Monday, January 6, 2020

The Dependency On Fossil Fuel For Energy - 1779 Words

The dependency on fossil fuel for energy has made an irrevocable imprint on this Earth that can affect our economy, climate, and the future of humankind. There is no debate that growing issues over pollution, deforestation, and conservation have been a perpetual concern for many global citizens. Now with the global accessibility of technology being employed for awareness, environmentalist have used this universal tool in helping to spread the knowledge of growing concerns regarding the destruction of the environment. They also, used this technology to aid in challenging and holding responsible many big corporations for the ruination of Earth’s natural resources. Environmentalist efforts such as spreading awareness, creating organizations, and policy making are helping to slow down and lessen the detrimental effects of global warming on the general public. PBS states that, â€Å"Over the last hundred years the world has seen a one degree Fahrenheit rise in average temperature.† An increase in one degree may not seem like a worrisome problem, but this change can cause catastrophic changes in human’s everyday lives. The explanation for this global climate change can be due to a concept called the Greenhouse Effect. The Greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat in the Earth’s lower atmosphere; it occurs when carbon dioxide, water, and methane molecules absorb energy reradiated from Earth’s surface and slows the release of this energy from Earth’s atmosphere. Due to the high demand ofShow MoreRelatedThe Fuel Free Energy For The Future1485 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica faced a major energy crisis, but is America in the middle of another one without even knowing it. Replaced by the long lines at the gas pumps in the 1970’s is high costs of fuel and a driving thirst for even more oil, despite the hig h prices. 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They also have a negative environmental effect on our world: global warming, acid rain, air pollution, etc. (U.S. Fossil Fuel Dependency). One way to solve this problem is by encouraging t he use of biodiesel fuels. Biodiesel fuel synthesis has been knownRead MoreSustainable Development : Developing New Technologies1420 Words   |  6 Pages and our future population. Now there is a push to start producing product and creating energy in more â€Å"green† and sustainable way. As humans have developed in the 20th and the 21 century, it has become clear that fossil fuels are driving not only our economy, but also our cars. 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