Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Problem With Subprime Mortgages And Minorities

The problem with Subprime Mortgages and Minorities When it comes to buying a home there are a few things you need first. Of course you need money , but what if you don t have the money but you want to get a home? Well you would apply for a loan, but there are two loans you could qualify for and those two are known as prime loans and subprime loans. There are far too many cases where there are well qualified people with the credentials to get a prime loan but were denied, forcing them to settle for worse forms of credit such as subprime loan. The problem is that it is unethical to even offer these subprime loans because of the debt that it puts subprime borrowers in. Through my research I have gathered I have determined that well-qualifying minorities, in particular blacks and Hispanics, have been denied prime mortgages based on race and prejudices, making them easier prey for less convenient loans such as subprime mortgages, which results in higher default and foreclosure rates amongst minority residences. Subprime loans A subprime loan is a loan given to people who generally have bad to below average credit and are charged with higher interest rates because of past credit history. Subprime mortgages was designed to help those Americans who want to achieve the goal of homeownership for low-income minorities (Gorton 12). The unethical dilemma is that the lender has the choice to decide whether to refinance or not at the end of the first period without the borrowerShow MoreRelatedCountrywide Home Loans ( Countrywide Hl )1466 Words   |  6 PagesCountrywide Home Loans (Countrywide HL) provide, service, and sell mortgage loans and after-loan services such as collections and payment processing. As a leader in the mortgage industry, they provide these products and services to homeowners through prime and subprime mortgage loans and subsequently resell these loans to investors. In 2009, the United States (US) Treasury Department (Treasury) invested (i.e., US taxpayer-based funding) in Count rywide HL under the Treasury’s 2009 Troubled Asset ReliefRead MoreThe Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the U.S Essay1586 Words   |  7 PagesThe argument over who should be at fault for the subprime mortgage crisis and housing market collapse in the United States has been a heated debate. Even though home foreclosure keeps rising, there should be some accountability for the economic meltdown resulting from the subprime mortgage situation. Should we blame banking institutions, mortgage lenders, brokers, and investors for this crisis? Should minorities be blamed for recklessly accepting loans and defaulting on them after realizing theyRead MoreSubprime Lenders And The Financial Crisis865 Words   |  4 PagesSubprime loans are ethical tools which were wildly misused during the time leading up to the financial crisis in 2008-2009. Subprime lending targeted borrowers who would typically not qualify for standard loans for various reasons. These included low credit scores, low incom e, and history of late payments. The loans were offered at a rate higher than the market rate due to the increased risks of the borrowers. Many of the clients Countrywide supported were much less likely to be able to pay off theirRead MoreSubprime Lending1295 Words   |  6 PagesDefining Subprime Lending The problem to be investigated is the effect of subprime mortgage loans on the economy. According to Merriam Webster subprime is defined as having or being an interest rate that is higher than a prime rate and is extended especially to low-income borrowers; extending or obtaining a subprime loan (Webster, 2012). Subprime mortgage loans are loans given to people with a low credit score. Subprime borrowers normally don’t qualify for prime loans or prime lending. AccordingRead MoreCentral Causes of the Global Financial Crisis1295 Words   |  6 Pagesfactor through the use of subprime mortgages and predatory lending. The U.S Government’s risk-averse policies on banking regulation gave way for reckless bankers on Wall Street to make quick money by exploiting the population; selling the ‘American dream’ which created the largest housing bubble and national debt to date. This essay looks at two types of banking practices practiced during the GFC by investme nt banks and lenders which contributed to the economic downturn: subprime lending and predatoryRead MoreThe Role of the Community Reinvestment Act on the 2007 Housing Bubble Collapse1670 Words   |  7 Pagescollapse and the wider financial crisis. This argument is subject to a number of problems, namely: the CRA never mandated lower lending standards, the CRA was enacted over a quarter of a century before the housing crash took place, none of the hundreds of banks that collapsed were subject to CRA legislation, CRA loans had a historically low level of default, and CRA loans comprised an extremely low amount of subprime loans during the relevant period of the crisis. While the CRA may have played someRead MoreSimultaneously, The Community Reinvestment Act (Cra) Of1320 Words   |  6 PagesSimultaneously, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 was forcing banks â€Å"to make loans to low-income borrowers, especially minorities and particularly African Americans, with a focu s on home loans...In order to make acquisitions, open branches, and generally grow its business, a bank must have a satisfactory CRA rating† (Allison, 2013, pp. 55-6). This essentially forced banks to make riskier loans than they otherwise would have. The situation in the early 1990s through 2007 was loan originatorsRead MoreCountrywide Subprime Lending Crisis4911 Words   |  20 PagesExecutive Summary Even though Countrywide stopped offering subprime loans 4 months ago, the company is still in the forefront of the subprime mortgage lending and foreclosure crisis. Lawsuits seem to be coming from all directions, federal and state investigative probes are launched against them, stock price tumbled to 1/5 of its value, even desperate lenders demonstrated outside their offices. 2007 has definitely not been Countrywide s year. The company has lost its place as America s Home LenderRead MoreThe Role Of Government Affordable Housing Policy1424 Words   |  6 Pagesup this observation. â€Å"At President Clinton’s direction, no fewer than 10 federal agencies issued a chilling ultimatum to banks and mortgage lenders to ease credit for lower-income minorities or face investigations for lending discrimination and suffer the related adverse publicity. They also were threatened with denial of access to the all-important secondary mortgage market and stiff fines, along with other penalties. The threat was codified in a 20-page â€Å"Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending†Read MoreSocial Policy Related to Individuals in a Rural Setting1611 Words   |  6 PagesGuidelines and Principles for Social Impact Assessment, 1994) Statement of Problem The problem addressed in this particular study is that of available suitable and energy efficient housing in rural areas and the tendency for rural low-income individuals to purchase mobile homes that are financed through mortgages characterized by predatory lending. The work entitled Subprime and Predatory Lending in Rural America: Mortgage Lending Practices that can trap low-income rural people published in 2006

