Friday, November 8, 2019

Communication Theories Paper Essay Example

Communication Theories Paper Essay Example Communication Theories Paper Essay Communication Theories Paper Essay Communication Theories Melody Lewis October 1, 2012 Com/ 310 During the past few weeks, we have learned about seven different theories. Each theory has explained how each theory compares to communication. They all are equal to each other in a certain way and sometimes generate with things that we do in our everyday life. The three theories that I will be talking about in my paper is the Relational Dialectics Theory, Social Exchange Theory, and the Organizational Information Theory. In my paper, I will give the definition to each and explain how I can relate to these theories. The relational dialectics theory is a concept within the communication theory. This concept could be interpreted as a knot of contradictions in personal relationships or an unceasing interplay between contrary or opposing tendencies(ask. com/communication theory). This theory explains how a relationship is formed between people that meet each other for the first time. When we meet people right off we might not have a connection with them right off, but once we get to know them a relationship is born. We can always let ourselves know if we like a person depending on the way the communication go. In my past relationships, I have always been the person with a voice. I could always express what I was thinking our wanted them to know. I think during my relationships the communication was effective in many ways. If we did not communicate our relationship goes nowhere. If I didn’t like something that was going on or something I did not like, I would let them know. One thing about me is that I don’t take anyone’s disrespect and I think that’s why the guys I dated didn’t last long. I think the communication in my past could have been better if they knew what to say. I am the type of person that doesn’t like a lot of lying and it’s hard to trust or believe people when they lie. I think in the future I can learn how to trust. I have a big issue with trusting my feelings to people. I know I can do better with that. The social exchange theory is a social psychological and sociological perspective that explains social change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. Social exchange theory posits that all human relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and the comparison of alternatives. When we think about this theory, we think about our relationships that we may have with family, friends, or a boyfriend or girlfriend. We have to think about the things that we would want out of that relationship and the things we can give back. When you think about the things that you can contribute to a relationship, you might set your standards a little high. When my relationship first started with my husband, I had just got out of a bad breakup. I had a guy that thought putting his hands on me and cursing me out was okay. We never really just fought because I’m not that type, but he tried to choke me. I would never let anyone put their hands on me, so when I meet my husband my guards were up. I told him that I didn’t want a relationship, but we could friends. After a while, we began to know each other and then some years later we got married. I think my problem was fear and I didn’t want him to know that I was in a relationship where the guy didn’t respect me. I have become a better person, because I open up my feelings to my husband and I let him know just what I feel. If he does something that I don’t like I will let him know. He always thinks I’m being mean, but I think I’m being cautious about my feelings. I love my husband and I want our marriage to work off love and trust. When you get married, a lot of things change and you have to be willing to give a little in order to get. You have to be willing to sacrifice what you are attached to and change for the better. I think my communication since my last break up has been a little better. I have learned to listen first and then respond. I have taught myself that I am never always right and I do need to trust more. My husband has helped me and I think that’s why my communication is better. I think in the future I will have more effective skills when talking to people. I need to talk a little better with my husband and with my employees. The organizational information theory builds upon general system theory and focuses on the complexity of information management within an organization. The theory addresses how organizations reduce equivocality, or uncertainty through a process of information collection, management and use. This theory could be based on how you can organize a way to gather information if you were trying to conduct a meeting. When you work in a company, you will have meeting. These meetings are made to communicate what is going on in the work place. You might have some people that communicate to you on paper and you have to follow along, but most of the time you will have a person in front of you and a paper to follow. Where I work at, we have meetings that give us general information about the dos and don’ts that can go on in the work place. A lot of jobs have dos and don’ts and they are very important to follow them. We also have meeting to let our employees know what is going on and what is to come. At my second job, we have an informal meeting. We have all the employees come to the job and we talk about what is going on and does anyone have something they want to say. We try not to point the blame and we try to hear everyone out. I am the type of person that will listen first and act on it. Sometimes the communication you have with a person can get a bit heated that’s why you want to make sure you are well organized. I think when I deal with my employees they try to take advantage of me. Some feel that I’m the same age as them, so they don’t want to show me respect. I demand my respect and that’s where it comes back to being organized. When you are trying to communicate with your boss or employees, you want to make sure you have all your ideas and viewpoints wrote down. I have recently become a preschool teacher and we have a lot of paper work that has to be turned in. We have to make sure that we are organized at all times and that we communicate, so we can have all or paperwork done correct. When you are a school teacher, you have to communicate with the kids, the parents, and you’re other workers. During the years, we have parent meetings to give the parents a chance to voice their opinion and to see what their children do every day. We also have to have the children on an organization level. We set a time so that they can transition from one place to the other. We have to keep their little mines organized on what we do day by day. If we can stay on schedule, they get use to doing the same thing every day. We have to keep folders on each child and making sure that it stays organized so that we can communicate with the parent is very effective. I know that learning these communication theories will help me as a teacher. I have to make sure my communication skills stay on top. In the future, when I go on to become the best teacher I know I can be I want my children to have the same communication skills I have. During this class, I have learned about many different communication theories and they all have something in common. We have learned that communication can come in many different ways and we communicate every day. In my line of work, I have to make sure my communication is soft and kind because I deal with children. I think there are ways that we communicate depending on the people we talk to. When we are at work we communicate on a professional level and we know what to say and what not to say. We have to make sure that we remember what type of surroundings we are in. When we are communicating with family, we might have another way of communicating. We might say hello or maybe give each other a kiss; we might shack hands and we might not say anything at all. I know when I talk to my family I always say hello and then we might kiss each other on the cheek. My sisters and I always greet each other in a unique way. We might fight, but we always have a good communication and we always say we love each other. When I communicate with my kids, I have to stay calm and remember that they are children. Sometimes they can do things that will make you so mad, but I remain calm and talk to them like they are supposed to be talked to. When you talk to your children, we have to learn that they are little people and we have to have an understanding that we are the parents. As I progress in the future, I will try to learn how to communicate better with my coworkers because we don’t get along all the time. The reason is that we fail to communicate on a serious level. We all have something to say and some might want to point the blame, but that doesn’t solve anything. I have to learn that my communication can be much calmer. I would like to learn how to control my communication and the way I deliver it. I also want to learn how to communicate better in my marriage. I know that I can a little hot head, and I need to learn how to talk to my spouse in a calmer manner. Sometimes I think I’m always right, so communication I think is my biggest challenge. Reference Page www. bing. com/ communication theories www. wikipedia. com www. ask. com/ communication theory

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