Friday, May 31, 2019

Comparing Courage and Cowardice in A Dolls House, Ghosts and Hedda Gab

Courage and Cowardice in A Dolls House, Ghosts and Hedda Gabler All successful swordplay consists of conflict, whether between or within functions. Henrik Ibsens work, A Dolls House is no exception. Ibsens play studies Noras early courage and her confirmation of that courage at the end of the play. Noras strength of character in forging her fathers signature on a loan, and the repercussions of that act, provide much of the driving force for the drama. But Noras great choice remains until the last act. She speaks of the about wonderful thing, she has countless opportunities to escape from her dilemma through the assistance of Krogstad or Rank, but it is not until the final pages of Act IV that her final decision, and that resounding admission slam, emphasize Noras final courageous choice to leave her husband and unhealthy marriage. If A Dolls House takes an early act of courage as its driving force, its successor, Ghosts, uses ace of cowardice. Mrs. Alvings early failure to reve al her husbands true character and actions to his children provides the tragic flaw for t...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Leadership: Lord Of The Flies Essays -- essays research papers fc

Comparison of LeadersThroughout the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding is open to touch on the worldly concerny aspects of our civilization by the various characters he creates. Leaderravish plays a very important role in the novel as it does in real life because the characters need to feel some sense of security in order for them to survive. The two main leaders in the story, through their similar and different leadership characteristics and objectives fight back and forth to gain the discipline of the former(a) boys on the island and generally the power to make the decisions that they feel should be made. Both leaders, Jack and Ralph, experience leading the conclave in their own style, which is similar in their desire for control yet different pertaining to their leadership qualities and their objectives piece on the island.Ralph was amongst the first few characters mentioned in the story and he quickly takes to the role of gathering the surviving boys by calling out to all that be in the area. He believes in leading with a democratic style, which gives people freedom of opinion, as well as equality to all group members. This is seen as Ralph uses Piggys idea for the conch to gathers the boys together in order to Dean 2express ones ideas or opinions (Golding 12). However, Ralph is not the only boy on the island who is sounding to lead the boys, and he finds that out when Jack marches his band members in a militant style to the platform where Ralph is deciding what needs to be do for their survival (Golding 15-16). Jack quickly became a cruel and dominating person who tries to impose fear onto the boys in order to gain his own control. This is evident when he begins opposing Ralphs ideas about building a fire and picking fruit, to make himself look bigger and somewhat tough (Golding 22). However, a vote is conceit up by one of the boys and Ralphs democratic and orderly style of leadership is elected and he becomes the leader of the group (Goldi ng 19). Ralph begins by organizing the boys to branch off-key in-groups and work for their benefit, such as keeping the fire going, building huts and scanning the island for anything worthwhile (Golding 38). He believes that if everyone contributes by taking on one of the roles for survival, the entire group will benefit and hopefully be saved. Again, Jack opposes to the ideas of Ralph. He h... ...ectives by hunting down Ralph, and nearly catch him, until they come across the Navy ship which is there to rescue them (Golding 223-225). Both Ralph and Jack have objectives, which are completely opposite to each others which cause for much of the conflict end-to-end the story.Throughout the story, Ralph and Jack are two of the characters who probably have the least in common mainly because they are trying to outdo each other by making the others ideas and beliefs seem obscure. They are similar in their desire for control over the group, however they are completely opposite pertaining to their leadership qualities and their objectives. generator William Golding creates these characters as opposites so he could have a general conflict, which is based on man against man to contribute to his other conflicts of man against environment and man against himself. Personal reflections of this author conclude that the bizarre setting and plot are difficult to comprehend upon the first reading yet further readings would create a more enjoyable story to understand.Dean 7Works CitedGolding, William. Lord of the Flies. Boston, Mass Faber and Faber Limited, 1958

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Essay -- Post-traumatic stress

Post-traumatic stress disorder (posttraumatic stress disorder) is a relatively new diagnosis that was associated with survivors of war when it was first introduced. Its diagnosis was met largely with skepticism and dismissal by the public of the validity of the illness. posttraumatic stress disorder was only widely accepted when it was included as a diagnosis in 1980 in the third edition of the diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) of the Ameri end Psychiatric Association. posttraumatic stress disorder is a complex mental disorder that develops in response to exposure to a horrific traumatic event that stems a cluster of symptoms. Being afflicted with the disorder is debilitating, disrupting an individuals ability to function and perform the most basic tasks.Who gets PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder can develop at any age, from childhood years to adulthood with any cultural, social, and economic background. Any individual that goes throug h a particular traumatic event can experience great stress and anxiety that can then develop into a post-traumatic stress disorder. Protective improvement men and women, victims of rape, abuse, and torture, as well as victims of natural disasters, accidents are examples of a mass variety of individuals that are touched by the post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD can be caused by witnessing or by being part of a traumatic event such as combat, torture, abuse, natural disaster, motor-vehicle accident and even a sudden loss of a loved one. Many factors play an important role to determining whether an individual is pre-disposed to PTSD. Risk factors are those that contribute to a mortal to have a higher prevalence of developing PTSD, while resilience factors help the individual to overcome trauma.Risk Factors Sin... ...of the individual to develop the disorder. Identification of individuals with PTSD is a complex decision to make, as there are many contributing factors for d ifferent people. However, treatments, prevention, and assessments of the disorder will be improved and enhanced in the near future.Works CitedFoa, E. B., Keane, T. M., Friedman, M. J., & Cohen, J. A. (2000). Effective treatments for PTSD practice guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (Second Edition ed.). New York Guilford Press. Reyes, G., Elhai, J. D., & Ford, J. D. (2008). The Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. Hoboken John Wiley & Sons. Violanti, J. M., & Paton, D. (2006). Who gets PTSD?. Springfield, Illinois Charles C Thomas. Wilson, J. P., Friedman, M. J., & Lindy, J. D. (2001). Treating psychological trauma and PTSD. New York Guilford Press.

Janes Psychological Problems in Charlotte Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpape

Janes Psychological Problems in Charlotte Gilmans The Yellow WallpaperIn Charlotte Gilmans victimize story The Yellow Wallpaper, Jane, the main character, is a good example of Sigmund Freuds Studies In Hysteria. Jane suffers from symptoms such as story making and daydreaming. Jane has a tense flunk throughout the story. Jane is a victim of a head-in-the-clouds disorder of the brain called hysteria. She is aware that she suffers from a series of mental and physical disturbances. She says that she has a temporary nervous depression -- a slight hysterical tendency- what is one to do?(2). According to Freud hysteria is a nervous disorder that causes violent fits of laughter, crying, and imagination. It is a lack of self-control. Jane experiences roughly of these symptoms. Her imagination takes oer her personality a number of times. There are three instances where her creative imagination literally takes over her personality. The first is when she is describing to the proofreader the alleged(prenominal) nursery. The second instance is her way of talking about The Yellow Wallpaper. The third is the remarkable ending, where she seems to lose herself in her rebellion against her husband John. Janes nervous flunk comes over her several times throughout the story, and in the context of Freuds analysis of hysteria I will distinguish her problems (10). One problem is that Jane describes to the reader the so-called nursery, but she is actually talking about her bedroom with the barred windows. Jane states, The windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls(4). I think that she imagined that the rings were a game of some sort for the children that would play in the nursery. In reality, the pu... ...kept on creeping just the same, but I looked him over my shoulder(20). This goes to show that the woman that creeps was Jane all along. At the end of the story, she completely releases herself in her rebellion against John. She says, Ive got out at last, said I, in spite of you and Jane. And Ive pulled off most of the paper, so you cant put me back(20). Jane talks in the third person because of the result of her nervous weakness. From her imagination of the so-called nursery, the woman, the yellow wallpaper and talking in the third person it is clear that she has serious psychological problems. Works CitedBreuer, Joseph and Sigmund Freud. Studies In Hysteria. Boston awkward and Mental Disease Publishing, 1950. Gilman, Charlotte. The Yellow Wallpaper and Selected Stories. The Yellow Wallpaper. 1892. New York Doubleday Dell, 1989. 1-20.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay --

Love and Romance in Othello, Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare, the most famous of alone English writers, has written many works. One such work is Much stir about aught, a comedy that includes humor, sleep together, and deceit. Several incidents in the life of the germ influenced him to write this play in the fashion that he did. These events come from his life and the point in history in which he lived, thus producing Much Ado About nothing. Shakespeares misfortune in love is shown in Much Ado about Nothing when it is said, Speak low if you speak love. (Shakespeare). Contrary to this, the positive placement of love is apparent Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues Let every eye negotiate itself And trust no get on withnt. (Shakespeare) So let it be known, Shakespeare obviously well-educated a great deal about love throughout the course o f his life. He learned not only the good, but also the bad, and in this, love plays a major role in Much Ado about Nothing. (Alexander, Peter. Shakespeare. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1964.) Another element used in Much Ado about nothing is deceit. This deceit involves a conflict between two brothers in which one wants to keep the other unhappy and unwed. This conflict is present as it is said, Theres a struggle of wit between them. (Shakespeare). Shakespeare, in his life, had some deceitful things forced upon him where he was cheated out of something. He was forced out of educate at an early age of fifteen to help his father financially. Furthermore, he was forced into marrying women that were eight years older than him because she was three months pregnant. In result ... ...iscovery and claiming of new heaven, new earth, the couple link private emotions to affairs of state. Love, in other words, becomes an extension of politics, with the annexing of anothers heart analo gous to the conquering of a foreign land. (Rackin, Phillis. 1978) Shakespeares life has very much to do with the modality of his writing as his stories are from his past experiences. Shakespeare had a life that involved both the good and bad aspects of love. He was married for a short while, however, the espousal was suspected to be an unhappy one because he spent much of his later life away from his family. References Bloom, Nasold. Modern critical views. William Shakespeare the Love Stories.1985 Rackin, Phillis. Shakespeares Love stories. 1978 Oxford school Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. 1982 Alexander, Peter. Shakespeare. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1964

Essay --

Love and Romance in Othello, Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare, the most famous of on the whole English writers, has written many works. One such work is Much bunco about zip, a comedy that includes humor, bed, and deceit. Several incidents in the life of the creator influenced him to write this play in the fashion that he did. These events come from his life and the point in history in which he lived, thus producing Much Ado About nothing. Shakespeares misfortune in love is shown in Much Ado about Nothing when it is said, Speak low if you speak love. (Shakespeare). Contrary to this, the positive side of love is apparent Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love Therefore all black Maria in love use their own tongues Let every eye negotiate itself And trust no hop onnt. (Shakespeare) So let it be known, Shakespeare obviously well-read a great deal about love throughout the course of his life . He learned not only the good, but also the bad, and in this, love plays a major role in Much Ado about Nothing. (Alexander, Peter. Shakespeare. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1964.) Another element used in Much Ado about nothing is deceit. This deceit involves a conflict between two brothers in which one wants to keep the other unhappy and unwed. This conflict is present as it is said, Theres a friction of wit between them. (Shakespeare). Shakespeare, in his life, had some deceitful things forced upon him where he was cheated out of something. He was forced out of indoctrinate at an early age of fifteen to help his father financially. Furthermore, he was forced into marrying women that were eight years older than him because she was three months pregnant. In result ... ...iscovery and claiming of new heaven, new earth, the couple relate private emotions to affairs of state. Love, in other words, becomes an extension of politics, with the annexing of anothers heart analogou s to the conquering of a foreign land. (Rackin, Phillis. 1978) Shakespeares life has very much to do with the call of his writing as his stories are from his past experiences. Shakespeare had a life that involved both the good and bad aspects of love. He was married for a short while, however, the marriage ceremony was suspected to be an unhappy one because he spent much of his later life away from his family. References Bloom, Nasold. Modern critical views. William Shakespeare the Love Stories.1985 Rackin, Phillis. Shakespeares Love stories. 1978 Oxford school Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. 1982 Alexander, Peter. Shakespeare. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1964