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Economics and True False - 7484 Words

Question 2 (0.5/0.5) Exhibit 2–4 Production possibilities curve data | A | B | C | D | E | F | Capital goods | 150 | 140 | 120 | 90 | 50 | 0 | Consumer goods | 0 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 | | | | | | | | In Exhibit 2-4, the concept of increasing opportunity costs is represented by the fact that: a) Greater amounts of capital goods must be sacrificed to produce each additional unit of consumption goods. Question 4 (0.5/0.5) As shown in Exhibit 8-3, in order to maximise its profit, what price should GeneTech charge for it’s vaccine? a) $35 per dose Question 5 (0.5/0.5) A demand curve for the Steel Porcupines’ concert tickets would show the: a) Number of tickets that will be purchased†¦show more content†¦This is evidence that price elasticity of demand for steak is: a) Unitary elastic Question 30 (0.5/0.5) The income elasticity of demand for shoes is estimated to be 1.5. We can conclude that shoes: a) Are a normal good Question 31 (0.5/0.5) The price elasticity of demand for a vertical demand curve is: a) Perfectly inelastic Question 32 (0.5/0.5) To maximise its profit, a monopoly should choose a price where demand is: a) Elastic Question 37 (0.5/0.5) In Exhibit 7-3, when the price is $2, the profit-maximising (or loss-minimising) firm: a) Should shut down and produce zero Question 38 (0.5/0.5) Which of the following is not a market failure? a) Prices determined in competitive markets, which consumers, as individuals, have no control over. Question 39 (0.5/0.5) Suppose prices for a new home have risen, yet sales of new homes have also risen. We can conclude that: a) The demand for new homes has risen Question 40 (0.5/0.5) Water is often provided to households by one supplier because: a) It is a natural monopoly PRODUCTION POSSIBILITIES AND OPPORTUNITY COST CHAPTER 2 Which of the following is NOT one of the three fundamental economic questions? | a. | What happens when you add to or subtract from a current situation? | | | b. | For whom to produce? | | | c. | How to produce? | | |Show MoreRelatedPA 315 Final study guide Essay1288 Words   |  6 Pageseconomies. False Question 3 One form of protectionism is to place limit on the amount of an incoming product. This is called Import quota Question 4 Neoliberalism refers to a political movement that espouses economic liberalism as a means of promoting economic development and securing political liberty. True Question 5 Tariffs, import quotas, and regulatory barriers are forms of protectionism that â€Å"unfairly† promote domestic goods in foreign markets. False Question 6 Read MoreMidterm BUSN1201398 Words   |  6 PagesMidterm Student: 1. Socially responsible activities are never done for building the reputation of a firm within the philanthropy model.   True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False   2.  Which of the following statements is true about Whistleblowing?   A.  It can occur both internally and externally . B.  It does not cause any harm to the whistleblower. C.  It involves the disclosure of ethical activities. D.  It may seem disloyal, but it does not harm the business.    3.  The practice of attending to the _____ of a firm is referredRead MoreEssay on Week 2809 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   False | 2. In the U.S., most workers can be discharged for good cause, no cause, and even a morally wrong cause, as long as the discharge is not on the basis of race, gender, religion or another classification protected by law. (Points : 1) |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   False | 3. Conflicts between what employees want and what employers want are generally resolved privately between the individual and his/her employer. (Points : 1) |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   False | Read MoreEnvironmental Interupstions1308 Words   |  6 Pageshuman development is referred to as a   A.  tract development. B.  reserve. C.  wilderness. D.  multiple land use.    2.  