Sunday, November 10, 2019

Do You Believe in Love at First Sight Do You Believe in Love at First Sight ?

â€Å"Do you believe in love at first sight ? Or .. um .. should I walk by again ? â€Å" Blush .. Blush .. Well , Ladies and gentlemen ! Honestly , even If I keep walking past you in ‘circles’ , you won’t fall in â€Å"love† with me . Yes , you might have a crush on me , my presence may cause a powerful infatuation , but it would not , my friends , be love †¦ To all those who immediately got those contradicting thoughts in their minds , Ladies and Gentlemen ! I speak †¦ of experience . . . 22nd October 2010 â€Å"Omg ! Omg ! Omg ! Did you See him † â€Å"Umm .. Who? † â€Å"That guy!!The one with the deep black eyes !! † â€Å"Uh well   Fatima , most boys here have ‘black’ eyes .. And secondly , we’re here for academic purposes .. not for mating ! † â€Å"I know , But .. but †¦ Omg ! He’s so .. so hawwtt ! I mean , so attractive .. so beautiful .. He’s , he’s like a d ream come alive , incredible †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Woaaahh ! Wait , wait a minute ! Who is this guy ? † â€Å"The one , the one that just passed by us !! † â€Å"Umm †¦ ? † â€Å"The one with the light spikes†¦ ? â€Å" â€Å" Ughh , I dunno .. well common Fatima , I think we should get back to work †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢   Ã¢â‚¬Å"But .. †¦ †¦ †¦ †Three days Later â€Å"Fatima !! FATIMA ! WHAT . IS . THE . CHEMICAL FORMUALE OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE !! â€Å"      Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Oh , Yes sir ? †¦ Sorry sir †¦ I dunno †¦. â€Å" â€Å"Out Of the Class !! † Later that day â€Å"Fatima , you were Actually day dreaming in the â€Å"Chemistry class â€Å" ! What were you thinking !? † â€Å"Umm .. you know , about Arham â€Å" â€Å"Arhum ? Who Arhum ? † â€Å"The .. the guy , the one I told you about the other day †¦ ’   Ã¢â‚¬Å"What ?! You were actually serious about him ? You don’t even know him ! And .. How do you know his name ? † â€Å"Yes ofcourse I was serious ! You don’t know .. e’s the one I’ve been waiting for .. My soullmate †¦ I know , God created us a pair .. I .. I just know . And Pluss , I spent 5 hours on facebook searching   and finally I found him !! I’ll send you the link !! † â€Å"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Well , I think that’s stupidiy .. I mean .. I dunno †¦ Anyways , did you send him a friend request ? † â€Å"No, I didn’t †¦. Boys ask out girls first . † â€Å"But he doesn’t even know you !!! † â€Å"He does ! I’m sure we’re bonded . he’ll come to me one day . † â€Å"So what are you gonna do till then †¦ Day dream ? Listen to slow romantic songs?Smile in solitude like a freak? Or .. † â€Å"Enoughh! !! That’s it ! Lets go now .. â€Å" It continued like that †¦ Arh am played in my mind like a symphony . I felt my heart beat like â€Å" Arham †¦ Arhum †¦ Arhum †¦ Until , two weeks later , my friend told me : â€Å"Fatima ! Did you see Arhum’s display picture on facebook ? : â€Å"Omg ! No I didn’t , we were out yesterday ! â€Å" â€Å"You know what ? He was holding hands with this girl and there was an edited heart over it† â€Å"What †¦ ? †¦ †¦ .. She must be his cousin †¦ I know .. he’s not like that â€Å" â€Å"Cummon Fatima ! Use your senses ! † â€Å"No!You know when I looked at him †¦ O could see the purity , the decency in him .. He’s a good boy â€Å" â€Å"Well .!! You’re Impossible †¦ ! † With the passage of time and my , I guiltily say â€Å" desperate† condition , I came to know many facts about Arhum †¦ among which some of the slightly bad ones were that .. he smokes , he was once suspended for two days , umm à ¢â‚¬ ¦ he got just four D’s in his mocks and .. well , I had thought of censoring that one , but he’s the only , proud record holder of changing Seven genuine , pretty girlfriends in just grade ten .! At first , I defended his acts at my best .However it was only a matter of time before I came familiar to the devilish character underneath that sweet , angelic face . On the upcoming school gathering , miraculously , I locked eyes with Arhum the second time in my life   Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ who was enjoying the company of yet , another girl . I felt hatred run through my body †¦ Those eyes .. the ones which once struck me blind now appeared to be the eyes of the   Satan itself . His spikes , well now he looked as if he had suffered an electric shock . In my mind , I cursed him in â€Å"Four† different languages .So what became of the love I felt , eh? The la la la melody which made me dance in front of my mirror .. Well , you know what guys ? The feeling went as quick ly as it had come .. The â€Å"love† we call is more like a seasonal virus , or should I say more like dengue . This is where I say , I do not believe in love at first sight ! So , for God’s sake , please do not fall for   those falling pants , and yeah , those mascara and kajal clad eyes . It was my responsibility to warn you and now that I have , thankyou and goodbye . Well , now excuseme ladies and ‘not so gentle’men .! (:

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