more about the hotel.They should try to be unique by offering wide range and standard services so that guest would be lured to come back again and refer it to other guests.On the other hand the chain hotel should try to maintain their standards as compared to the other chain hotels so that the guest would feel the same standard of service like in any other chain hotel. Contemporary issues The hospitality industry is facing many contemporary issues in todays world.There are lot of managerial and operational issue in the hospitality industry.Some of the operating issues are standard operating procedure, food and safety, employee expectations, flexible working, socio- cultural issues, recruitment and retention, e-commerce etc whereas the managerial issue are key players in the hospitality industry, international aspects, marketing considerations, education and training providers, media issues etc. One of the important managerial issue in the accommodation sector is to identify the key players in the industry.There are lot of big brands who are leading in the market.So, you need to identify who are the key players and see how they manage their organisation in order to achieve their goals and objectives.Therefore, in order to remain competitive with such organisations you need to focus on the marketing strategy and providing good service to the guest.You should monitor the things happening around the organisation and should manage the staff properly in order to increase the level of output.Todays world is filled with competition so in order to be in the line you should try to focus on the staff management because if the staff is happy then only the organisation can achieve their goal.The guest judge the hotel by the level of service they provide and the facilities they offer so it is very important to provide quality of service to the guest. The operational issue should also be taken into consideration in order to have an effective organisation.One of the most important operational issue in the accommodation sector is employee expectations.Staff are the person responsible for the smooth operations of an organisation.Employee has lots of expectations from the management.They expect to receive their performance appraisal from their manager, to get trainings for their career development and growth, flexible working hours, good communication etc.They also want to have promotions and recognition for their hard work.So, it is an important contemporary issue.Therefore, for an organisation to be successful need to address the employee expectations. Another important operational issue in the accommodation sector is standard operating procedure. A standard operating procedure is a company wide formalised structure to handle specific operational activities. (operating procedure from ibis) .It helps to improve the quality and the speed of a particular operational procedure.For example booking of hotels can be done through internet.It will be easy for the guest to book the room on internet.They dont need to waste their time by calling the hotel and asking the receptionist for all the details.It is will be also easy for them if they need to make any changes for their booking.Moreover, the receptionist also can utilise their time by doing other important work instead of handling the telephone calls. Changes in last 20 years There have been tremenduous change in the accommodation sector in last 20 years.People have started spending more money in leisure travel and holidays.The innovation of budget airlines was also the main cause of people travelling from one place to another.Moreover, the budget hotel also came into existence which provided facilities to the guest in cheaper rate.So, people started to spent more money in the hospitality industry as a result of which it flourished significantly.The e-commerce was also introduced where people can book the hotel rooms through internet and make any changes in their bookings.They could find the information of the hotels and can choose the appropriate one.There was also the growth of large chain hotels and hospitality companies all across the world.There was emergence of quick service restaurants and the contract caterers such as garner merchant and compass.Moreover the big companies continue to become even larger through merger and acquisition.These all fact ors contributed to the significant changes in the hospitality industry. Current trends There are various current trends present in the accommodation sector.People have been much conscious about their health as a result of which they are attracted to healthy eating or the organic food.Innovations in technlogy is also one of the current trends.Due to inventions of new technnologies the life of people have become easier.The term globalisation has also created an impact upon the hospitality industry where people are thinking in the term of expanding their business all around the world like Accor groups.They are opening their hotel branches in most of the countries.Not only accor most of the leading hospitality brands are expanding their business all around the world.Consumer spending is also one of the current trends.People are tending to spent more money as a disposable income.Making bookings through the website reservations is also the trend that contribute to flourish the hospitality industry.People can easily book the rooms in the hotels. The current trends has positiv e impact upon the hospitality industry. Conclusion The hospitality industry is composed of two factors.They are accommodation and sustenance.Accommodation is one of the important sector of the hospitality industry.Millions of tourists come to London every year.So thousands of rooms are required to accommodate such tourists.Therefore, it is price worthy to invest in the accommodation sector.Moreover, the 2010 olympics is also coming nearer which means large number of tourists will be coming to this place.As a result they need to build more hotels for the tourists.So the business people can invest in this sector which would be more fruitful.On the other hand there are various contemporary issues facing the accommodation sector.We need to address the operational and managerial issues as soon as possible for the smooth functioning of the organisation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Nirvitarka Concentration as Represented In Narayans Mr Sampath Ess

The novels of R.K. Narayan reflect that Indian sensibility which has been acquired through the ages from the wisdom of Indian philosophical thought that has been continually enriched since the ancient times but which had receded since colonization. Narayan adopts this 'theoretical base of the Indian philosophical tradition to retrieve and reconstitute a sense of Indianness. Perhaps, this is why he has proved to be "the most lasting, highly rated and widely accessible, while his writing is the most consciously rooted in local circumstances, traditions and values" as claimed by Dennis Walde(694). Meenakshi Mukherjee had earlier recognized Gandhi as having reached the state of Jeevan Mukta as depicted in Waiting for the Mahatma (Mukherjee 99-100). Even V.P. Rao observed that "Krishnan practices some sort of yoga. He goes through the... The last three stages of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi."(Rao 32)Taking this a priory. I attempt to evaluate Srinivas of Mr Sampath on the scale of Patanjal i's Nirvitarka concentration as mentioned in his Yogasutra. Before embarking on the venture of interpreting Srinivas's experience of undergoing Nirvitarka concentration during an exorcist's ritual, it is imperative to have an overview of Patanjali's Yoga philosophy, of course, in a nutshell. Throughout this paper I have referred to P.N.Mukerji's translation of Patanjali's Yoga-sutra as well as of the commentary on Yoga philosophy by Swami Hariharananda Aranya. In his Yoga-sutra Patanjali expounds the theory of controlling the mind in order to know the Self. As he says, ;ksxfpÙko`fÙkfujks/k% (Aranya 7) Yoga is the discipline of restraining the fluctuation or modification caused due to the occupation of the mind. The occupation of the mind is to create t... ...his family, at the crucial moments of their life by acquiescing to take care of his father in the absence of Ravi and his mother when she takes Ravi to the tantric's village Works Cited Aranya,Swami Hariharananda.Yoqa Philosophy of Patanjali Trans.P, N.Mukerji.Calcutta: University Press, 1963. Bowling,L.E. "What is the Stream of Conscious Technique." Critical Approaches To Fiction. Ed.Shiv K.Kumar and Keith Mckean. New Delhi: Atlantic, 2003.331-345. Mukherjee,Meenakshi. The Twice Born Fiction. New Delhi: Heinemann, 1974. Narayan,R.K. "Mr. Sampath." The World of Malqudi. Ed.S.Krishnan. New Delhi: Viking, 2000. Rao,V.P. "The Art of R.K.Narayan." The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 5(1968) 32-35 Warder, Dennis. Post-Colonial Literatures in English: History, Language, Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998.Ind.Rpt.2002.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Do You Believe in Love at First Sight Do You Believe in Love at First Sight ?