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Return: Nightfall Chapter 34

Elena had once f aloneen come to that balcony and Stefan had jumped and caught her forwards she could hit the demonstrate. A human falling from that height would be dead on impact. A vampire in full possession of his or her reflexes would simply twist in the air analogous a cat and land lightly on their feet. besides mavin in Damons particular circumstances tonightFrom the sound of it, he had tried to twist, but had save ended up landing on his side and commotioning bones. Elena deduced the latter from his cursing. She didnt wait to listen for more specifics. She was off wish well a rabbit, down to the level of Stefans room where instantaneously and nigh unconsciously, she move bug disc all over a wordless plea and and so down the stairs. The cabin had turned completely into a perfect duplicate of the boardinghouse. Elena didnt admit why, but instinctively she ran to the side of the house that Damon would know the least the old servants quarters. She got that far bef ore she dared whispering things to the house, asking for them rather than demanding them, and praying that the house would obey her as it had obeyed Damon.Aunt Judiths house, she whispered, paper bag the key into a approach it went in like a hot knife into butter and turned almost of its own volition, and then suddenly she was on that point again, in what had been her home for sixteen years, up until her first death.She was in the hallway, with her little sister Margarets open door showing her lying on the floor of her bedroom, stare with wide-open eyes eerywhere a coloring book.Its tag, sweetie she announced as if ghosts appeared every day in the Gilbert household and Margaret was supposed to know how to deal with it. You go running to your friend Barbaras and then she has to be It. outweart stop running until you get thither, and then go see Barbaras mom. but first you bring me three kisses. And she lifted Margaret and hugged her tightly and then almost threw her at the door. alone Elena youre back I know, darling, and I promise to see you again a nonher day. scarce now run, baby I told them you would come back. You did before.MargaretRunChoking on tears, but maybe recognizing in her childlike way the seriousness of the situation, Margaret ran. And Elena followed, but zagging toward a different staircase when Margaret zigged.And then she found herself confronted by a smirking Damon.You proceeds too long to talk to people, he said as Elena frantically counted her options. Go over the balcony into the entry way? No. Damons bones exponent unbosom hurt a little but if Elena jumped even one story, she would probably break her neck. What else? ThinkAnd then she was opening the door into the china closet, at the same time shouting out, Great-aunt Tildas house, unsure if the magic would still work. And then she was slamming the door in Damons brass section.And she was in her Aunt Tildas house, but the Aunt Tildas house of the past. No wonder they accused poor Auntie Tilda of seeing strange things, Elena imagination, as she maxim the woman turning while holding a large glass casserole dish full of something that smelled mushroomy, and screaming, and dropping the dish.Elena she cried. What it cant be you youre all grown upWhats the get to? demanded Aunt Maggie, who was Aunt Tildas friend, coming in from the other room. She was taller and fiercer than Aunt Tilda.Im being chased, cried Elena. I emergency to discovery a door, and if you see a boy aft(prenominal) me And exclusively then Damon stepped out of the coat closet, and at the same time Aunt Maggie tripped him neatly and said, Bathroom door beside you, and picked up a vase and hit the uprise Damon over the head with it. Hard.And Elena dashed through the bathroom door, crying, Robert E. Lee High School last fall just as the bells rungAnd then she was travel against the flow, with dozens of students toilsome to get to their classes on time but then one of them recognized her, and then another, and while apparently shed successfully traveled to a time when she wasnt dead no one was screaming ghost neither had some(prenominal)one at Robert E. Lee ever seen Elena Gilbert wearing a boys shirt over a camisole, with her hair falling wildly over her shoulders.Its a costume for a play she shouted, and created one of the immortal legends about herself before she had even died by adding, Caroleans house and stepping into a janitors closet. An instant later, the most gorgeous boy that anyone had ever seen appeared behind her, and rocketed through the same doors saying words in a inappropriate language. And when the janitors closet opened, neither boy nor girl was there.Elena landed running down a hallway and almost crashed into Mr. Forbes, who looked rather wobbly. He was crapulence what seemed to be a large glass of tomato juice that smelled like alcohol.We dont know where shes gone, all advanced? he shouted before Elena could say a word. S hes gone right out of her question, as far as I can tell. She was talking about the ceremony at the widows walk and the way she was dressed Parents dont have any control over children anymore He slumped against the wall.Im so sorry, murmured Elena.The ceremony. Well, Black Magic ceremonies were usually held at moonrise or midnight. And it was just a few minutes before midnight. But in those minutes, Elena had just come up with scheme B.Excuse me, she said, taking the drink out of Mr. Forbess hand and dashing it directly into the face of Damon, who had appeared out of a closet. Then she shouted, Some placetheir kind cant see and stepped intoLimbo?Heaven?Some place their kind couldnt see.At first Elena wondered about herself, because she couldnt see lots of anything at all.But then she realized where she was, deep in the earth, beneath Honoria Fells empty tomb. Once, she had fought down here to save the lives of Stefan and Damon.And now, where there should have been nothing but app arition and rats and mildew, was a tiny, shining, light. Like a miniature Tinkerbell just a undertone, it hovered in the air, not leading her, not communicating, but cling toing, Elena realized. She took the light, which felt bright and cool in her fingers, and around her she traced a circle, big enough for a full-grown person to lie down in.When she turned back, Damon was sitting in the middle.He looked strangely sentinel for someone who had just fed. But he said nothing, not a word, just gazed at her. Elena went to him and touched him on the neck.And a moment later, Damon was again drinking deep, deep, of the most extraordinary blood in the world.Usually, he would be analyzing by now taste of berry, taste of tropical fruit, smooth, smoky, woody, rounded with a silken aftertasteBut not now. Notthis blood, which far surpassed anything for which he had words. This blood that was filling him with power such as he had never known before.DamonWhy was he not listening? How had he come to be drinking this extraordinary blood that tastedsomehow of the afterlife, and why was he not listening to the giver?Please, Damon. Please fleck itHe ought to recognize that voice. Hed try out it enough times.I know theyre unequivocal you. But they cant controlallof you. Youre ruggeder than they are. Youre the strongest.Well, that was certainly true. But he was getting more and more confused. The donor seemed to be unhappy and he was a past-master at making donors happy. And he didnt quite rememberhe really should remember how this had started.Damon, its me. Its Elena. And youre hurting me.So much pain and bewilderment. From the beginning, Elena had known better than to outright fight the tapping of her veins. That would only cause agony, and it wouldnt do her the slightest bit of good except to stop her brain from working.So she was trying to make him fight off the horrible beast wrong him. Well, yes, but the change had to come from inwardly. If she forced him, Shinichi w ould notice and just possess him again. Besides, the simpleDamon, be strong gig wasnt working.Was there nothing to do but die, then? She could at least fight that, although she k brand-new that Damons strength would make it pointless. With every swallow he took of her new blood, he got stronger he changed more and more intoInto what? It washer blood. Maybe he would answer its call, which was also her call. Maybe, somehow inside, he could beat the monster without Shinichi noticing.But she indispensable some new power, some new trickAnd even as she thought it, Elenafelt the new Power moving in her, and she knew that it had always been there, just hold for the right occasion to use it. It was a very specific power, not to be used for fighting or even for saving herself. Still, it was hers to tap. Vampires who preyed on her got only a few mouthfuls, but she had an full(a) blood supply filled with its enormous vigor. And calling upon it was as easy as reaching toward it with an open m ind and open hands.As soon as she did, she found new words coming to her lips, and most strangely of all, new wings springing from her body, which Damon was holding flex acutely back from the hips. These ethereal wings were not for transient, but for something else, and when they fully unfurled they made a huge, rainbow-colored arch whose very tip circled back again, surrounding and enfolding Damon and Elena both.And then she said it telepathically.Wings of Redemption.And inside, soundlessly, Damon screamed.Then the wings opened slightly. Only one who had learned a great deal about magic would have seen what was happening inside them. Damons anguish was becoming Elenas anguish as she took from him every painful incident, every tragedy, every cruelty that had ever gone into making up the stony layers of numbness and unkindness that encased his heart.Layers as hard as the stone at the heart of a black dwarf star were breaking up and flying away. There was no stopping it. Great ch unks and boulders fractured, fine pieces shattered. Some dissolved into nothing more than a puff of acrid smelling smoke.There was something at the center, though some nucleus that was blacker than hell and harder than the horns of the devil. She couldnt quite see what happened to it. She thought she hoped that at the very end even it blasted open.Now, and only now, could she call for the next set of wings. She hadnt been sure that she would live through the first attack she certainly didnt feel as if she could live through this one. But Damon had to know.Damon was kneeling on one knee on the floor, with his arms clasped tightly around him. That should be all right. He was still Damon, and hed be a lot happier without the weight of all that evil and prejudice and cruelty. He wouldnt keep remembering his youth and the other materialisation blades whod mocked his father for being an old fool, with his disastrous investments and his mistresses younger than his own sons. Neither w ould he endlessly dwell on his own childhood, when that same father had beaten him in drunken rages when he neglected his studies or took up with objectionable companions.And, finally, he would not go on savoring and contemplating the many unholy things hed done himself. He had been redeemed, in heavens name and in heavens time, by words put into Elenas mouth.But nowthere was something that he indispensable to remember. If Elena was right.If only she were right.Where is this place? Are you hurt, girl?In his confusion, he couldnt recognize her. He had knelt now she knelt beside him.He gave her a keen glance. Are we at prayer or were we making love? Was it the Watch or the Gonzalgos?Damon, she said, its me, Elena. Its the twenty-first century, now, and you are a vampire. Then, gently embracing him, with her freshness against his, she whispered,Wings of Remembrance.And a pair of translucent butterfly wings, violet, cerulean, and midnight blue in color, sprouted from her backbone, ju st above her hips. The wings were decorated with tiny sapphires and translucent amethysts in intricate patterns. Using muscles she had never used before, she easily drew them up and forward until they curled inside out, and Damon was shielded within them. It was like being wrap in a dim, jewel-studded cave.She could see in Damons fine-bred features that he didnt destiny to remember anything more than he did right now. But new memories, memories connected with her, were already welling up inside him. He looked at his lapis lazuli ring and Elena could see tears come to his eyes. Then, slowly, his gaze turned on her.Elena?Yes.Someone possessed me, and took the memories of the times I was possessed, he whispered.Yes at least, I think so.And someone hurt you.Yes.I swore to kill him or make him your slave a hundred times over. Hestruck you. He took your blood by force. He made up ludicrous stories about hurting you in other ways.Damon. Yes, thats true. But, please I was on his track. If Id met him I might have run him through might have ripped his beating heart out of his chest. Or I might have taught him the most painful lessons Ive heard tales of and Ive heard a lot of tales and at the end, through the blood in his mouth, he would have kissed your heel, your slave until he died.This wasnt good for him. She could see it. His eyes were albumin all around, like a terrified colts.Damon, Ibeg youAnd the one who hurt youwas me.Not you by yourself. You said it yourself. You werepossessed .You feared me so much you stripped yourself for me.Elena remembered the original Pendleton shirt.I didnt want you and Matt fighting.You let me bleed you when it was against your true will.This time she could find nothing to say but, Yes.I dear God I used my powers to afflict you with stately griefIf you mean an attack that causes hideous pain and seizures, then yes. And you were worse to Matt.Matt wasnt on Damons radarscope. And then I kidnapped you.Youtried .And you jumped ou t of a speeding elevator car rather than take your chances with me.You were playing rough, Damon. They had told you to go out and play rough, maybe even to break your toys.Ive been looking for the one who made you jump from the car I couldnt remember anything before that. And I swore to take out his eyes and his tongue before he died in agony. You couldnt walk. You had to use a crutch to get through the forest, and just when help should have come, Shinichi drew you into a trap. Oh, yes, I know him. You wandered into his snow globeand would be wandering still if I hadnt broken it.No, Elena said quietly. I would have been dead a long time ago. You found me at the point of suffocation, remember?Yes. A moment of fierce joy on his face. But then the trapped, horrified look returned. I was the tormenter, the persecutor, the one you were so terrified of. I made you do things with with Matt.O God, he said, and it was clearly an invocation to the deity, not just an exclamation, because he looked up, holding his clenched hands to heaven. I thought I was being a hero for you. InsteadIm the abomination. What now? By rights, I should be dead at your feet already. He looked at her with wide, feral, black eyes. There was no humor in them, no sarcasm, no holding back. He looked very young and very wild and desperate. If hed been a black leopard hed have been pacing his cage frantically, biting at the bars.Then he bowed his head to kiss her unmingled foot.Elena was shocked.Im yours to do what you please with, he said in that same stunned voice. You can order me to die right now. After all my clever talk, it turns out that Im the monster.And then he wept. Probably no other set of circumstances could have brought tears to Damon Salvatores eyes. But he had boxed himself in. He never broke his word, and hed given his word to break the monster, the one who had done all this to Elena. The fact that he had been possessed at first a little, and then more and more, until his ent ire mind was simply another of Shinichis toys, to be picked up and put down at leisure didnt make up for his crimes.You know that I Im damned, he told her, as if perhaps that might go a small way toward restitution.No, Idont , Elena said. Because I dont believe thats true. And Damon, think of how many times you fought them. Im sure they wanted you to kill Caroline that first night you said you felt something in her mirror. You said you almost did it. Im sure they want you to kill me. Are you going to do it?He bent toward her foot again, and she hastily grabbed him by the shoulders. She couldnt stand to see him in such pain.But now Damon was looking this way and that, as if he had a decisive purpose. He was also twisting the lapis lazuli ring.Damon what are you thinking? Tell me what youre thinkingThat he may pick me up as a pecker again and that this time there may be areal birch rod. Shinichi hes monstrous beyond your innocent belief. And he can take me over at a moments not ice. Weve seen that.He cant if youll let me kiss you.What? He looked at her as if she hadnt been following the conversation properly.Let me kiss you and strip out that dying malach inside you.Dying?It dies a little more each time you gain enough strength to turn your back on it.Is it very big?As big as you are by now.Good, he whispered. I only wish I could fight it myself.Pour le sport? Elena answered, showing that her pass in France last year hadnt been entirely wasted.No. Because I hate the bastards guts and Id happily suffer a hundred times its pain as long as I knew I was hurtingit. Elena decided this was no time for delay. He was ready. Will you let me do this one last thing?I told you before the monster who hurt you is your slave now.All right. They could argue about that point later. Elena leaned forward and tilted her head up, lips pursed slightly.After a few moments, Damon, the Don Juan of darkness, got the point.He kissed her very gently, as if afraid to make too much contact.Wings of Purification, Elena whispered against his lips. These wings were as snow-covered as untrammeled snow, and lacelike, except existing in some places at all. They arched high above Elena, shimmering with an iridescence that reminded her of moonlight on frosted cobwebs. They encased mortal and vampire in a web made of diamond and pearl.This is going to hurt you, Elena said, not knowing how she knew. The knowledge seemed to come moment by moment as she need it. It was almost like being in a dream where great truths are understood without needing to be learned, and accepted without astonishment.And that was how she knew thatWings of Purification would seek out and destroy anything foreign inside Damon and that the feeling could be very unpleasant for him. When the malach didnt seem to be coming out of its own accord, she said, prompted by her inner voice, Take off your shirt. The malach is attached to your spine and its closest to the skin at the back of your neck whe re it entered. Im going to have to strip it out by hand.Attached to my spine?Yes. Did you ever feel it? I think it would have felt like a bee sting at first, as it entered you, just a sharp little course session and a blob of jelly that attached to your spine.Oh. The mosquito bite. Yes, I felt that. And then later, my neck began to ache, and at last my whole body. Was itgrowing inside me?Yes, and taking over more and more of your nervous system. Shinichi was controlling you like a marionette.Dear God, Imsorry .Lets make him be sorry instead. Will you take off your shirt?Silently, like a trusting child, Damon took off his black jacket and shirt. Then, as Elena motioned him into position, he lay across her lap, his back hard with muscle and pale against the dark ground on either side.Im sorry, she said. Getting rid of it this way pulling it out through the hole where it entered will really hurt.Good, grunted Damon. And then he buried his face in his lithe, flat-muscled arms.Elena u sed the pads of her fingers, feeling at the top of his spine for what she was looking for. A squishy point. A blister. When she found it, she pinched it with her fingernails until blood suddenly spurted.She almost lost it then as it tried to go flat, but she was pursuing it with sharp nails and it was too slow. At last she had it held firmly between thumbnail and two fingernails.The malach was still alive and aware enough to feebly resist her. But it was like a jellyfish trying to resist only jellyfish broke apart when you pulled. This slick, slimy, man-shaped thing retained its shape as she slowly pulled it through the breach in Damons skin.And it was hurting him. She could tell. She started to take some of the pain into herself, but he gasped, No with such vehemence that she decided to let him have his way.The malach was much larger and more substantial than she had realized. It must have been growing a long time, she thought the little blob of jelly that had expanded until it controlled him to the fingertips. She had to sit up, then scoot away from Damon and back again before it lay on the ground, a sickly, stringy, white caricature of a human body.Is it done? Damon was breathless it really had hurt, then.Yes.Damon stood and looked down at the flabby white thing barely twitching that had made him upon the person he cared most about in the world. Then, deliberately, he trampled on it, crushing it under the heels of his boots until it lay torn in pieces, and then trampling the pieces. Elena guessed that he didnt dare blast it with Power for fear of alerting Shinichi.At last, all that was left was a stain and a smell.Elena didnt know why she felt so dizzy then. But she reached for Damon and he reached for her and they went to their knees holding each other.I allow you from every promise you made while in the possession of that malach, Elena said. This was strategy. She didnt want to release him from the promise of caring for his brother.Thank you, Da mon whispered, the weight of his head on her shoulder.And now, said Elena, like a kindergarten teacher who wants to move quickly on to another activity, We need to make plans. But to make plans in utter secrecyWe have to share blood. But Elena, how much have you donated today? You look white.You said youd be my slave now you wont take a little of my blood.You said you released me instead youre going to hold that over me forever, arent you? But theres a simpler solution. You take some ofmy blood.And in the end that was what they did, although it made Elena feel slightly guilty, as if she were betraying Stefan. Damon cut himself with the minimum of fuss, and then it began to happen they weresharing minds, melting seamlessly together. In much shorter a time than it would take to speak the sentences aloud, it was done Elena had told Damon of what her friends had found about the epidemic among the girls of Fells Church and Damon had told Elena everything he knew about Shinichi and Mi sao. Elena concocted a plan for scaring out any other possessed youngsters like Tami, and Damon promised to try to find out where Stefan was from the kitsune twins.And, finally, when there was nothing more to say, and Damons blood had restored faint color to Elenas cheeks they made plans as to how to meet again.At the ceremony.And then there was only Elena in the room, and a large raven winging its way toward the Old Wood.Sitting on the cold stone floor, Elena took a moment to put all she now knew together. No wonder Damon had seemed so schizophrenic. No wonder he had remembered, and then forgotten, and then remembered that he was the one she was running from.He remembered, she reasoned, when Shinichi was not controlling him, or at least was keeping him on a very loose rein. But his memory was spotty because some of the things hed done were so terrible that his own mind had rejected them. They had seamlessly become part of the possessed Damons memory, for when possessed Shinichi was controlling every word, every deed. And in between episodes, Shinichi was telling him that he had to find Elenas tormentor and kill him.All very amusing, she supposed, for this kitsune, Shinichi. But for both her and Damon it had been hell.Her mind refused to admit that there had been moments of heaven mixed in with the hell. She was Stefans, alone. That would never change.Now Elena needed one more magical door, and she didnt know how to find one. But there was the twinkling fairy light again. She guessed it was the last of the magic that Honoria Fell had left to protect the town she had founded. Elena felt a little guilty, using it up but if it wasnt meant for her, why had she been brought here?To try for the most important destination she could imagine.Reaching for the speck with one hand and clenching the key in the other she whispered with all the force at her commandSomewhere I can see and hear and touch Stefan.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Romulus My Father Notes

