Thursday, May 2, 2019

Comparative Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparative guidance - Essay ExampleFurthermore, it further provides a brief indication to the comparative institutional advantage of both the economies with respect to confederation Korea and Taiwan.The region of federation Korea has seen an immense economic growth after the Second man War ever since the country was freed from the claws of Japanese colonialism in the year 1945. According to Michell (1988), the decade of 1960s had been very(prenominal) crucial as the early period of boom in the countrys economy, which mostly took place due to advancements in trade and business activities in South Korea.It was the same period when the South Korean disposal compel state rule over the privately owned businesses in order to manage the increasing developmental reforms in the country. The government took all the banks under its control, nationalised them and played an important part in allocating funds for financial activities that resulted in great economic development in the co untry. Thereafter the government introduced a system with semi-liberalisation of trade by privatising the countrys major banks in the early 1980s. This action of the government however could not be only implemented and the government instead allowed relaxations to the banking business and facilitated the growth of non-bank financial institutions so as to infuse a market-oriented system in the country.Jones and SaKong (1980) suggest that the South Korean efforts for the development of economy towards a Liberal market Economy as that of the United States had been initiated soon after the beginning of the year 1980. However, the government found itself inefficient to get rid of the chaebol system because of the over-reliance of the countrys financial system on them. Therefore, the government was forced to retain halt and control in the management of the private business system. According to Root (1999), the South Korean economic system still depends upon government to look over th e business affairs in the country. The government controls the corporations activities and supports the chaebol companies to point in the market even after they sacrifice become insolvent. This governmental support to the chaebol has led to amiable of market in South Korea where the chaebol hold a major share in the ownership of non-bank financial institutions and try to confine the entry of foreign multi-national corporations in the country so as to prevent competition. The government did initially introduce some reforms so as to liberalise the market but still the South Korean business reflects a predominating governmental influence in the private business affairs.Although the government claims to have taken a lot of steps in order to introduce market-based economy in the country. solely the existing business system indicates as illuminated by Financial Supervisory Commission (1999) that the South Korean government holds the ownership of the shares of financial institutions and also utilises its influence on the banks to support the remodelling of chaebol corporations. The government co

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