â€Å"Do you believe in love at first sight ? Or .. um .. should I walk by again ? â€Å" Blush .. Blush .. Well , Ladies and gentlemen ! Honestly , even If I keep walking past you in ‘circles’ , you won’t fall in â€Å"love† with me . Yes , you might have a crush on me , my presence may cause a powerful infatuation , but it would not , my friends , be love †¦ To all those who immediately got those contradicting thoughts in their minds , Ladies and Gentlemen ! I speak †¦ of experience . . . 22nd October 2010 â€Å"Omg ! Omg ! Omg ! Did you See him † â€Å"Umm .. Who? † â€Å"That guy!!The one with the deep black eyes !! † â€Å"Uh well   Fatima , most boys here have ‘black’ eyes .. And secondly , we’re here for academic purposes .. not for mating ! † â€Å"I know , But .. but †¦ Omg ! He’s so .. so hawwtt ! I mean , so attractive .. so beautiful .. He’s , he’s like a d ream come alive , incredible †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Woaaahh ! Wait , wait a minute ! Who is this guy ? † â€Å"The one , the one that just passed by us !! † â€Å"Umm †¦ ? † â€Å"The one with the light spikes†¦ ? â€Å" â€Å" Ughh , I dunno .. well common Fatima , I think we should get back to work †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢   Ã¢â‚¬Å"But .. †¦ †¦ †¦ †Three days Later â€Å"Fatima !! FATIMA ! WHAT . IS . THE . CHEMICAL FORMUALE OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE !! â€Å"      Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Oh , Yes sir ? †¦ Sorry sir †¦ I dunno †¦. â€Å" â€Å"Out Of the Class !! † Later that day â€Å"Fatima , you were Actually day dreaming in the â€Å"Chemistry class â€Å" ! What were you thinking !? † â€Å"Umm .. you know , about Arham â€Å" â€Å"Arhum ? Who Arhum ? † â€Å"The .. the guy , the one I told you about the other day †¦ ’   Ã¢â‚¬Å"What ?! You were actually serious about him ? You don’t even know him ! And .. How do you know his name ? † â€Å"Yes ofcourse I was serious ! You don’t know .. e’s the one I’ve been waiting for .. My soullmate †¦ I know , God created us a pair .. I .. I just know . And Pluss , I spent 5 hours on facebook searching   and finally I found him !! I’ll send you the link !! † â€Å"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Well , I think that’s stupidiy .. I mean .. I dunno †¦ Anyways , did you send him a friend request ? † â€Å"No, I didn’t †¦. Boys ask out girls first . † â€Å"But he doesn’t even know you !!! † â€Å"He does ! I’m sure we’re bonded . he’ll come to me one day . † â€Å"So what are you gonna do till then †¦ Day dream ? Listen to slow romantic songs?Smile in solitude like a freak? Or .. † â€Å"Enoughh! !! That’s it ! Lets go now .. â€Å" It continued like that †¦ Arh am played in my mind like a symphony . I felt my heart beat like â€Å" Arham †¦ Arhum †¦ Arhum †¦ Until , two weeks later , my friend told me : â€Å"Fatima ! Did you see Arhum’s display picture on facebook ? : â€Å"Omg ! No I didn’t , we were out yesterday ! â€Å" â€Å"You know what ? He was holding hands with this girl and there was an edited heart over it† â€Å"What †¦ ? †¦ †¦ .. She must be his cousin †¦ I know .. he’s not like that â€Å" â€Å"Cummon Fatima ! Use your senses ! † â€Å"No!You know when I looked at him †¦ O could see the purity , the decency in him .. He’s a good boy â€Å" â€Å"Well .!! You’re Impossible †¦ ! † With the passage of time and my , I guiltily say â€Å" desperate† condition , I came to know many facts about Arhum †¦ among which some of the slightly bad ones were that .. he smokes , he was once suspended for two days , umm à ¢â‚¬ ¦ he got just four D’s in his mocks and .. well , I had thought of censoring that one , but he’s the only , proud record holder of changing Seven genuine , pretty girlfriends in just grade ten .! At first , I defended his acts at my best .However it was only a matter of time before I came familiar to the devilish character underneath that sweet , angelic face . On the upcoming school gathering , miraculously , I locked eyes with Arhum the second time in my life   Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ who was enjoying the company of yet , another girl . I felt hatred run through my body †¦ Those eyes .. the ones which once struck me blind now appeared to be the eyes of the   Satan itself . His spikes , well now he looked as if he had suffered an electric shock . In my mind , I cursed him in â€Å"Four† different languages .So what became of the love I felt , eh? The la la la melody which made me dance in front of my mirror .. Well , you know what guys ? The feeling went as quick ly as it had come .. The â€Å"love† we call is more like a seasonal virus , or should I say more like dengue . This is where I say , I do not believe in love at first sight ! So , for God’s sake , please do not fall for   those falling pants , and yeah , those mascara and kajal clad eyes . It was my responsibility to warn you and now that I have , thankyou and goodbye . Well , now excuseme ladies and ‘not so gentle’men .! (:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Communication Theories Paper Essay Example