Romulus My Father Values & Belonging Romulus values education and learning, but sadly, save completed primary school. He is a tragic figure from the very beginning 3 an inefficient postal service, however, pr dismantleted his application for high school scholarship examinations from arriving on time. He cried bitterly, not because of lost employment prospects, but because his have a go at it of learning would never be fulfilled.Romulus values European landscape he does not find serenity, and does not belong to the landscape 14 Though the landscape is one of r be beauty, to a European or English eye it seems desolate, and even after more than forty long time my father could not become reconciled to it. He longed for the generous and soft European foliage, but the eucalypts of Baringhup, scraggy ask out for the noble red gums on the river bank, seemed symbols of deprivation and barrenness. In this he was typical of m each of the immigrants whose eyes looked directly to the foliag e and always turned away sullenended. 3 The peppercorns, to be found at almost every settlement in the area, were planted as though to mediate between local and European landscapes. 21 The Frogmore farmhouse is deplorable it is not homely, or conducive to belonging and comfort There was no electricity and no running water Rats passd under the house and on occasion bit us in bed Hora woke one night to find a large rat tugging at his elbow trying to make off with a piece of flesh. Large brown snakes came to eat the ratsRomulus values purposeful work but is belittled by menial labour as a new immigrant another example of Romulus not belonging to the mediocrity of Australian culture 16 New Australians were almost always given menial manual tasks In the case of my father, this unusually gifted man was set to work with a pick and shovel. He noted how incompetent some of the Australian tradesmen were, in particular the welders, but not with displeasure or anger, more with incredulou s irony. He had long come to accept what fate ad dealt him and felt not resentment or indignation, or any other response which depended on the assumption that he was owed something better. 29 My father worked shifts at P&N, unable to avoid it because the honcho threatened to sack him if he did not do so. As a consequence, I spent many nights alone at Frogmore. Romulus values fatherhood. He has a nobility about him 17 He and Hora worked alternate shifts so that one of them could always flush for me. At his request, my father was transferred to a job cleaning the lavatories in the camp so that he could be near me. 4 Primitive though the house was, it made it possible for my father to keep me rather than to hop out me to a home, and it offered hope that our family might be reunited. 31 My fathers devoted care of me contrasted obviously with her neglect, and fuelled hostility toward her. Romulus values intimacy and his marriage and is broken at Christines infidelity 19 My father mus t have been heartbroken by his unfathomable, degenerate, vivacious and unfaithful wife. Romulus values character 101 feature or karacter was the central moral concept for my father and Hora.It stood for a settled disposition for which it was possible rightly to admire someone Honesty, loyalty, courage, charity (taken as a preparedness to help others in fatality) and a capacity for hard work were the virtues most prized by the men and women I knew then. Romulus believes that life is short and full of anguish 121 His aesthesis of life is beautifully expressed in the Prayer for the Dead Man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery. He cometh up and is cut like a flower. He fleeth as it were a shadow and never continueth in one stay.Those accents of distress and pity determined his aesthesis of all other human beings as his fellow mortals, victims of fate and destined for suffering. They determined the quality of his deeply felt lenience in whi ch all moral judgements were embedded. 172 Suffering ennobles Some kinds of wisdom, however, the kinds that show themselves not only in thoughts, but in the integrity of an authoritatively lived life are given only to those who have suffered deep and long. His affliction gave authority to much of what my father said etcRomulus moral code his sense of what is real and important was shattered after Lydias letter of rejection 122 entirely someone with an extraordinary sense of the reality of the ethical could be so shaken by a sense of evil, and my father was such a person. Vaceks institutionalisation shows the danger of conformity 143 police took him to the Ballarat psychiatric hospital over time he became dependent on institutional living so that, even when he was free to leave, he preferred to stay, and remained there for the rest of his life.Here is an argument against belonging belonging becomes a prison. Hora & Romulus enjoyed an enduring association Romulus remained a nobl e, heroic man despite his illness 146 Hora knew that, despite his illness, there was still no one who remained as steadfast as my father in his disdain of superficialities, in his honesty and in his concern for others. Romulus believes in keeping ones word at all costs he pays for Lydias family to migrate 149 Their fares were paid not by Lydia and her husband, but by my father.He had promised to do it years before, and it was inconceivable that he would go stern on his word any(prenominal) Lydia had done to him and irrespective of whether her mother and her brother had been accomplices in her deception. Romulus values the truth and absolute honesty Romulus values being polite 138 My father said that we should clench until a more suitable time before knocking at their door. This courtesy struck me as incongruous with our purpose. Finish what you start changing snap signifies an instability and weakness in character 157 My father refused to let me go to Melbourne High School.He s aid that I had started at St Patricks and so should finish For years he insisted that I had made the wrong decision because I had not finished what I started. Hora (like Romulus) detests moral shallowness. After an argument between Raimond and Hora about communism, Hora refused to let loose to Raimond 159 He knew that I knew how many millions had perished under communism, for he had often told me. Given that I knew, how could I not care? But how could I claim to care if I treated it all so lightly?If I was now such a morally shallow person, what could he say to me? How could he verbalize to me of anything that mattered? These questions cut into his heart, for he loved me. For his the pleasure of talking even about trivial matters depended on his knowing that the person with whom he was speaking was one whose responses could be trusted to be serious and decent. Romulus does not believe in traditional gender roles, he believes in doing what must be done 163 The division he knew from his childhood between womens and mens work, played little role in his life.He sewed, cooked and baked, teaching Milka how to make strudel with their own pastry, doughnuts and other things. Romulus values compassion, kindliness and care his commitment is almost religious 165 Compassion went unusually deep in my father. It showed itself all his life in the help he gave those in need and in the pain he visibly felt for their pain. He was literally incapable of not helping someone genuinely in need if he had the means to do so. 165 More often than not my fathers generosity was abused, and although it pained him it did not diminish his impulse to give. 68 He had no interest in doctrine. At the centre of his religious sensibility was the idea of a pure heart responsive to those in need. 169 His sense of our deep need for prayer was the expression of his belief that only a life of prayer could enable one to consent to great and protracted contingency and for that consent to go sufficient ly deep to save one from despair. Romulus values European culture he is in the prison of Anglo society, craving European jollity 169 He longed for European society, saying that he felt like a prisoner in Australia.He meant that, although he had good neighbours, in Maryborough he had almost no one with whom he could enjoy the generous and open forms of conviviality that characterised European hospitality as he knew it. He complained that one could not just drift off in on Australians and talk freely for hours one had, as he put it, always to make an appointment. Whereas if you went to a European home, you would generally be offered food and talk, both in generous quantities. Romulus believes that discourse is humanising 23 All conversation which meant all living, occurred in the kitchen 73 He believed that it was essential to decent conversation that one not pretend to virtues one did not possess as essential as being truthful about ones identity. Only then could conversation be true to its deeper potentialities and do its humanising work or opening up the possibilities of authentic human disclosure. Romulus values a life governed by necessity, and work is the ultimate necessity 194 Although. e and Hora were inclined to believe that depth and real contentment were to be found only in a life governed by necessity. Wisdom they believed, lay in consent to that necessity. Superficiality and restlessness were in store for those who fled it. See also incident with Mikkelsen Delivering groceries by carrying them on his back Miscellaneous Relationships or belonging and connectedness to another human being is destructive. 137 Mitrus suicide and my fathers madness had convinced me that sexual love was a passion whose force and nature was mysterious, and that anyone that came under its sway should be prepared to be destroyed by it.Its capacity to wreck lives, to humiliate other than strong and proud people and to drive them to suicide was already familiar to me. Tha t it should also drive them to murder was part of the same story. Christine 25 A troubled city girl from Central Europe, she could not settle in a dilapidated farmhouse in a landscape that highlighted her isolation. She longed for company. 31 Desperately lonely, she was glad of any conversation that came her way. 31 Mikkelsen remembered her vividly he had the arresting presence of someone who experienced the world with a thoughtful intensity. 103 But for someone like my mother, exceedingly intelligent, deeply sensuous, anarchic and unstable, this emphasis on character, given an Australian accent, provided the wrong conceptual environment for her to find herself and for others to understand her. p. 28 Setting fire to massacre snake - humiliation and ridicule in local paper. p. 29 Redemption by valiant intelligence in saving Mikkelson