Environmental science is an interdisciplinary area of study that deals with all of the following except   A.  politics. B.  economics. C.  ethics. D.  All of these are correct.    3.  An ecosystem is   A.  the transition zone between grassland and desert. B.  a group of interactive species and their environment. C.  a body of freshwater. D.  the lowland area on either side ofRead MoreManaging Innovation Quiz 11631 Words   |  7 PagesPart 1 of 2 - True False 17.0 Points Question 1 of 40 1.0 Points Practically all innovative ideas become successful products. True False Question 2 of 40 1.0 Points Flexible manufacturing technologies have increased the importance of production economies of scale. True False Question 3 of 40 1.0 Points Innovation and new technology have caused the product life cycle to become longer as better quality products are being produced. True False QuestionRead Moremanaging across cultures1592 Words   |  7 Pagesrule themselves as they see fit. True False The elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation is a principle of the Global Compact which applies to: A. Human rights B. Labor C. Environment D. Anticorruption Question 3 of 40  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (worth 0.4 points) Which of the following statements is not true of Hungarys economic reform measures? A. Hungary had a head start on the other former communist-bloc countries in terms of adopting economic reform measures B. MNCs have beenRead MoreEssay on Brs Mdm3 Tif Ch121696 Words   |  7 Pagesoptimal EOQ? A) 200 bags B) 5000 bags C) 2500 bags D) 100 bags E) 50 bags Answer: E Page Ref: 12-7 Topic: Economic Order Quantity: Determining How Much to Order Difficulty: Moderate AACSB: Analytic Skills 2) Refer to the information above. What is the maximum inventory held in a given EOQ cycle? A) 5000 bags B) 200 bags C) 50 D) 100 bags E) 15 bags Answer: C Page Ref: 12-6 Topic: Economic Order Quantity: Determining How Much to Order Difficulty: Moderate AACSB: Analytic Skills 3) Refer toRead MoreEssay about Eco 372 Week 4 Quiz1307 Words   |  6 Pagesproduction and distribution of goods. c. Argue for more governmental stimulus to help the economy. 2. Would Henry Hazlitt more likely say: B a. That government should fund public works to maintain full employment. b. The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups. c. From each according to his ability, to eachRead MoreEntr1363 Words   |  6 Pages1) What are the three parts of sustainability?   Social   Environment   Economic 2)   What did Michael Porter come up with?   A)Reinnovation   B) The Five Forces concept   C) sustainability 1) Which country was used as a subject to test the potential benefits from entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries? (a) Haiti   (b) Uganda (c) Ghana (d) Latvia 2) According to the article pertaining to innovation in developing nations, there is a positive relationship between ___________Read MoreThe And Its Influence On East Asia Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesto Judaism b) Hinduism is to Islam c) Christianity is to Judaism d) Judaism is to Hinduism 4. A policy promoting growth of Gross National Happiness, rather than ____________ growth, is sanctioned by the monarchy of _____. a) population; Nepal b) economic; Bhutan c) agricultural; Bhutan d) cultural; Nepal 5. With approximately ____________ percent of the world’s population and less than _________ percent of the world’s arable land, China has a need to generate higher agriculture outputs. a) 10;