Communication Theories Paper Essay Example Communication Theories Paper Essay Communication Theories Paper Essay Communication Theories Melody Lewis October 1, 2012 Com/ 310 During the past few weeks, we have learned about seven different theories. Each theory has explained how each theory compares to communication. They all are equal to each other in a certain way and sometimes generate with things that we do in our everyday life. The three theories that I will be talking about in my paper is the Relational Dialectics Theory, Social Exchange Theory, and the Organizational Information Theory. In my paper, I will give the definition to each and explain how I can relate to these theories. The relational dialectics theory is a concept within the communication theory. This concept could be interpreted as a knot of contradictions in personal relationships or an unceasing interplay between contrary or opposing tendencies(ask. com/communication theory). This theory explains how a relationship is formed between people that meet each other for the first time. When we meet people right off we might not have a connection with them right off, but once we get to know them a relationship is born. We can always let ourselves know if we like a person depending on the way the communication go. In my past relationships, I have always been the person with a voice. I could always express what I was thinking our wanted them to know. I think during my relationships the communication was effective in many ways. If we did not communicate our relationship goes nowhere. If I didn’t like something that was going on or something I did not like, I would let them know. One thing about me is that I don’t take anyone’s disrespect and I think that’s why the guys I dated didn’t last long. I think the communication in my past could have been better if they knew what to say. I am the type of person that doesn’t like a lot of lying and it’s hard to trust or believe people when they lie. I think in the future I can learn how to trust. I have a big issue with trusting my feelings to people. I know I can do better with that. The social exchange theory is a social psychological and sociological perspective that explains social change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. Social exchange theory posits that all human relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and the comparison of alternatives. When we think about this theory, we think about our relationships that we may have with family, friends, or a boyfriend or girlfriend. We have to think about the things that we would want out of that relationship and the things we can give back. When you think about the things that you can contribute to a relationship, you might set your standards a little high. When my relationship first started with my husband, I had just got out of a bad breakup. I had a guy that thought putting his hands on me and cursing me out was okay. We never really just fought because I’m not that type, but he tried to choke me. I would never let anyone put their hands on me, so when I meet my husband my guards were up. I told him that I didn’t want a relationship, but we could friends. After a while, we began to know each other and then some years later we got married. I think my problem was fear and I didn’t want him to know that I was in a relationship where the guy didn’t respect me. I have become a better person, because I open up my feelings to my husband and I let him know just what I feel. If he does something that I don’t like I will let him know. He always thinks I’m being mean, but I think I’m being cautious about my feelings. I love my husband and I want our marriage to work off love and trust. When you get married, a lot of things change and you have to be willing to give a little in order to get. You have to be willing to sacrifice what you are attached to and change for the better. I think my communication since my last break up has been a little better. I have learned to listen first and then respond. I have taught myself that I am never always right and I do need to trust more. My husband has helped me and I think that’s why my communication is better. I think in the future I will have more effective skills when talking to people. I need to talk a little better with my husband and with my employees. The organizational information theory builds upon general system theory and focuses on the complexity of information management within an organization. The theory addresses how organizations reduce equivocality, or uncertainty through a process of information collection, management and use. This theory could be based on how you can organize a way to gather information if you were trying to conduct a meeting. When you work in a company, you will have meeting. These meetings are made to communicate what is going on in the work place. You might have some people that communicate to you on paper and you have to follow along, but most of the time you will have a person in front of you and a paper to follow. Where I work at, we have meetings that give us general information about the dos and don’ts that can go on in the work place. A lot of jobs have dos and don’ts and they are very important to follow them. We also have meeting to let our employees know what is going on and what is to come. At my second job, we have an informal meeting. We have all the employees come to the job and we talk about what is going on and does anyone have something they want to say. We try not to point the blame and we try to hear everyone out. I am the type of person that will listen first and act on it. Sometimes the communication you have with a person can get a bit heated that’s why you want to make sure you are well organized. I think when I deal with my employees they try to take advantage of me. Some feel that I’m the same age as them, so they don’t want to show me respect. I demand my respect and that’s where it comes back to being organized. When you are trying to communicate with your boss or employees, you want to make sure you have all your ideas and viewpoints wrote down. I have recently become a preschool teacher and we have a lot of paper work that has to be turned in. We have to make sure that we are organized at all times and that we communicate, so we can have all or paperwork done correct. When you are a school teacher, you have to communicate with the kids, the parents, and you’re other workers. During the years, we have parent meetings to give the parents a chance to voice their opinion and to see what their children do every day. We also have to have the children on an organization level. We set a time so that they can transition from one place to the other. We have to keep their little mines organized on what we do day by day. If we can stay on schedule, they get use to doing the same thing every day. We have to keep folders on each child and making sure that it stays organized so that we can communicate with the parent is very effective. I know that learning these communication theories will help me as a teacher. I have to make sure my communication skills stay on top. In the future, when I go on to become the best teacher I know I can be I want my children to have the same communication skills I have. During this class, I have learned about many different communication theories and they all have something in common. We have learned that communication can come in many different ways and we communicate every day. In my line of work, I have to make sure my communication is soft and kind because I deal with children. I think there are ways that we communicate depending on the people we talk to. When we are at work we communicate on a professional level and we know what to say and what not to say. We have to make sure that we remember what type of surroundings we are in. When we are communicating with family, we might have another way of communicating. We might say hello or maybe give each other a kiss; we might shack hands and we might not say anything at all. I know when I talk to my family I always say hello and then we might kiss each other on the cheek. My sisters and I always greet each other in a unique way. We might fight, but we always have a good communication and we always say we love each other. When I communicate with my kids, I have to stay calm and remember that they are children. Sometimes they can do things that will make you so mad, but I remain calm and talk to them like they are supposed to be talked to. When you talk to your children, we have to learn that they are little people and we have to have an understanding that we are the parents. As I progress in the future, I will try to learn how to communicate better with my coworkers because we don’t get along all the time. The reason is that we fail to communicate on a serious level. We all have something to say and some might want to point the blame, but that doesn’t solve anything. I have to learn that my communication can be much calmer. I would like to learn how to control my communication and the way I deliver it. I also want to learn how to communicate better in my marriage. I know that I can a little hot head, and I need to learn how to talk to my spouse in a calmer manner. Sometimes I think I’m always right, so communication I think is my biggest challenge. Reference Page www. bing. com/ communication theories www. wikipedia. com www. ask. com/ communication theory

