Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lethal Injection: A study of influenza vaccines

Every guide gentle we hear the question did you get your in grippeenza shot yet? It is supposed to comfort you from that nasty flu virus that circulates our communities during the f entirely and winter months. But, did you know that in 2011 the Centers for complaint Control (CDC) Adverse Event account Systems Web point (AERS) reported 51 deaths ca employ by the flu vaccinum in the United States (U. S. ) (CDC,2012).According to national vaccinum Information Center (NVIC), as of July 2012 there provoke been more than 84,000 reports of unfavourable reactions, 1000 vaccinum related deaths and over 1600 cases of Guillain- Barre syndrome, a acute form of paralysis, triggered by the vaccine (NVIC. ORG). A paradox exists in the fact that according to the ( NVIC) fewer than 1% of completely adverse vaccine reactions be ever reported, this fact is substantiated by the problem of underreporting vaccine injuries according to the joint operated site by the CDC and Food and Drug t ribunal ( FDA) (VAERS, 2011). interrogation claims that receiving the flu vaccine exposes people to a homo body of dangerous chemicals that make up been know to cause multiple side effects, infirmity conditions, and deaths. The U. S. Governments public health agency, the CDC, pledges to base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data openly and objectively derived (Doshi, 2013, Marketing vaccines, parity bit 1). Peter Doshi, a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University School of medicine, argues that in the case of influenza vaccines and their marketing this is not the case.He believes that the vaccine cleverness be slight beneficial and less safe than has been claimed and the threat of influenza appears overstated. Doshi goes on to further question the CDCs tri merelye that the influenza vaccine dismiss exactly do good, pointing to serious reactions to influenza vaccines in Australia, Finland and Sweden. (British Medical Journal, 2013) Ever y year scientists be active to Asia and have to guess which specific viruses atomic number 18 active and circulating that season and have to chose 3 strains of flu out of the three hundred+ known documented strains of influenza (flu) viruses.These 3 viruses atomic number 18 then attenuated or weakened and added to the mix of a number of other ingredients, which we will review, to make a flu vaccine. The ingredients listed in influenza vaccines argon avai laboratoryle in the inserts provided by the vaccine manufacturers and also posted on the CDCs vaccine Pinkbook website. A few of the ingredients let in Thimerosol, 2 Phenoxyethanol, Aluminum, important Propiolactone, Ammonium sulphate, methanal, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Gentamycin Sulfate, Polymixin B and more. The ingredient Thimerosol is used as a protective in the vaccine.It is 49. 6% hectogram by weight and is a right neurotoxin. It has been implicated in many heathland conditions such as cardiovascular collapse, a utism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other primal ill at ease(p) formation (CNS) disorders. ( CDC, Pinkbook). The Ameri piece of ass Academy of paediatrics (AAP) says it best Mercury in all of its forms is toxicant to the fetus and children and efforts should be do to reduce exposure to the extent realizable to pregnant women and children as well as the general population (AAP.Pediatrics- para 8, two hundred1).2 Phenoxyethanol is an anti bacterial agent being used as a replacement for the preservative Thimerosal. This industrial ingredient is used in perfumes, insect repellents, antiseptics, germicides and dyes. According to the Material base hit data sheet( MSDS) 2 Phenoxyethanol is harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed thru the skin. It may cause procreative defects. EPA data sheets show chromosomal changes and inheritable mutation effects in interrogation (Dunkin, 2008). Aluminum is added to vaccines in many forms.It flora as an adjuvant to stimulate your insubordinate bodys solution to the virus in the vaccine. Aluminum has been found to be a dangerous neurotoxin that has the force to slip past the blood maven barrier (BBB) causing brain damage, Alzheimers disease, dementia, Parkinsons disease, Lou Gehrigs Disease (ALS), convulsions and coma. benevolent and beast studies have shown that Aluminum can cause nerve death (Mercola, 2011) Beta Propiolactone is an ingredient to assist with sterilizing the vaccine. It ranks high as a uncertain chemical on at least 5 national regulatory lists.It has caused lymphomas and hepatomas after being injected into lab mice but its true effects on humans is not known. Due to animal study results the international Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified beta-Propiolactone as a possible carcinogen. MSDS sheet states toxic to liver and kidneys (Spectrum Laboratory Products). Ammonium Sulfate is a substance added to pesticides. It is unknown at this time as a carcinogen but its been suspected in gastrointestinal, liver, of import ill at ease(p) system (CNS) and respiratory system toxicity.On its MSDS sheet all hazards identification on carcinogen, mutatagenic (cellular mutations), teratogenic (fetal development) and developmental toxicity are listed as not available. (ScienceLab, MSDS) Formaldehyde is used as a preservative to stabilize the vaccine. It is used as a chemical to embalm dead bodies and hold open laboratory specimens. It has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer causing substance) and has been bedded as one of the most hazardous compounds on at least 8 federal regulatory lists.Formaldehyde is suspected of debilitative the immune system and causing neurologic system damage, genetic damage, metabolic acidosis, circulatory shock, respiratory tribulation, and acute renal misfortune (ARF) (Kendon, MSDS. 2004). Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is used in vaccines as a stabilizer to prevent the vaccine from time out down. MSG is also found in processed foods. MSG has been linked to mental retardation, autistic disorders, learning disorders, behavioral disorders, fruitful disorders, retinal damage and lesions on the brains of lab animals (Hoernlein,2012).Gentamycin Sulfate is an antibiotic added to protect the vaccine from bacteria during storage. Gentamycin sulfate has been linked to deafness, nervous system disorders, and kidney damage (Sciencelab. MSDS). Polymixin B, an antibiotic that is added to protect the vaccine from gram negative bacteria during storage, has side effects that include targeting the central nervous system (neurotoxic) and causing kidney failure from acute tubular necrosis (Luther,2013). all one of the above ingredients can have negative effects on the human body especially the very childly , very old, pregnant, and the immunocompromised population.But the effects of all of these ingredients in one vaccine, thats certainly toxic and at times can be lethal. A normal response to an influenza vaccine is localized redness, soreness, fatigue, pocket-sized fever, malaise for 1-3 days following a flu shot. Consider these adverse reactions listed by MC police forceers, a vaccine injury law firm The numbers of injuries resulting from the these vaccines were so needed that in October, 1988 Congress created the National childishness Vaccine Injury Act, creating the National Vaccine Compensation Program(VICP).The VICP is a no prison-breaking alternative to the traditional tort system for resolving vaccine injury claims and provides recompense to people found to be wound by certain vaccines (all Influenza vaccines are covered). Every vaccine is taxed and the monies go into a compensation fund that is managed by US Court of Federal Claim, complete with vaccine courts, vaccine judges and attorneys who specialize in vaccine cases only. Monies are awarded to patients/families who have suffered from vaccine related injuries or deaths. In 2011, 200 million dollars were paid out in compensation for vaccine injuries.In 2012, there was three hundred billion dollars available in the vaccine injury compensation trust fund. raise evidence of the numbers of people pique by the toxic ingredients in the influenza vaccines and the incidence of adverse reactions, permanent injuries and deaths cod to the toxic ingredients in the influenza vaccines conserve to climb. Research has well documented these injuries and undefended the cause and effect of hazardous chemicals on our human population. A little noesis can be frightening, meanwhile a lack of knowledge can be lethal. Be informed.

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