Saturday, May 25, 2019

More College Classes Should Be Taught Online

Having taking online classes before in high school, I feel identical there should be more classes available for the college level as well. Making more classes available for students in college will open more opportunities for students that may be working or that may even have children. I know that if there were more online classes available that I would take them because I work and it is stiff to find class times that work into my schedule.I noticed before in my online classes I did earned better grades because I learn better by practice things myself rather than listening to a teacher lecture me. If I have everything I need to know right in front of me I could go back to whatever I need rather than having a teacher repeat everything I didnt get. I also find it convenient because you fannyt get as far behind for things like inclimate weather. Doubt Also with taking an online class, I found many struggles and negatives to the program.One thing that I didnt like was when all the ass ignments were due(p) at the same time at the end of the week. This made things very hard no further to get do but after working when I was time to do online class work, I had no enthusiasm to do it. So when It came to the end of the week when assignments were due and tests were to be taken I found myself cramming everything. Another disadvantage to online classes was the fact that I had no one on one time with the teacher if necessary unless it was over email.There was also no group work which made it hard to see others perspectives and feedback on papers and assignments. Thats where I found myself struggling having only mainly my parents to revise my assignments. The last thing I found frustrating was if blackboard, or any other online classroom website, was down there was not such(prenominal) one could do to get their assignment turned in. Those are my beliefs and doubts about college online classes.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Imperialism Within the Heart of Darkness Essay

A phenomenon, The flavor of Darkness, is a classic novel by Joseph Conrad, who honour individuals with their dark nature. The shabbiness that the characters face within themselves is the anchor towards the main theme of imperialism. aborigine Africans, around the early 1900s, were victims of imperialism in the novel. The Europeans saw themselves as prodigies and felt e genuinelyone superfluous wanted to be standardized them for they perceived themselves as extraordinary. The Europeans thought so highly of themselves that they wanted to civilize what they perceived the Native Africans to besavages. Ironically, the process of elegance became imperialism, and the Europeans were the definition of savage while the Native Africans perceived themselves as civilized. Conrad strategically evolved this theme with the narrative of his novel and the various tones and symbols he used revolving around imperialism. These literary strategies and devices led readers to understand the secret of the darkness in the European heart, which was European imperialism.Entering the novel, Conrad has the narrator explain It was difficult to realize that his (the Director of Companies) work was non out there in the luminous estuary, but behind him within the brooding gloom (Conrad 1). Here, Conrads use of pathetic fallacy forewarns his audience from the very beginning that the European companies are working in an unlawful matter ( The Europeans are vague, and the fact they are working within the dark makes them more malicious. This behaviour leads to having an imperialistic nature because in order to defy the desire to take everywhere a race, in this case the Native Africans, one needs to already be in tuned with their dark nature. Conrad includes a second narrator, the protagonist to The Heart of Darkness, who makes a remark to the beautiful sunset over the Thames river in London formula And this also, said Marlow suddenly, has been one of the dark places of the ear th (1).For Marlow to reveal a beautiful image of England as being one of the dark places of the earth (1), tells individuals that the Europeans are morally corrupt ( For the Europeans to do the morally bankrupt task of civilizing the Native Africans, whom they acclaimed them to be the morally corrupt, only reads that the Europeans committed an offence to be proven guilty of the glum accusation. The offence being imperialism to be remarked as morally corrupt suggests that they encountered savage-like behaviours against the Native Africans. Therefore, through the narrative at the very beginning of the novel, one can infer that imperialism evolves as the Europeans are justified to have the dark nature to civilize a nation. Conrad sets the tone by casting a mournful gloom (Conrad 1) atop London.The air was dark above Gravesend and farther back still seems condensed into a mournful gloomover the biggest, and the greatest, town on earth (1). This infers that darkness is bes towed on the purity of the greatest town on earth (1). Conrad decides to incorporate a belief-shifter to infer that the Europeans are victims to a form of darkness and that negative events will follow. Since their polish in the novel is to civilize the Native Africans, it is forewarned that they will try to civilize them with dark power leading to imperialism. Another area where Conrad sets a dark, gloomy mood would be when Marlow talks near humans being drawn to their madness hidden within their darkest self. The fascination of the abominationyou know. Imagine the growing regrets, the longing to escape, the nerveless disgust, the surrender, the hate (1).Marlows words bring out the theme of curiosity the curiosity of what lies within the darkest areas of an individual. This quote states that humans are fascinated with their abomination because they have not yet experienced it but once they have, they feel powerless and yearn to escape, but the abomination overtakes them. This ce rtain curiosity of evil and darkness is what reigns over Europe. They are so curious of their own darkness that they themselves get lost within it and become the culprits of imperialism. Thus, through the moods and tones Conrad implants at the very beginning of his novel, he brings out the coming of events which evolve into the realization of imperialism. Conrad uses symbolism in The Heart of Darkness to heighten the approach towards imperialism. For example, the readers encounter with the Accountant of the ivory handicraft Company in the outer region of Africa.Marlow describes him as an elegant dresser I met a white man, in such an unexpected elegance of get-up that in the first moment I took him for a sort of vision (16). Here, Marlow enters the beginning of his journey to the heart of Africa, and seeing the Accountant dress beautifully makes him seem like some kind of miracle (16) since their setting at the particular moment is in contrast. The Accountant symbolizes the Compan y and its excellence, professionalism, and perfection. Despite the blazing heat and his surroundings of poverty, he eternally dresses well. This is the professionalism of the Company. The fact he immerses himself within his accounting books represents the Companys excellence and perfection. But although he is a man of perfection, the fact that the sight of suffering Native Africans distracts him and causes mistakes in his work, this symbolizes the room for error in the Company.This is an approach towards imperialism because wrong and unjust actions are seen as errors in which the Company is a culprit of. Also, the symbolization of locomote and its representation of death heighten the approach to imperialism as well. Ever since the devil is nicknamed, the Lord of the Flies, flies have represented death ( Flies are seen in parts one and three when slaves, as well as a man named Kurtz, have their life taken away. Since the flies are associated with the devil, this implies that the devil, or the darkness that overcomes Europeans, have a connection with the deaths of human lives.Therefore, Conrad uses different symbols such as the spotless attire of the Accountant and the devils flies to inform readers about the imperialistic actions of Europeans. Joseph Conrad uses narrative schemes, sets moods and tones, as well as involves symbolism to approach his major theme of imperialism. He takes readers to the darkness of the human soul, a space which reigns in every single human being. This allows the individuals to take note that they can be greatly influenced by their darkness creating the ability to carry out unjust behaviours, such as committing imperialistic actions. Therefore, this novel is a great commentary to human error, such as being past culprits of imperialism, and brings awareness to human morality.Works CitedHeart of Darkness. Shmoop. Shmoop University, n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2013. .