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Leech and Leach

Leech and Leach Leech and Leach Leech and Leach By Maeve Maddox Reader Erik Engstrom was surprised to see this misuse of the word leech in an article at Wired: . . . certain chemicals that leech metals from the body. Pronounced the same [lÄ“ch], leech and leach have different meanings. The word leech is the old word for â€Å"doctor.† It comes from OE laece, â€Å"physician.† Leech meaning â€Å"bloodsucking aquatic worm† may have originally been a different word, but assimilated to the word for doctor, possibly because doctors used leeches for blood-letting. Figuratively, a leech is a person in a parasitic relationship with another. The word leach comes from the OE verb leccan, â€Å"to moisten.† In current usage the verb leach refers to percolation of a liquid. The Wired writer was using the word in the sense of â€Å"to take away by percolation.† Related to leach is the word leak, â€Å"to let water in or out.† It may seem that the figurative sense of leak to mean allowing secret matters come to public attention must be a 20th century innovation, but it’s not. The intransitive use of leak with this figurative meaning dates from 1832. The transitive use, â€Å"to leak information,† is recorded from 1859. The figurative use of the noun leak to mean the information leaked didn’t come along until 1950: The Post published the latest leak from the White House. We can thank Henry Miller for the first published use of leak as a noun meaning â€Å"the act of urination† (Tropic of Cancer [1934]). Leak as a verb meaning â€Å"to piss,† however, dates from 1596. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:10 Types of Transitions20 Movies Based on Shakespeare Plays

Monday, November 4, 2019

This paper is a Historical Monograph paper of Jonathon I. Israel's Term

This is a Historical Monograph of Jonathon I. Israel's European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism 1550-1750 - Term Paper Example â€Å"the notion†¦ of a specifically Jewish commerce served a vital function in Western thought. It served to abstract various types of activities from the generality of economic life and, through their association with stigmatized Jews, make them vehicles for expressing widely felt anxieties about commerce in a manner that was politically safe and psychically tolerable.† As a result, there were changes that improved social interactions and developed the economy. Israelites incorporated the changes in the third edition where they talked about the new issues that affected their life, ranging from judgments and figures involved. According to the Europe History in the years 1550 to 1750, the old system were being faced off and replaced by the elites, and modern techniques of conducting business in the society. As a result, there were arguments that modernization in the communities brought changes in the human way of living. This was evidence when it affected the morals, unif ication, and the peace the society had initially. The Jewish argument had some implication that could bring new and positive changes to the Jewish communities and their economy. This could also bring equality in the activities they carried out, how they conducted themselves, and ways to make funds to eliminate their traditional believes. Based on Israel’s views, â€Å"the Jews’ commercial identities served as a barometer of shifting general attitudes toward commerce, money, and credit as a whole.† This was clear when the Jewish through business managed to unite with the Jews who were isolated and worked with them tolerating each other carrying on with their politics in a safe way. Results found by the Historians and science researchers revealed that, both the credit from the government and non-government organizations promoted the social interactions, changes in the economy and politics in Europe. Their commerce activities progressed when they decided to abandon segregation especially when it came to religion. The author also tries to figure out how neutral the European community was especially when they were trying to absorb the modern way of living in their society. Different questions were posed in line with the situation that, Europe was in leaving traces in the political firms and Judiciary. For example, the manner in which educated persons and the normal people coped with impersonal businesses. According to many scholars, there were certain forms in which there was interconnection between social and legal aspects in credit matters. The author also uses a legend to instill information in his evidence. The details that pertains the legend are that, the Jews dismissed this historical belief from France when the bills that were exchanged by then still existed. The legend was spread in the entire Europe during the 17th and 18th century but in this age, only few people talk about it. Credit was perceived to make one wealthier or even take away the riches. This could be realized through the bills of exchange that could show the advantages and disadvantages of the credit. It also made it easier for payments to be done in different states and to enhance more duration for the credit that expired for a short period. So far, this showed improvements in

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Study of Internal and External Effects on Entrepreneurship in The Dissertation

A Study of Internal and External Effects on Entrepreneurship in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example The development of the telecommunication technology since the beginning of the current century has played a major role in the process of bringing a massive technological evolution and enhancement in the lives of the masses around the world. The rising level of internet connectivity and Wi-Fi penetration in various markets and regions around the world along with the factor of rising popularity of various sophisticated technology enabled gadgets like the Smartphones, tablets and laptops has played the role of a major catalyst in diffusing the technological and communication related advancement in markets around the world. It is important to state that the high levels of internet connectivity coupled with the rising acceptance of various end user technological devices has helped in the process of transforming the world in to a single highly connected entity. As a result of this technological transformation in to a well connected single virtual entity, various new trends are emerging fro m marketplaces around the world. The new trends which are emerging in the markets of both developed as well as emerging regions are often a by product of globalization as well as new innovation of incremental or radical nature in case of product or services. The rising globalization powered innovative product and service trends are playing an important role in triggering the consumer demand for various innovative products and services in the globally connected markets. As a result of the growing demand for new kinds of products and services in markets around the world, various new opportunities of business are emerging on a regular basis. To tap the new business opportunities that are emerging in various international markets, business organizations and enterprises located in different markets around the world are focusing on engaging in cross border trade activities like engaging in trade export or directly entering the new markets of growth. With the entry of new players of foreig n orientation in a particular market, the dynamics of market competition gets enhanced in a tremendous manner. The entry of new players in the market significantly increases the availability of homogeneous products and services in the markets, which directly leads to a rise of substitute products and services for the consumers. As a result, it can be simply said that the rise of consumer choices alters the power dynamics existing in the market from the sellers to the buyers. Apart from the rise of competition in various new markets, it is very important to consider the multiple macroeconomic issues that currently exist in the global markets. The current trends reveal that the growth prospects in most of the developing economies has slowed down in the recent times because of the influence of a variety of factors like high debt, corruption, tremendous currency fluctuations as well as lack of proper policy development. A region by region analysis of the various macroeconomic factors