Friday, December 13, 2019

Things You Should Know About The Tempest Essay Topics

Things You Should Know About The Tempest Essay Topics It really can change the direction you use to live life. It's in this portion of The Tempest that someone can witness the way the themes of time and power connect. Prospero's many different kinds of power in the play can be viewed as good and bad. The transition isn't complete, however, and might not become complete, even by the conclusion of the play. Vital Pieces of the Tempest Essay Topics Writing an excellent persuasive essay is not a simple task, however, it's achievable. You have to be at first really clear about what you would like to write, than you need to craft a topic based on the subject of your essay on Shakespeare. Keep reading to discover more aboutTempest Essays, and figure out how you can get a distinctive and high standard Tempest essay online. Utilize Kermode and Barker and Hulmes essays to back up your thesis. In case the latter is true, the topic has to be chosen dependent on its depth and controversial nature. It isn't that your furry friend doesn't enjoy the post, the problem is you have to concentrate on the perfect one and know what things to buy. Also, you have to ensure that the post is secure and doesn't offer any odds of getting injured. It is ideal for unwinding in sunlight and even to taste the standard nourishment at the many cafes and bars. In summer, it's at the focus of the occasions sorted out by the area of Positano. Spiaggia Grande It's the key seashore of Positano. It is the principal seashore of Positano. To begin with, individuals are getting more aware they can buy electronic appliances, antiques and a number of jewellery at far lower price, instead of buying new ones in expensive stores. You aren't going to experience that much discomfort in regards to lifting bags and getting them inside the vehicle and house. Some businesses may need you to remove or eli minate furniture, so check to determine if the business you employ can finish the eradication without forcing you to devote the extra cash on new furniture or linens. When you decided upon the scratching post, it's time to embrace different supplies that have great added benefits and make your life easier in precisely the same time. The Basics of the Tempest Essay Topics That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Today You even don't need to devote lots of money get the interior design as expert interior designers Gurgaon will always begin the job within the budget you've got father undertaking. The internet websites are obtainable for you offering the very best product at the very best price. the Tempest Essay Topics Help! When prior brainstorming is finished, you might begin drafting your essay. The multiple topics could possibly be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. There is an assortment of motives, order and structures that joi n with each other to form some of the most fascinating observations brought by means of this play. Freedom, among the larger themes in the play, due to the easy identification and numerous references. You may get a smaller sized cage at the start as soon as the parrot is a baby nonetheless you'll need to switch it quicker than you are perhaps thinking. If you wish to breed or show the cat, then you need to get in touch with a registered breeder to discover decent superior animals. Siamese cats are a very common breed of cat and may also be quite pricey, based on the breeder and the bloodline of the cat. Picking the ideal cat scratching post is a difficult job, since you will never know if your feline will actually utilize it. Choosing The Tempest Essay Topics Is Simple Immersion caused by floods and tempest floods will likewise essentially help determine the tasks of several port offices. Instantly you will find that life is good. Alonso is regenerated because of his repen tance. This rider provided by HCSL insurance provides you with a protection against a complete loss suffered by your bike. Ruthless Tempest Essay Topics Strategies Exploited Furthermore, the lending company will just interview the borrower for an extremely brief period. According to money pros, it's the simplest sort of loan that has a which can be availed within this modern generation. A personal loan is largely availed by a specific person as a result of their private purposes regarding where they would like to devote the amount on. An individual loan is one of the commonest loans that are being availed by folks nowadays since it's deemed to have the swiftest process of being accepted compared to other sorts of loans.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Baron Manfried Von Richtofen The Red Baron free essay sample

Baron Manfried Von Richtofen: The Red Baron Essay, Research Paper Baron Manfried Von Richtofen was the best One of World War One. With confirmed putting to deaths coming in at around 80, he is the combatant one with the most putting to deaths of all time recorded-ever. However, he started out his calling as a soldier in the trenches, non as a pilot. During the conflict of the Somme, he saw his first aeroplane fly operating expense, and was instantly aquiline. He loved everything about winging, and his grandiloquent, chesty, and some would state determined, personality, made him a quick scholar, and clever mind. His flight calling started out instead easy in the first old ages of the war, but finally took on a torrential gait, and shortly after his twentieth putting to death, he was to be called the Red Baron. This moniker can be chiefly attributed to the fact that he flew a modified Fokker DR I triplane, which he had painted ruddy, so as to galvanize the enemies that he was contending. We will write a custom essay sample on Baron Manfried Von Richtofen The Red Baron or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some say that he was like a devil when he flew, and that the existent ground he painted his plane red was to raise up images of winged deamons in his enemies # 8217 ; heads. His tactics were largely responsible for his repute, nevertheless. During the war, the Baron developed some of the most superb tactics of all time seen until so. He used methods neer earlier attempted, like faked engine flameouts, utilizing air brakes in the center of axial rotations to shorten the cringle distance, assailing from utmost angles, both above and below, and firing his guns before coming in scope to decelerate down his opposition. A pilot is no good if he doesn Ts have a plane to wing, nevertheless. And the Baron surely had a plane. His aircraft was made about wholly for him. It had arms built to his specifications, a larger engine, and was one of the lone triplane designs employed during the war. While his tactics were impressive, most of them were centered around manoeuvrability. His plane was by no means the fastest aircraft of the War, but with its particular design, it could outmanoeuvre, out-turn, and out wing most other planes flown. He put this manoeuvrability to his advantage, and it surely shows in his putting to deaths. A unkown pilot was heard stating, upon the Barons decease, # 8220 ; I hope he burned all the manner to hell. # 8221 ; Baron Manfried Von Richtofen embodies some of the best qualities of a combatant pilot yet seen. He was brave, honest, and brave, but he knew how to acquire the occupation done. His accomplishment, continuity, and tactics will most surely go down in the history books for a long clip. The Red Baron genuinely is the best one of World War One.