Thursday, May 23, 2019


3/30 The elements of tragedy brought forth by Aristotle are popular guidelines for literature and pertain to real life as well. Some of the components are rise to fame or direfulman birth, tragic dishonor, reversal, and recognition. A large cooperation of the components is necessary for a tragedy. The elements of tragedy are also evident in people as well. Earvin witching(prenominal) Johnson exemplifies a tragic hero and his life path fits a large portion of the components of tragedy. Magic Johnson was a person of noble uprising and also posed a tragic flaw in his character.Ever since he was a young person, he loved forgeing basketball and was steady-going at it. He obtained the nickname Magic after scoring a triple double his freshman year in high school. He get to fame during his high school years and put up extraordinary numbers. He was destined to be a great basketball player. He later contend at Michigan State University and won a national championship with them, seali ng his validity as a basketball phenom. That shows how he had a noble uprising. His tragic flaw became evident during his NBA years. Magic was drafted by the Lakers and was an immediate star.The Lakers ended up winning the championship and Magic was named the MVP of the finals. He continued to play at a high level for years. His success went to head and was a little to free spirited, representing his tragic flaw. His tragic flaw led to his near remnant experience and his upset respect from the nation. The components of tragedy, especially noble uprising and tragic flaw are represented in the life story of Magic Johnson. Magic Johnsons character flaw of ego mindedness and free spirit led to his tragic render of his contraction of HIV.In the beginning of the 1991 NBA season, Magic was not feeling deal himself. After some tests, Magic was positive for HIV, the deadly disease that can be contracted by blood transfusion and sexual intercourse and in Magics case it was sexual intercou rse. Shocked, scared, and embarrassed he decided to release this news to the public. He explained how we got HIV from doing mischievous things and that he would have to move away from the game of basketball. This absolutely shocked not just Los Angeles but the entire nation.One of the United States biggest celebrity and role model was now in fortune of his life and was basically being shunned because of having this fatal disease. Some players did not want to play with him because they were scared that they would get it too. Magic Johnsons tragic fall from NBA title-holder reflects the essence of the tragic fall in the components of Greek tragedy. His flaw led him to weak and malign health and led him to an early hiatus in his career. His fall also put him in some infamy for the time being.Magics fall caused by his character flaw is exemplary of the guidelines of tragedy put forth by Aristotle. Magic Johnsons recognition was and huge important part of his life and completes the cy cle for the components of tragedy. Immediately he took matters into his own hands by admitting his misapprehension and admitted he had multiple sex partners during his career. He also decided to test his wife for HIV and presented he with a huge apology and how he lost his mind in the fast lane. After over coming the odds, he rid of the disease and returned to basketball but was only in the union a couple of games.He later wrote a book about safe sex and became an incredible advocate for HIV ken by taking the contain in that realm. He was easily one of the most influential people in the HIV awareness sector. He has also created his own foundation and is quiet a successful businessman today. Magic really did have recognition of his tragic fall. He admitted he was wrong and openly apologized to the public and increases his interests in the awareness of HIV and AIDS. He has realized his downfall and has done a lot to try and remove that from his past.His recognition is truly apart of his tragic story. Magic Johnson is the stainless subject for the tragic hero position. He exemplifies some of the components of tragedy. He had a noble uprising through his young years and presented a tragic flaw of his ego mindedness. Magic had a downfall with his contraction of HIV in part to his character flaw. He also posed arguably the most important part, the recognition including his apology to the nation, his teammates, and his wife. Magic is now considered a hero thanks to all of his HIV and post-NBA dealings, a. k. a his recognition.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Labor Relations Research Paper

MG420 DL lug Relations Research Assignment (Arthur Crump) (September 27, 2009) Professor Stroud 1. Define and deal the term incorporated negotiate. Include and discuss showing relevance or applicability a current web-based news item/magazine article slightly a received life example of a bodied bargaining action. Write a succinct and complete summary on the contents of the article youve provided along with your diminutive comments about that article. Support your findings with book of factsd research. (5 points)The Honolulu Advertiser recently published an article which cites on-going contract bargaining negotiations between the University of Hawaii (UH) Professional Assembly (who represents the faculty) and UH (http//www. honoluluadvertiser. com/article/20090918/news07/909180373). Currently, negotiations are at a stale-mate due to UH submitting its final contract offer to the UH Professional Assembly asking for a 5% pay reduction as well as a 10% reduction in the states co ntribution to their health insurance premiums.Due to this final offer bare an ultimatum stating that the university will be unilaterally imposed if non accepted by the union, may force the union to take legal action or strike. The reasons cited by the university for their terms are despite increased enrollment, theyve experienced significant reckon reductions. This article is a great example of collective bargaining because the faculty is afforded the prospect to ca-ca some efficiency, equity, and voice (Labor Relations, pg. -12) regarding their work terms. Additionally, this article also displays the definition of multilateral bargaining which is negotiating between multiple parties which in this case include poster of Regents, the UH president, and the States G everywherenor (Labor Relations, pg 296) Unfortunately this busy case is affected by the economic element for the bargaining environment due to the reduced budget cuts. (Labor Relations, pg 286) 2. Identify three law s that support collective bargaining.Include and discuss showing relevance or applicability a current web-based news item/magazine article about each. Write a succinct and complete summary on the contents of the article youve provided along with your critical comments about that article. Support your findings with referenced research. (30 points) The National Labor Relations Act of 1935, also known as the (Wagner Act), supports collective bargaining by eliminating the disparities in equity between Labor and the Employer, as well as shelters labors right to unionize should they so desire.This law was initiated due to previous legislation being ruled unconstitutional, and placed more emphasis on law for private sector labor. (Labor Relations, pg 166) The following link http//stlouis. bizjournals. com/stlouis/stories/2009/08/03/daily52. html cites an article about the Lumiere Place and President Casino of violating labor laws recognizing the employees union as their bargaining agent b y the regional National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), office in St. Louis.After reviewing this article in its entirety, this case evolved over an issue resulting from a misunderstanding by the employer as to the exclusive representation of the majority of employees, and the employers stance appears to stem from this requirement of the Wagner act. Another law intentional to support collective bargaining and protect union processs from corruption from its union leaders is the Landrum-Griffin act. A perfect violation of this law is the City of young York against New York Citys Carpenters union. See ad link at http//www. nytimes. com/2009/08/06/nyregion/06indict. html.The unions leadership is acc employ of accepting bribes by allowing contractors to tear off the workers, and in return, the union leadership would overlook these offenses and provide no representation which is totally contradictory to the purpose of union affiliation. The third law which supports collective bargaining is the Railway Labor Act. This law considered a win-win to some(prenominal) the labor and employers. It is considered a win to labor because it allows them to have bargaining rights despite being in an interstate industry which requires the employees to work now and grieve later concept (http//www. papilot. org/media/rla. aspWhat%20is%20the%20Railway%20Labor%20Act). As far as Employers and the Public, Congress implemented this act to protect the employers, employees, and the publics interest since rail was the main transportation of the day, and either(prenominal) disruptions due to strikes would have had an adverse impact on interstate commerce as a whole. This law also covers parcel number one woods for UPS and FedEx, but an amendment to the law was introduced to amend the law as it is now, to only limit individuals who hold an FAA-certified job.FedEx feels this would have a veto impact on its operations in the event of a strike by removing the work now grieve later concept f rom its other driver employees, and revert them back to the National Labor Relations Act. (http//www. joc. com/node/409948). 3. List four issues that are potential components of a collective bargaining engagement. Pick any two of the four issues youve listed and include and discuss showing relevance or applicability a current web-based news item/magazine article about each of those two collective bargaining issues in action.Write succinct and complete summaries on the article. Support your findings with referenced research. (18 points) The four issues that primarily make up a bargaining agreement consist of compensation, benefits, layoff policies, and grievance procedures. Regarding wages and benefits, the following link refers to an article where an individual incurred an eye injury toward the end of his contract with the cruise line, and simultaneously, the cruise line which he worked for was undergoing a merger with another cruise line.The problem for the employee occurred beca use while he was out from work and the merger on-going, he felt that he was entitle to wages for the time which he was away due to obtaining surgery (sick leave). Since his contract expired 3 Oct 97, the district court which presided over the case ruled that due to the members closely approaching contract expiration date on or about 3 Oct 1997 in relation to the date of injury, he was not entitled to sick pay. Additionally due to the collective bargaining agreement in effect at the time of this members injury, the member was entitled to 63 days sick leave with pay under the original agreement.Since in that location was confusion as to which agreement was in effect due to the merger, this particular case was ruled in favor of the employer, and the employee wages claim for sick leave was denied. Definitely an unfortunate outcome for the employee since he was temporarily incapacitated from seeking additional employment, and hopefully a learning experience to have input with any future employment involving collective bargaining. (http//www. accessmylibrary. com/article-1G1-78635159/royal-caribbean-cruises-properly. html) 4. Describe the process of establishing a bargaining unit.Include and discuss showing relevance or applicability two current web-based news item/magazine article about any part of the process of establishing a bargaining unit. Write a succinct and complete summary on the contents of the article youve provided along with you critical comments about that article. Support you finding with reference research. (5 points) Establishing a bargaining unit has 8 steps each for both the employer and the union. The eight steps for the union consist of As capitalism continues to globe dress across Chinas landscape, China is racing to establish unions in all fortunate 500 companies located there.Their recent accomplishment of sterilizeting up workplace unions in supposedly non-union Wal-Mart, led to them wanting to set up unions in at least 80 percent of th e aforementioned companies and branches. Their current time-line calls for 10,000 workplaces to have new unions within 100 days. Additionally they are development a pattern bargaining structure from their Wal-mart feat (Labor Relations pg 291), in order to accomplish this enormous task. http//www. clntranslations. org/article/33/the-chinese-trade-unions-big-rush-to-set-up-unions-in-fortune-500-companiesTwo years after the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) accomplished a breakthrough to set up workplace unions in Wal-Mart stores, on 11 June this year, after holding a meeting in Beijing, it announced that it would immediately launch a campaign to set up unions in at least 80 percent of the Fortune 500 company headquarters and branches. Up until now only some 50 percent of these companies have unions. This means that, including unions in these companys branches, more than 10,000 workplaces have to have new unions. This 100-day focused action as the ACFTU calls it, will be i n high gear until the end of September.The announcement was made with a sense of urgency and determination. Local unions were also instructed to take legal action against any companies that refuse to accept having a union. 1 It would have been a tall order had this union federation edict been issued in a country where there is freedom of association, especially in a place like the United States where unionization is met with stiff resistance and where labor laws and unionization procedures make setting up workplace unions extremely difficult if not impossible. But development the establishment of the 100 Wal-Mart trade unions as a template, this is a feasible mission.After initially using the secretive method of setting up unions at about a dozen Wal-Mart stores (see http//www. clntranslations. org/article/4/wal-mart), the ACFTU abandoned this new organizing method and reverted to using the consultative method, that includes management in the setting up of the union preparatory co mmittee and the subsequent election process. The new grassroots unionization method used for the first dozen Wal-Mart stores is time consuming and may end up with elected trade union executive committees and chairpersons making demands on the company.The ACFTU has always been using the above-ground method which, in their view, has stood the test of time. In light of the ACFTUs goal to set up more than 10,000 workplace unions within three months, it can be safely predicted that these unions will be heavily dominated by management. To illustrate what these new Fortune 500 trade unions will probably be like, CLNT has elect to translate a report form the Suzhou Daily, 8 July 2008, which is a transcript of a round-table discussion by 10 workplace trade union ply members from some Fortune 500 companies that have already had trade unions.They talked about their experiences and offered their own opinions on what ideal trade unions chairpersons should be. There was a consensus that the unio n is to be a channel of communication between workers and management, that the trade union chair should have the ability to use a common language to talk to both parties, that the union is the agent for a win-win situation for the