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Can freedom of speech, as an absolute right, be defended on Research Paper

Can freedom of speech, as an absolute right, be defended on utilitarian terms If not, can Ronald Dworkin defend it as a 'fundam - Research Paper Example ..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.10 Abstract This paper concentrates on the notion of freedom of speech and how its functioning has been elucidated in a synchronized manner. The paper also entails the analysis of how freedom of speech as an absolute right can be defended on the utilitarian ground. The last part deals with the critical evaluation of how the famous liberal scholar, Ronald Dworkin, defended the freedom of speech as a fundamental human right and how far he is able to achieve his goal. The general intellection of almost all philosophers today is that human beings with the virtue of their nature possess moral rights in terms of both special rights (for example, the right of a creditor to collect his money from debtor) and general rights. According to the majority of the philosophers, the general notion of belief is that there is compatibility between utilitarianism and moral rights. For instance, the famous British philosopher John Stuart Mill, wh ose contribution is immense in the field of philosophy, perceives a congruency between utilitarianism and moral rights. ... 1. Utilitarianism In order to understand the interaction between utilitarianism and moral rights, it is necessary to define utilitarianism at first. According to John Stuart Mill, â€Å"the utilitarian approach is that happiness is desirable, and the only thing, desirable as an end; all other things being desirable as means to that end.† In support of this he has also mentioned: â€Å"If so, happiness is the sole end of human action, and the promotion of it is the test by which to judge of all human conduct, from whence it necessarily follows that it must be the criterion of morality, since a part is included in the whole† (Brandt 1992, pp.197-198). The concept of utilitarianism was ushered in the 19th century by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill to help the legislative units frame different laws which are morally optimal. In the utilitarian approach, firstly various courses of action are identified. After that the entities to be possibly affected by each action and w hat benefits or harms will be caused by each action need to be evaluated. Lastly, a certain action is chosen to produce the greatest benefits and least harm (Velasquez et al., 2010). 2. Freedom of speech as an absolute right and utilitarianism Freedom of speech is invariably represented as a fundamental right by written Constitution and bills against state suppression and regulation. Freedom of speech is an important concept. The prime function of the freedom of speech is a representative range of views. These views are mainly responsible for the decision making processes at all levels in a societal structure. These are the prime functions of freedom of speech. Implementation of a decision is deemed to be successful when it is done after ample