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Escape From Poverty Essay

IntroductionPoverty is a flagitious situation where the majority of individuals hurt experient in their daily life. Poverty is the inability to maintain standard of living. Poverty is hunger and omit of shelter. Poverty is a lack of basic necessities such as clothing, housing, water and health services. P arnts living in severe poverty affect the commandment of young children. This is because they might be selling for their parents to get some specie to maintain themselves, or also the parents are un fit to pay for their childs education. Many children are non attendance school overdue to the lack of coin for textbooks, uniforms and tuitions. Therefore, some children tend to suffer for a situation they cannot avoid, organism poor. Due to this problem, it is the responsibility of the presidential term and family a kindred to ensure that a child receives an education. Therefore, their education is likely their only escape from poverty.Aims and ObjectivesThe aim of this inqu iry is for the tec to become aware of the factors influencing the education of these children and also to make the public and government officials aware of this serious situation. The main objective of this research is to find some type of solution or help which will benefit both the parents and the children. The mickle in this settlement that are of higher standard of living can come together and help the people that are more in need since it is the lives of young children that is being affected. The government should invest their money in this colonisation by helping parents get books, uniforms and paying tuition for the children. Also they should have more moving in opportunities since some(prenominal) parents are unemployed and without a job they dont have money to cover the school expenses.Purpose of InvestigationThe researcher conducted a research on the Factors affecting the education of young children in the village of Trial put forward. Many children in this villagedo not have the fortune of go to school and having an education. This is a serious factor that should be dealt with immediately since it is affecting the lives of young innocent children. In order for the researcher to know the reasons why this is bonnie a serious issue, interviews were held, questionnaires were issued out to the different people and surveys were made. This research will help the researcher and the public become aware about the reasons why children occlusive home and not go to school. Every child has the right to attend school and to become someone in life. However, this is not so in the village of Trial Farm since parents are not capable of count their young ones in school or high school. This investigation will be like an eye opener to the researcher and to everyone.Method of InvestigationIn conducting my research on the Factors affecting the education of young children in Trial Farm small town there were numerous methods used. Firstly a survey was conducted , in the form of informal interviews. A total of fifty randomly selected people were asked questions in cost of the reasons why children are not be school and why the parents are not capable of sending their children to school. The questionnaires were issued to the parents since they are the ones who can state the reasons for their children not go to school. The parents were allotted about ten minutes to complete the questionnaire. According to the respondents, majority of the children are ineffectual to attend school because of the cost of education. For the informal interviews being made, about of the respondents agreed that the area that generated the most is the cost of purchasing books, paying tuition and getting uniforms for their children. The researcher also used secondary data as a method of research. Some information was obtained from newspapers, articles and a website to get statistical information about this research. The website was sta tistics office). Some informal interviews were also attempted to different parents whereby they corresponded very satisfactorily. This was make to get personal views and opinions by parents. Their answers were used to further analyze and study the factors that affect education in this village.Procedures used to collect dataThe researcher had at rest(p) to the village of Trial Farm in order to conduct a research by conducting a survey. The researcher distributed fifty questionnaires to each individual in the village and was given five minutes to answer it accurately. after collecting the questionnaires, the researcher gathered the information and analyzed the information given by the respondents. After analyzing the data collected the researcher presented the findings of the investigation. As a result, the respondents really helped the researcher in the survey being conducted. They gave accurate responds which assisted the researcher in the survey. intro and Explanation of DataFigu re 1.1 shows the percentage of children both males and females not attending school. The pie chart preceding(prenominal) shows 20% of females not attending school, 20% of males not attending school due to many causes as the researcher did its investigation in the village of Trial Farm. Therefore, there are 50% of both males and females not able to attend school.Figure 1.2 shows how many parents both Father and M an opposite(prenominal) do not have a job. As shown above, both father and mother does not have a job. Out of 15 parents there are 10 fathers not employed and 5 mothers not being employed as the researcher did its investigation on unemployed parents in the village of Trial Farm.Figure 1.3 shows that what the people of Trial Farm believe what causes their children from not attending school. As shown above, there are 10 people who believe that unemployment causes their children from not attending school, 6 people believe that poverty causes it and 4 people believe that the go vernment causes the children from attending school.Interpretation of DataIn the village of Trial Farm, there are a number of young children not attending school because their parents are futile to pay due to financial need. After analyzing the data being collected, there is a total of 50% of children both males and females not attending school due to many causes.There are 20% of females and 30% of males not attending school in the village of Trial Farm. Due to this, it is because of their parents not having a job to sustain the family therefore, it leads to unemployment where it affects the children. In total there are 15 parents both mother and father not employed. There are a total of 10 males and 5 females not being employed. So it leads to several causes that affect the children in not attending school. This leads to unemployment where parents do not have the opportunity to have a job it leads to poverty where parents do not have enough income to sustain the family and deals wi th the government. This may cause the children not able to go to school because of transportation government doesnt provide a bus for those children who are not able to buy a bicycle to go to school. Government does not help in purchasing textbooks, stationeries and trying to pay half of the tuitions for those children.Finding1. Poverty affects the life of many children go to school without breakfast or even enough money to buy a suitable meal for lunch. 2. When it comes to education of a child, some families are unable to afford sending their child because of the cost of education in terms of purchasing textbooks, paying tuitions and the sewing of uniforms. 3. The researcher had encountered that poverty is a situation whereby many families cannot avoid, mainly because they are born into it and they cannot help themselves, therefore, they seek unkept paying jobs, and force their children to sell for them in order to sustain their life. 4. Conducting the research in the village of T rial Farm, the researcher saw many homeless people wandering around the streets women and their children, and men. 5. Poverty neglects many things for families education, proper schooling, and shelter.Recommendation1. The researcher had seen how sad is to see people living in poor conditions whereby children are unable to attend school. 2. Government together with the Ministry of Education should try to provide a home for many of the disadvantaged children, by giving them an opportunity by sending them toschool and by giving scholarships to those children who are in need of an education because it is very important for a child to get an education so that they would have something to defend themselves in the longer run when they are finding a job. 3. As a country and as a person, we should find different shipway to be a supportive system for these people, because they are just like any ordinary people who have hopes and dreams in life. 4. We should help each other to move forward so our country can progress and be a better place to live in.QuestionnaireGreetings in the promise of the lord My name is Maritza Vasquez and I am a student of University of Belize, the researcher. The researcher is investigating on the topic Factors affecting the education of young children in the village of Trial Farm hence I am kindly requesting your assistance by YOU filling out this questionnaire. This questionnaire will assist the researcher by giving accurate and direct data that will be used for my research project. Thank you in advance for your kind assistance. May God Bless you1. Do you have a job in order to sustain your family?Yes NoIf yes what type of job? _______________________2. How much do you spend a day?$0-$2$2- $5$5- $1010 & above3. Are you in need of basic necessities?Yes NoIf yes, state what basic necessities you are in need of___________________________________________________________4. Have you been helped by other individuals?Yes No5. Have you ever experience d a financial need?6.Yes NoIf yes, state why?_____________________________________________________________7. How many children do you have?1, 2, 3, 4 and above8. Are your children attending school?Yes No9. If your child isnt attending school, state what they do on their free time and why?_______________________________________________________________10. Why are you unable to send your child to school?_______________________________________________________________11. Have you ever heard your child say that he/she wants to go to school?Yes No12. If there was an opportunity for your child to go to school, would you let him/her go to school?Yes NoIf no, state why? ______________________________________________

Monday, May 20, 2019

Finance and Company Essay

So Wrigley has to puff decisions on whether or not to borrow $ 3 billion for recapitalization. Question Based on the above situation, there are few questions that arise as seen below ? Whether the recapitalization would be good for the unions development in the long work on? ?After borrowing $ 3 billion dollars what would the stupor on the gilds debt rating be? ?Whats the impact on the companys share value would the recapitalization increase the companys share value? ?Whats the impact on the companys WACC, an increase or decrease? Would recapitalization increases the EPS of the company? HypothesisBefore capital restructuring referable to not having any debt, return on capital and operating income as a percent of gross sales can be riding habitd based on exhibit 2(it is $513,356/$2,429,646= 21%) which is the A to AA range of investing grade. After recapitalization, the companys debt rating will fall to a BB/B rating which reflects a higher risk and spurn debt rating that wil l cause higher yields. According to Exhibit 7s given information, the yield is between BB (12. 753) to B (14. 663) to obtain a cost of debt. Impact on share valueIf the company chooses to buy back the conduct, the WD will be 22. 89% (3,000,000/13,103,000), the WACC will be 10. 19% (22. 89% (1-40%)*13%+77. 1%*10. 9%). Both 10. 32% and 10. 19% are lower than the WACC forward recapitalization, which indicates that after the recapitalization the company will have a lower minimum rate of return for the company that it needs to earn on its investments to maintain its wealth. Impact on Voting Control If the company is using the dividend plan to do capital restructuring, there will not be any impact on balloting control.However, if the company is using the stock repurchase plan, it will have an influence on the voting control. The current Wrigley family ownership includes 21% of common shares and 58% of B shares. The total numbers of shares outstanding for Wrigley consists of the spir it of the common shares of 189. 8 million and class B shares of 42. 641 million (10 votes each), a total of 232,441 million shares. So the company will have 46. 6% ((189. 8*21%+426. 41*58%)/616. 21=46. 6%)voting control before recapitalization.After the recapitalization the voting control will increase to 49% (179. 22-42. 641)*21%+426. 41*58%/ (136. 58+426. 41) =49Based on the above analysis, my suggestion is not to borrow $ 3 billion dollars, or if the company insists in doing a recapitalization I would suggest for them to not borrow as much and to make some investment on assets instead of it all in equity. For the Wrigley Company I think they should clutch their debt below 50 percent.Because after recapitalization, it will have negative impacts on EPS, debt rating, share value and it has a slightly positive impact on WACC and voting control. The results of impact on EPS analysis shows that EPS will free fall from $ 1. 61 to 0. 46 and, the debt/ assets ratio will be 169% which wi ll increase the companys risks. From a debt rating aspect, after borrowing $ 3 billion dollars, the debt rating of the company will decline from AA/A to BB/B which means that the company will have a higher reside rate, more interest expense and a lower credit rating in the future.This is not good for the companys future development. From a long term prospective, I believe its important that the company be careful in determining whether they should pursue a dividend or stock repurchase strategy. If the company chooses to use the $ 3 billion to pay dividends now, it readiness increase the investors satisfaction in the short run but once the dividend has been paid, the investor will expect the same amount of dividend in the future and a lower dividend might disappoint investors and that might affect the companys stock price in the future.The stock repurchase is temporary as well, so after the repurchase the ending stock price might drop and it may hurt a potential new investor who ma de a purchase during the repurchase period. All things considered as long as Wrigley keeps an eye on their long term goals and continues to look at the big picture whilst making good solid financial choices for their company they should be most successful.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Loving Our Family Essay

As a Catholic, I wish to preserve the values that were instilled in me-those that sterilize a person. It is said that everything starts from our family. They be the one that hour as all the influence that change and extend us where are we now. Our mothers served as our first teachers. Our fathers seemed to be our first ball of our first basketball match. Our brothers and sisters depicted the role of our first best buddies. Indeed, they are what who made us. We owe them what we are today especially our parents.So first thing, I want to instill in the minds of the next generation, the values of a Filipino family. I thank the Lord for giving me a family that is bounded with love and harmony. I wish every baby bird would honor their mothers and fathers as what Jesus had commanded us. I wish we as a children, would not just get a line into our parents as mere providers of our needs and pleasures. They are more than a provider of the material entity. They give rectangular things, im mortal love and endless sacrifice.How great is our sin if we dont even at least to make a coffee for them to every morning or offer a meal whenever they are already exhausted or tired with the entire day of work. We only have one bechance of having a family, once they are gone, they are gone forever. So let us preserve the denseness of our family or the close family ties we had learned in our countrys culture. Let the next generation whoop it up the unconditional love of God through our family.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Accounting-People Oriented”

Is the heatableel service of the highest absolute frequency words in unmatch satisfactory, but how to understand the people-oriented, and fell at the service Implementation, but non so simple. Four Seasons Hotel prior to the opening trial of business is not facing society, but to face the staff, commission a month, the staff try to eat a month, identify problems, stop at any time, In order to ensure the prize of the opening one hundred percent. This Is a people the guests when the hotel cease not be Guiana pigs.From this concept, the Four Seasons Hotel is no interns. Employees must be strengthened into the store a series of cooking to meet the requirements of posts, appointment is a formal work go must be perfect for guests, not the internship process. A defect In the current hotel is the dwell, restaurants, PA, recreational and other first-line lack of understanding among the various departments, the hotel to a fault provides that employees of various departments can not string Kong, and this will inevitably affect the overall service quality and team spirit.The last of a series of raining is to allow employees to do the day the guests, In plus to free room arrangements, and the other 600 distributed to staff, the staff wear casual consumption in the hotel, dining, fitness, the bar can be, requiring employees to stand in the guest point of the hotel experience, understanding customers. Proceeding to create a high microscope stage of satisfaction with the service, and also from the beginning so that employees of various departments of the hotel have a comprehensive understanding drive on future communication and coordination among departments.Four Seasons Hotel people-oriented high level of protection is n important embodiment of the guests right to privateness and equal respect for each guest. This Is, in our country, both conceptual Issues, but also the thornyy of the operation, duration the Four seasons Hotel In respect of human rights Is th e undying honor. To the room, into the elevator key card to be out of use(p) in, it stopped back in the appropriate write up. The hotel public areas without permission will be allowed to getting even pictures, because legion(predicate) people In public places, even seemingly private photos, but the background may pacify be related to other people, which have generated the aground of the possible infringement, which is strictly prohibited . If you really look at camera can tell you specifically for the hotel arrangements. Each house guests are all equal, even if on that point is an important guests arrived, the hotel main entrance Is still to be set aside for dally guest bring and out of lanes and not allow sealed. If there is a conflict, the Four Seasons Hotel would rather not take the murder guests have to absolutely guarantee the normal conditions of service. Do not allow media access to the lobby guests take photos, such as David Buckrams Posh wife to Shanghai, the tol l cordoned off at the door, the media must not go beyond.The more so, is the absolute guarantee that the stores environmental quality, the guests privacy and freedom of movement. Media sometimes complained, but the principle unswervingly adhere to the Four Seasons Hotel. Personalized Four Seasons service quality is the bigger and more extreme, the cost of large, difficult to have the hotel can afford. SYNC TV united States President to Shanghai, the hotel Immediately contact professional organizations in Shanghai, the purchase of decoders, dedicated to the 1 OFFSYNC line II rooms Witt Conics channels Ana a Selene well-producer surplus programs to the president of Pepsi-cola, the room All put on PepsiCo products Philips president stayed, the rooms are full of Philips illume replaced Toasts chairman, the head of the bed put a label marked with the model of Toyota cars Samsung Electronics Company President of stay, hotel suites spared no expense to the other brands of high plasma TV removed and replaced by the latest models Samsung products.These benefits not moreover the boss, that is, a child, but also an equal footing. To store that also brought along a couple of anile child, a child of the hotel like a shot coupled with bathrobes, slippers and children, balloons and other small toys, extra bed is also arranged with the childs height. It can be said, as long as visitor information, the Four Seasons Hotel are fully in place beforehand.Never use the hotel services, car floor, because the car, then most of the time during the day there are services out of the way the surface floor, guests have to sidle over, rude, tasteless, garbage bags on board the service, not elegant, some other odor. At the same mime, there is baggage car floor, but there will be conflict phenomena. Each floor of the hotel which had a small linen, the maintenance of daily turnover.Rooms at the Four Seasons hotel, only one printed on both sides do not disturb the morning of the plate, but not come antecedent to clean message. Shop CLC said that if there dashing clean, which means that the hotels commitment to the guests, it is not able to be kept. If the same floor a number of guests 10 rooms, while immediate cleaning is not feasible, and the guests is not to immediately clean up the worry level. Therefore, the hotel prompted guests, as long as the call to immediately clean up, immediately put in place, we must meet.The clean rooms and facilities engineering maintenance rooms must close the door, this is for hotel guests and staff security and privacy considerations. Close the door, the staff will hang alfresco the card We are cleaning your room. Room table, covered with high-strength glass, in fact, everyone knows the problem, at home, in the office, all on the table, and the public use of the hotel room table, glass and India produce, and even cigarette butts, there ill be hot scorch , which gives the guests have the old sense of being damaged.Covered with glass, to resolve to the problem. Of course, under glass do not go into this kind of written material, a messy desktop, visual, taste is reduced. Of course, the name of such services, such as customers, it is essential. Floor attendant pocket has a piece of paper on which was written the name of this floor guests, guest name to see the greeting guests pay tribute to revered. The world has a different orthoepy of the language features, the hotel guests of different nationalities can best be understood.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Angels Demons Chapter 62-63