Monday, October 28, 2019

Stolen Generation Facts Term Paper Essay Example for Free

Stolen Generation Facts Term Paper Essay â€Å"Indigenous children have been forcibly separated from their families and communities since the very first days of the European occupation of Australia† obtained from the Bringing Them Home Report Who are the Stolen Generations The term ‘stolen generations† is in reference to those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed, as children, from their families and communities by government, welfare and affiliated church organisations. These children were systematically placed into institutional care or with non-Indigenous foster families. Although it can be argued that the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children began as early as the very first days of European occupation in Australia, the forced removal policies and legislation began in the mid 1800s and continued until the 1970s. There is current discourse in Aboriginal communities supporting the notion that the removal of Aboriginal children from their families and communities continues to exist today in the form of complexities associated with current government policies and legislation and the over representation of Aboriginal children in out of home care. How and why do we know the forcible removal of Aboriginal children occurred in NSW? New South Wales, along with other Australian state and territory governments have acknowledged past practices and policies of forced removal of Indigenous children on the basis of race. The Bringing Them Home Report, commissioned by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) and presented to the Australian government in 1997 came out of the HREOC National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families. This report was central to documenting evidence relating to the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in NSW and Australia wide. This report contains extensive evidence of past practices and policies which resulted in the removal of children. It also details the conditions into which many of the children were placed and discusses the negative impact this has had on individuals, their families and the broader Indigenous community. The Bringing Them Home Report (1997, p. 651) extensively suggested 53 detailed recommendations to the Council of Australian Governments. For further information on the Bringing Them Home Report and the recommendations that were put forward to the Australian government, please go to Link-Up NSW a Koori organisation founded in 1980 was established to assist the Stolen Generations in finding their way home as well as support families of people who were separated from their children. This removal occurred as the result of official laws and policies aimed at assimilating the Indigenous population into the wider community. What is a Koori? â€Å"There are many terms in use around Australia for the word â€Å"Aborigine†. In most areas of NSW the term â€Å"Koori† is used. There are several other words which are used around Australia such as – â€Å"Goori† (northern NSW/QLD), â€Å"Murri† (northern NSW/QLD), â€Å"Nunga† (SA) and â€Å"Nyoongah† (WA). There are many areas/regions that have retained their cultural language and have different terms to describe themselves† Link Up NSW. Timeline of government legislation The below synopsis can be identified as proof of an extensive history of legislative frameworks provided for the removal of Aboriginal children from their families, clans and communities, through an english common law regime in NSW. Under the guise of protection, Aboriginal people were subject to near total control. This systematic approach to the forcible removal of Aboriginal children in NSW can be identified by many government Acts including: 1810s – Governor Macquarie: Proclamation 4 May 1816, Aborigines declared subject to the protection of British law, but any crimes may render them outlawed and lead to loss of privileges 1849 – Act to provide for the Care and Education of Infants who may be convicted of Felony or Misdemeanour – whereby a child under the age of 19 is convicted, court may assign care and custody of the child to such persons as make application where the court is satisfied it is for the benefit of the child. 1881 – State Children Relief Act State Children’s Relief Board established. ‘Boarding out’ officers may remove children from charitable institutions and arrange for them to be boarded out in licensed homes. 1908 Establishment of Bomaderry United Aborigines Mission Home Consequently, the Aborigines Protection Board set-up in 1909 contributed to the United Aborigines Mission home at Bomaderry on the NSW south coast where younger children and babies were placed. 1909 – Aborigines Protection Act – Established the Aborigines Protection Board (APB) for the Protection of Aborigines. The duration of this Act was for 60 years until its replacement in 1969. A key provision of this Act was to provide for the custody, maintenance and education of the children of ‘Aborigines’. 1911 – Establishement of Cootamundra Girls Home Cootamundra was the first of the homes for Aboriginal children set up by the APB. The main aim of the Board was to rescue Aboriginal children from their families and assimilate them into the white community. Girls were the main target of the Board, especially so-called half-caste or mixed blood girls. The girls were trained as domestic servants and sent out to work for middle class white families. 1915 – Aboriginal Protection Amending Act – Removed the requirement that an Aboriginal child had to be found to be neglected before the Board could remove him/her. The discourse associated with the presumption of ‘neglect’, a requirement initially implemented by the Act was disempowering for Aboriginal mothers, fathers and families as there was no recourse for Aboriginal people who challenged the notion of ‘neglect’ that was often decided at the whim of a government inspectors own beliefs and values – these officials held the sole power in determining neglect. This practice was further exacerbated by views of assimilation of Aboriginal people into mainstream white society to ease the pillow of Aboriginal people as a dying race. 1918 – Establishment of Kinchela Boys Home The Board established Kinchela Training Institution in northern NSW for boys. The APB opened the Kinchela Boys Home with the official purpose of providing training for Aboriginal boys between the ages of five and fifteen. These boys were taken from their families by the State from all over New South Wales. 1940 Aborigines Protection (Amendment) Act– Aborigines Protection Board replaced by the Aborigines Welfare Board (AWB). This Board took responsibility for Aboriginal ‘wards’ removed under the Child Welfare Act 1939. This Board had the power to establish ‘homes for the reception, maintenance, education and training’ of wards. This included the administration of the major institutions already established in NSW including Kinchela, Cootamundra, and the Bomaderry Children’s Home. The Board administered ‘apprenticeships’ and young Aboriginal children were ‘indentured’ to work (farm hands/domestics). Wages of the children were to be paid to the board and kept in a trust account for use by the Board for the ward’s benefit until the ward turned 21. 1943 Aborigines Protection (Amendment) Act –The Board is the authority in relation to children admitted to its control with power over removal and transfer of wards, apprenticing wards and approving custody of wards. 1969 Repealed by the Aborigines Act – Aborigines Welfare Board abolished. Aboriginal children under the care of the AWB to become wards of the state. Aboriginal childrens institutions deemed to be depots under the Child Welfare Act 1939 and subsequent child welfare legislation. The apology Why was it important to apologise to the Stolen Generations? Recommendation 5a (2) from the Bringing Them Home Report suggests that all Australian parliaments â€Å"negotiate with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission a form of words for official apologies to Indigenous individuals, families and communities and extend those apologies with wide and culturally appropriate publicity†. â€Å"This issue is a ‘blank spot’ in the history of Australia. The damage and trauma these policies caused are felt everyday by Aboriginal people. They internalise their grief, guilt and confusion, inflicting further pain on themselves and others around them. It is about time the Australian Government openly accepted responsibility for their actions† (Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter in Buti A, Bringng Them Home the ALSA Way). In essence, formal government apologies provided a way for Australian governments to recognise the damning effects of removal policies of the past. The lifelong profoundly disabling consequences of those taken, meant that they lost all connection to family, traditional land, culture and language. On 14 November 1996, the Premier of NSW, Bob Carr, became the first head of an Australian government to respond to the call from the Governor General, Sir William Deane, for all Parliaments to reaffirm their commitment to reconciliation. The Premier’s resolution was passed unanimously. The NSW Premier was also the first state leader to offer a formal apology to the Aboriginal people for the Stolen Generations. On 13th February 2008, in a historic speech, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formally apology to the Stolen Generations in his first official parliamentary sitting which was the commencement of the 42nd parliament of the commonwealth. Receving a formal apology by the Prime Minsiter of Australia has allowed the start of the healing process In a response to the National apology to the Stolen Generations, Tom Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, HREOC stated â€Å"Through one direct act, Parliament has acknowledged the existence and the impacts of the past policies and practices of forcibly removing Indigenous children from their families. And by doing so, has paid respect to the Stolen Generations for their suffering and loss. For their resilience. And ultimately, for their dignity†.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Analysis of Emily Dickinsons I Felt a Funeral in My Brain :: Felt a Funeral in My Brain Essays

An Analysis of Emily Dickinson's I Felt a Funeral in My Brain This poem is very interesting in many aspects because it reminds me of a person that I use to know. In my life I have met people just like Emily Dickinson who were mentally depressed and very unsociable. In this poem it shows how unstable her mind was in words that she wrote in her poems. I do not want people to get me wrong she was a very smart woman it was said that she attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley, it also said that she was one of the best poets of all times. I do not understand were she went wrong because she lived a normal childhood in which she was very bright, witty, friendly to people, she had friends, and she went to parties. So where did she go wrong? By her early 30's she began to separate herself from everyone, even the people who she obviously loved had to speak with her from the other side of a closed door. In her life it was that she was in love with some man who died this maybe her for become very depressed. Emily Dickinson was ver y suicidal (meaning she tried to kill her many times, but was afraid of what it would be like). I am glad we got this poem because I have some things I would like to say about this weird acting woman. In my town were I come from their was a girl who acted just like this lady. This girl would not talk to anyone, she would run away all the time, she tried to commit suicide a couple of times, but did not succeed. Her parents it seemed they would be always looking for he all the time. So finally one day they decided to put her into a hospital to see what was causing her to act like this. In my mind I think she was depressed because she did not have any friends. And according to my knowledge Emily Dickinson was the same way. Emily Dickinson was a very smart person, but she was very strange acting. For example, I read her poem " I Felt a

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Caliban Portrayed as a Child in The Tempest Essay example -- Tempest e

Caliban Portrayed as a Child in The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Can a grown adult develop and act like a child?   Shakespeaer's answer would have been yes.   This fact is depicted through the character of Caliban.   Caliban's speech and manners, as well as his thought, all display the very basic reactions and notions of human beings.   He is also controlled by a parent figure who comes in the form of Prospero.   An analysis of Caliban can hold him up to Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, which focuses on the development of children.   Caliban, unquestionably, fits one of Piaget's developmental stages.   Jean Piaget developed his Theory of Cognitive Senses in 1952.   According to Piaget, as children develop, they must make constant mental adaptations to new observations and experiences.   Piaget's theory was made up of four stages; the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operations stage, and the formal operations stage.   If children can be defined by these stages, it is important to note that Shakespeare's character Caliban can also be defined by Piaget's theory because he is presented ultimately as a child.   Part of his child-like demeanor stems from the fact that he is comparable to the primitive savage who does not understand the Western European world.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Caliban fits directly into Piaget's second stage of development, the preoperational stage   (Lamming 87).   According to Piaget, this describes most two to seven year old humans.   Although children in this stage can think, they are largely limited by what they can actually do.   They cannot reason, and they lack the mental abilities necessary for understanding abstract principles or cause and effect. Piaget called these missing abilities operatio... ...s of cognitive development, which suggests that Caliban has the mannerisms, actions, and ideas of a child around six or seven years old.   This is important to consider, because Caliban's actions have also been compared to the notion of Freud's id; he asks like the compulsive, troublemaking child.   Hence, the idea of the sympathetic but frustrating child is presented in the character of Caliban.    Works Cited Griffiths, Trevor R., "This island's mine: Caliban an Colonialism," Yearbook of English Studies 13(1983), pp. 159-80    Lawrence, Erol.   "Just plain common-sense: The roots of racism," in CCCS, 1982, pp. 47-92.    Lamming, Geroge.   The Pleasures of Exile.   London and New York: Allsion and Busby, 1984.    Mannoni, O., Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonizaiton, trans. Pamela Powesland (New York, Praeger, 1964).      

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mini Marketing Plan- Organic Food Essay