62Langdons progress around his slope of the Pantheon was being hampered somewhat by the guide on his heels, today continuing his tireless narration as Langdon brisk to check the final alcove.You certainly seem to be enjoying those niches the docent said, aspect delighted. Were you aware that the tapering ponderousness of the w alls is the reason the dome appears weightless?Langdon nodded, non hearing a word as he prepared to examine a nonher niche. Suddenly someone grabbed him from behind. It was Vittoria. She was breathless and tugging at his arm. From the look of terror on her face, Langdon could barely imagine one thing. She found a body. He felt an upswelling of dread.Ah, your wife the docent exclaimed, clearly thrilled to urinate another guest. He motioned to her short pants and hiking boots. straightway you I weed tell are AmericanVittorias eyes narrowed. Im Italian.The guides sinternational nautical mile dimmed. Oh, dear.Robert, Vittoria whispered, trying to turn he r stand on the guide. Galileos Diagramma. I need to see it.Diagramma? the docent said, persuade endure in. My You two certainly k presently your hi news report Unfortunately that document is not viewable. It is under unknown preservation in the Vatican Arc Could you excuse us? Langdon said. He was confused by Vittorias panic. He took her deflection and reached in his pocket, carefully extracting the Diagramma folio. Whats going on?Whats the date on this thing? Vittoria de servicemanded, scanning the sheet.The docent was on them again, staring(a) at the folio, mouth agape. Thats not reallyTourist reproduction, Langdon quipped. Thank you for your help. Please, my wife and I would like a moment alone.The docent backed off, eyes n of all time leaving the paper.Date, Vittoria repeated to Langdon. When did Galileo publishLangdon pointed to the Roman numeral in the lower liner. Thats the pub date. Whats going on?Vittoria deciphered the number. 1639?Yes. Whats reproach?Vittorias eye s filled with foreboding. Were in trouble, Robert. capacious trouble. The dates dont match.What dates dont match?Raphaels grave accent. He wasnt buried here until 1759. A century after Diagramma was published.Langdon stared at her, trying to advert sense of the words. No, he replied. Raphael died in 1520, long before Diagramma.Yes, but he wasnt buried here until a lot later.Langdon was lost. What are you talking about?I just read it. Raphaels body was relocated to the Pantheon in 1758. It was map of some historic tribute to eminent Italians.As the words settled in, Langdon felt like a rug had just been yanked out from under him.When that poem was written, Vittoria controld, Raphaels grave was somewhere else. Back then, the Pantheon had nothing at all to do with RaphaelLangdon could not breathe. But that meansYes It means were in the wrong placeLangdon felt himself sway. Impossible I was certainVittoria ran over and grabbed the docent, pulling him back. Signore, excuse us. Wher e was Raphaels body in the 1600s?Urb Urbino, he stammered, now looking bewildered. His birthplace.Impossible Langdon cursed to himself. The Illuminati altars of science were here in Rome. Im certain of itIlluminati? The docent gasped, looking again at the document in Langdons hand. Who are you people?Vittoria took charge. Were looking for something called Santis earthly grave accent. In Rome. Can you tell us what that might be?The docent looked unsettled. This was Raphaels besides tomb in Rome.Langdon tried to think, but his mind refused to engage. If Raphaels tomb wasnt in Rome in 1655, then what was the poem referring to? Santis earthly tomb with demons mess? What the hell is it? ThinkWas at that place another artist called Santi? Vittoria asked.The docent shrugged. Not that I know of.How about anyone famous at all? peradventure a scientist or a poet or an astronomer figure of speechd Santi?The docent now looked like he wanted to leave. No, maam. The only Santi Ive ever hear d of is Raphael the arc cookect.Architect? Vittoria said. I thought he was a windererHe was both, of course. They all were. Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael.Langdon didnt know whether it was the docents words or the ornate tombs around them that brought the revelation to mind, but it didnt matter. The thought occurred. Santi was an architect. From at that place the progression of thoughts fell like dominoes. Renaissance architects lived for only two reasons to tickle pink God with big churches, and to glorify dignitaries with lavish tombs. Santis tomb. Could it be? The images came faster nowda Vincis Mona Lisa.Monets Water Lilies.Michelangelos David.Santis earthly tombSanti designed the tomb, Langdon said.Vittoria glum. What?Its not a reference to where Raphael is buried, its referring to a tomb he designed.What are you talking about?I misunderstand the clue. Its not Raphaels burial site were looking for, its a tomb Raphael designed for someone else. I cant count I missed it. Half of the sculpting done in Renaissance and Baroque Rome was for the funeraries. Langdon grinningd with the revelation. Raphael must fool designed hundreds of tombsVittoria did not look happy. Hundreds?Langdons smile faded. Oh.Any of them earthly, professor?Langdon felt suddenly inadequate. He knew embarrassingly little about Raphaels work. Michelangelo he could have helped with, but Raphaels work had never captivated him. Langdon could only name a couple of Raphaels more famous tombs, but he wasnt sure what they looked like.Apparently sensing Langdons stymie, Vittoria turned to the docent, who was now inching away. She grabbed his arm and reeled him in. I need a tomb. Designed by Raphael. A tomb that could be considered earthly.The docent now looked distressed. A tomb of Raphaels? I dont know. He designed so many. And you probably would mean a chapel by Raphael, not a tomb. Architects always designed the chapels in conjunction with the tomb.Langdon realized the man was right.Ar e any of Raphaels tombs or chapels considered earthly?The man shrugged. Im sorry. I dont know what you mean. Earthly really doesnt depict anything I know of. I should be going.Vittoria held his arm and read from the top line of the folio. From Santis earthly tomb with demons smother. Does that mean anything to you?Not a thing.Langdon looked up suddenly. He had momentarily forgotten the second part of the line. Demons hole? Yes he said to the docent. Thats it Do any of Raphaels chapels have an oculus in them?The docent shook his head. To my knowledge the Pantheon is unique. He paused. ButBut what Vittoria and Langdon said in unison.Now the docent cocked his head, stepping toward them again. A demons hole? He muttered to himself and picked at his teeth. Demons hole that is buco divolo?Vittoria nodded. Literally, yes.The docent smiled faintly. Now theres a term I have not heard in a while. If Im not mistaken, a buco divolo refers to an undercroft.An undercroft? Langdon asked. As in a crypt?Yes, but a specific kind of crypt. I commit a demons hole is an ancient term for a massive burial cavity located in a chapel underneath another tomb.An ossuary fender? Langdon demanded, immediately recognizing what the man was describing.The docent looked impressed. Yes That is the term I was looking forLangdon considered it. Ossuary annexes were a cheap ecclesiastic fix to an awkward dilemma. When churches honored their virtually distinguished members with ornate tombs in spite of appearance the sanctuary, surviving family members often demanded the family be buried together thus ensuring they too would have a covet burial spot inside the church. However, if the church did not have space or funds to force tombs for an entire family, they sometimes dug an ossuary annex a hole in the floor near the tomb where they buried the less worthy family members. The hole was then covered with the Renaissance equivalent of a manhole cover. Although convenient, the ossuary annex wen t out of style quickly because of the stench that often wafted up into the cathedral. Demons hole, Langdon thought. He had never heard the term. It seemed eerily fitting.Langdons heart was now pounding fiercely. From Santis earthly tomb with demons hole. There seemed to be only one doubtfulness left to ask. Did Raphael design any tombs that had one of these demons holes?The docent scratched his head. Actually. Im sorry I can only think of one. however one? Langdon could not have dreamed of a better response. Where Vittoria almost shouted.The docent eyed them strangely. Its called the Chigi Chapel. Tomb of Agostino Chigi and his brother, rich patrons of the arts and sciences.Sciences? Langdon said, exchanging looks with Vittoria.Where? Vittoria asked again.The docent ignored the question, seeming enthusiastic again to be of service. As for whether or not the tomb is earthly, I dont know, but certainly it is shall we say differente.Different? Langdon said. How?Incoherent with the a rchitecture. Raphael was only the architect. Some other statue maker did the interior adornments. I cant remember who.Langdon was now all ears. The anonymous Illuminati master, perhaps?Whoever did the interior monuments lacked taste, the docent said. Dio mio Atrocits Who would want to be buried beneath piramides?Langdon could scarcely believe his ears. Pyramids? The chapel contains pyramids?I know, the docent scoffed. Terrible, isnt it?Vittoria grabbed the docents arm. Signore, where is this Chigi Chapel?About a mile north. In the church of Santa Maria del Popolo.Vittoria exhaled. Thank you. Lets Hey, the docent said, I just thought of something. What a fool I am.Vittoria stopped short. Please dont tell me you made a mistake.He shook his head. No, but it should have dawned on me earlier. The Chigi Chapel was not always known as the Chigi. It used to be called Capella della Terra.Chapel of the realm? Langdon asked.No, Vittoria said, heading for the door. Chapel of the Earth.Vittor ia Vetra whipped out her cell phone as she dashed into Piazza della Rotunda. Commander Olivetti, she said. This is the wrong placeOlivetti sounded bewildered. Wrong? What do you mean?The first altar of science is at the Chigi ChapelWhere? Now Olivetti sounded angry. But Mr. Langdon said Santa Maria del Popolo One mile north. Get your men over there now Weve got four minutesBut my men are in position here I cant by chance Move Vittoria snapped the phone shut.Behind her, Langdon emerged from the Pantheon, dazed.She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the queue of seemingly driverless taxis waiting by the curb. She pounded on the lens hood of the first car in line. The sleeping driver bolted upright with a startled yelp. Vittoria yanked open the female genitals door and pushed Langdon inside. Then she jumped in behind him.Santa Maria del Popolo, she ordered. PrestoLooking delirious and half terrified, the driver hit the accelerator, peeling out down the street.63Gunther Glick had assumed control of the computer from Chinita Macri, who now stood hunch forward in the back of the cramped BBC van staring in confusion over Glicks shoulder.I told you, Glick said, type some more keys. The British Tattler isnt the only paper that runs stories on these guys.Macri peered closer. Glick was right. The BBC database showed their distinguished network as having picked up and run six stories in the past ten years on the brotherhood called the Illuminati. Well, paint me purple, she thought. Who are the journalists who ran the stories, Macri asked. Schlock jocks?BBC doesnt hire schlock jocks.They hired you.Glick scowled. I dont know why youre such a skeptic. The Illuminati are well documented throughout history.So are witches, UFOs, and the Loch Ness Monster.Glick read the list of stories. You ever heard of a guy called Winston Churchill?Rings a bell.BBC did a historical a while back on Churchills life. Staunch Catholic by the way. Did you know that in 1920 Churchill pu blished a statement condemnatory the Illuminati and warning Brits of a worldwide conspiracy against morality?Macri was dubious. Where did it run? In the British Tattler?Glick smiled. capital of the United Kingdom Herald. February 8, 1920.No way.Feast your eyes.Macri looked closer at the clip. London Herald. Feb. 8, 1920. I had no idea. Well, Churchill was a paranoid.He wasnt alone, Glick said, practice further. Looks like Woodrow Wilson gave three radio broadcasts in 1921 warning of growing Illuminati control over the U.S. banking system. You want a direct quote from the radio transcript?Not really.Glick gave her one anyway. He said, There is a mightiness so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that none had better verbalize above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Ive never heard anything about this.Maybe because in 1921 you were just a kid.Charming. Macri took the labor in stride. She knew her years were showing. At forty-three, her bushy black cur ls were streaked with gray. She was too proud for dye. Her mom, a southerly Baptist, had taught Chinita contentedness and self-respect. When youre a black woman, her mother said, aint no hiding what you are. Day you try, is the day you die. Stand tall, smile bright, and let em wonder what mysterys making you laugh.Ever heard of Cecil Rhodes? Glick asked.Macri looked up. The British financier?Yeah. Founded the Rhodes Scholarships.Dont tell me Illuminatus.BS.BBC, actually. November 16, 1984.We wrote that Cecil Rhodes was Illuminati?Sure did. And fit in to our network, the Rhodes Scholarships were funds set up centuries ago to recruit the worlds brightest young minds into the Illuminati.Thats ridiculous My uncle was a Rhodes ScholarGlick winked. So was Bill Clinton.Macri was getting mad now. She had never had tolerance for shoddy, alarmist reporting. Still, she knew enough about the BBC to know that every story they ran was carefully researched and confirmed.Heres one youll remember , Glick said. BBC, March 5, 1998. Parliament Committee Chair, Chris Mullin, required all members of British Parliament who were Masons to declare their affiliation.Macri remembered it. The decree had eventually extended to include policemen and judges as well. Why was it again?Glick read. concern that secret factions within the Masons exerted considerable control over political and financial systems.Thats right.Caused quite a bustle. The Masons in parliament were furious. Had a right to be. The vast majority turned out to be innocent men who conjugate the Masons for networking and charity work. They had no clue about the brotherhoods past affiliations.Alleged affiliations.Whatever. Glick scanned the articles. Look at this stuff. Accounts tracing the Illuminati back to Galileo, the Guerenets of France, the Alumbrados of Spain. Even Karl Marx and the Russian Revolution.History has a way of rewriting itself.Fine, you want something current? Have a look at this. Heres an Illuminati r eference from a recent Wall Street Journal.This caught Macris ear. The Journal?Guess what the most popular Internet computer game in America is right now?Pin the laughingstock on Pamela Anderson.Close. Its called, Illuminati New World Order.Macri looked over his shoulder at the blurb. Steve Jackson Games has a runaway hit a quasi-historical adventure in which an ancient satanic brotherhood from Bavaria sets out to take over the world. You can find them on-line at Macri looked up, feeling ill. What do these Illuminati guys have against Christianity?Not just Christianity, Glick said. Religion in general. Glick cocked his head and grinned. Although from the phone call we just got, it appears they do have a special spot in their hearts for the Vatican.Oh, come on. You dont really think that guy who called is who he claims to be, do you?A messenger of the Illuminati? Preparing to protrude four cardinals? Glick smiled. I sure hope so.