I. Executive Summery Sunny Farm Organic Food Company is a small start-up company which is located in Dalian and now mainly focuses on the market of Northeast China. Sunny Farm sells many kinds of organic food which include grain, vegetables, fruits, dairy, spices, tea, and animal products. Nowadays, organic food’s share of food market is low, but it has a huge potential for development. How to compete and how to gain competitive advantage in this emerging market become the biggest challenges to the company. The primary marketing objectives are to improve the market channel, which can help goods flow more smoothly and reach more audience, and to maintain a good relationship with customers. Since Sunny Farm engaged in food market, which is indispensible in daily life, it is currently considered a business-to-customer marketer. The plan calls for Sunny Farm to engage and capture 20 percent of the Northeast China (three provinces) organic food market. II. Environmental Analysis Sunny Farm Organic Food was founded two years ago by entrepreneurs Calais Chen and Lizzie Zhang. Sunny Farm’s products reflect Calais’s and Lizzie’s passion for high-quality food and those products catch up with the trend of green life. Sunny Farm now has many counters in supermarkets and food shops of main cities, Northeast China. A. The Marketing Environment 1. Competitive forces. The competition in organic food is relative weak in northeastern region compared to middle and southern regions because only a few competitors exist. The competition within the food industry is intense but still, it’s a market with great potential. Ordinary food is the primary competitor and also the leader; it takes up more than 90percent of market share due to its lower price and mass production. And the less than 10percent market is divided among the existing firms. However, the new industry is developing and full of vigor, more and more competitors are expected to enter the market in the near future. 2. Economic forces. The whole economy environment is quite well. The former economic crisis had little impact on northeast China. People have more money to spend to live a higher standard life. Organic food may be a good choice. Even though its price is at least 30percent higher than same kind ordinary food, it has many incomparable advantages. Recent years, with the change in people’s concept of consumption, they are much more willingly to spend money related to health. 3. Political forces. No. 4. Legal and regulatory forces. In recent years, more attention has been paid to food safety due to negative news. Much legislation has been published to cope with such problems. However, the restrictions put on organic food is much strict than those put on ordinary food. COFCC (China Organic Food Certification Center) is responsible for certification, management, and inspection of organic food, supports for fostering organic food market. 5. Technological forces. Organic food is strong dependent on environment – soil, weather, sunlight, and artificial intervention. The quality of organic food is not as stable as mass produced industrial production.. A major emerging technological trend involves ecological agriculture model, which includes ecological farming, contract farming, food processing, clean energy, organic fertilizer, etc. 6. Sociocultural forces. In today’s society, people earn more and concern more about higher standard of living. Organic food starts getting popular and that fits an overall trend among middle-class Chinese toward buying high-quality products with greater nutritional value and better taste. Organic food also fits in other societal trends: a good choice of giving presents and the need of substantial development, for example. B. Target Market(s) As a company which has an advantage in the location, Sunny Farm must adapt to change and market dynamics, segment the market, enforce deep-processing and high-processing to satisfy the needs of personalized market. First of all, we should recognize who are willing to buy such expensive food, love to eat the foods, and take delight in talking about the foods at this stage. Nowadays, women take the responsibility for purchasing family food in most families and they dominant where does the market go. However, we divided organic food’s target market into women, children, vegetarian, elderly people, and gift markets. In these segmentations, women still play an important role because it’s women who usually buy food for children or elderly people. C. Current Marketing Objectives and Performance Sunny Farm’s main distribution channel is retailers, which include supermarkets and food shops. Currently, most of our customers learn our products by advertisements on local websites, magazines, or foretaste of our product on the counter. Sunny Farm offers discounts to members who buy products in the long-term. Customer relationship is crucial because customer has the publicity effect that advertisements couldn’t match. Most women are glad to share shopping and life experience; we found that part of our customers is introduced by friends or colleagues who bought our products. The company collects cash from retailers monthly and implements cash on delivery to online-ordered customers, thus our company has good control over cash flow currently. Sunny Farm takes up 10 percent of organic food market now and desires to double it in the following two years. Higher revenues and profits can help company improve products and services, thus attract more potential customers. III. SWOT Analysis A. Strengths 1. Sunny Farm Organic Food Company is located in Dalian, with organic farms in all three provinces, where have the most appropriate weather for plants/ fowls to grow (Three River Plain and Songnen Plain). Goods are delivered directly from farms to supermarkets, food shops, or customers to minimize pollution. 2. Organic food of our company has a high level of safety and quality. Pesticide, chemical fertilizers are strictly forbid to ensure its purity. Organic food will be prevailing in the food market in the foreseeable future. 3. Sunny Farm has a website that is designed concise and convenient. Online-ordered products could be sent within 8 hours within urban areas. The operation to order is very easy and we also offer telephone ordering. 4. Sunny Farm opens several of its organic farms to customers. Customers can have a deeper acknowledge of our products by seeing how we produce. B. Weaknesses 1. Organic food is prohibiting from addition of preservative, which gives Sunny Farm a great challenge to transportation because the freshness is very important for food. 2. The Sunny Farm’s food has higher price for is high cost which includes scientific research, transportation expense. The extremely strict regulation forced us to be accurate during the whole producing process. 3. Most of our foods are not as good-looking as those which contain many pesticides, fertilizer, and growth regulating hormone. Organic fruits and vegetables may have worm stings and smaller than ordinary ones. C. Opportunities 1. Organic food is gaining recognition from customers because increasing number of people is now aware of the importance of environmental protection. Recent issues of food safety, including melamine-tainted milk, tonyred egg, and clenbuterol pork, deepen consumer’s interest in organic food also. 2. Sunny Farm has already have 10percent of market share and those customers are precious. They can help company explore new customer resources. 3. Imported organic food is very expensive and many customers buy them before China’s local market has been developed. Sunny Farm’s products are not losing to imported food. D. Threats 1. Many customers choose vitamin pills or albumen powder to add nutrition to diet. These goods are easy to carry and have longer shelf life. 2. The cost of many links in the production chain is increasing, varying from production, collection, storage, to package. 3. Recent years, the cultivated area is decreasing sharply. Organic farms need enough lands to produce because they have to be far away from polluting factories. E. Matching Strength to Opportunities/ Converting Weaknesses and Threats 1. To maintain a desirable profit, Sunny Farm puts substantial effort on scientific research and helps company be more efficient. Price is an important criterion for customers. 2. Based on existing customers, who have a fine opinion of Sunny Farm’s product, we can explore potential customers to earn greater share of markets. 3. Sunny Farm plans to develop new product to meet with the changing needs with customers. For example, further process fruits/vegetables into dried one and satisfied the needs of office lady. IV. Marketing Objectives Sunny Farm Organic Food Company is in the business of helping people live a greener and healthier life. It has to overcome increasing cost and continue to improve the quality. Sunny Farm’s objective is to capture 20 percent of market share in the following two years and to have 80 percent of its customers indicate that they love the product and are willing to buy again. The following two years is extremely important for Sunny Farm’s future development. To accomplish the objective, we have more to do with scientific research to minimize producing cost, and improve the distribution channel to eliminate inefficient transportation. At the same time, we should increase sales by holding a public relations activity, and do sales promotions weekly in supermarkets. A good way to promote is to make our products more outstanding in the supermarket; sales force could negotiate with supermarket officials. Another good way is to contact an opinion leader and persuasive him/ her to give positive statement to our products. V. Marketing Strategies A. Target Market(s) Target Market 1: pregnant women. Their bodies are very sensitive to artificial chemicals and organic foods are safe and nutritious that would be great to help them go through the pregnant period and have healthy babies. Target Market 2: children. They are the hopes of family, parents and grandparents always try their best to afford a better living environment. The quality of food directly affects the children’s living quality and physical development. Target Market 3: young lady. Most Chinese young ladies are focus on whitening, losing weight, and they would spend much money on them. Organic product is natural and helps body eliminate toxicant. Target Market 4: gift market. Sunny Farm offers boxes loaded products which are aim at gift market. Organic food is the new trend. They are environmental-friendly and taste that donors will have â€Å"face† and recipients will feel novel. B. Marketing Mix 1. Products. Sunny Farm sells many kinds of organic food: grain, vegetables, fruits, dairy, spices, tea, and animal products. At the same time, Sunny Farm sells the idea of green life and sustainable development. 2. Price. Sunny Farm charges a comparative high price for is high-quality products. Our products worth that much. Once customers become aware of and experience the benefits of organic food, they would be generous to purchase. 3. Distribution. Sunny Farm use dual distribution. Customers can buy products from retailers like supermarkets and food shop and they can also order product online. (SunnyFarm. com. cn) 4. Promotion. Currently about 50 percent of customers reorder each month. Sunny Farm sent text messages or email to members monthly and members could accumulate points by buying product and redeem gifts in the year end. We should make sure that our new products can get enough attention. Holding a public relations activity is helpful. VI. Marketing Implementation A. Marketing Organization Sunny Farm is a customer-centered company and focuses its marketing efforts on satisfying customer’s needs. The company mainly has three teams: research team, sales team, and promotion team. Research team is responsible for uncovering new needs and develops new products. Also, this team should adjust existing system according to customers’ feedback. Sales force is responsible for increasing sales; they mainly focus on negotiation with market officials and shopkeepers. Promotion team is responsible for advertising and deals with customer relationship. Sunny Farm is a harmonious company. B. Activities, Responsibility, and Timetables for Completion All implementation activities begin at the start of 2013. By March 31, develop Customer Relationship Management. By April 30, survey existing customers and members to get more information and analyze the results. By June 31, start to contact with new customer for the current products. By August 31, develop a new product according to the former survey. By December 30, develop a plan that adjust the system and minimize unnecessary costs base on the yearly performance. VII. Evaluation and Control A. Performance Standards and Financial Controls A comparison between budget and actual expenditures will be included in the project report. The following performance standards and financial controls are suggested: The administrative expense should not greater than 5 percent of total expenditure. Each team is responsible for its own purpose as well as the common goal of company. Each team report financial expenditures quarterly of their project. The sales of new products will be evaluated to determine its future prospect. Cash flow should always be smooth. B. Monitoring Procedures A comparison between Sunny Farm’s actual performance and company’s objective is important to evaluate effectiveness. Following are monitoring procedures: Monitor click throughs, web page visits, and time spent on SunnyFarm. com. cn. to evaluate the online service. Monitor the effectiveness of member programs by assigning unique, customer-specific codes to each membership card. Track their buying. Compare budgeted and actual expense monthly within each team and company evaluates each team and the team director.