Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Representation of Women in Charles Dickens Great expectations Essay

Re impartation of Women in Charles the Tempter Great expectations - Essay pillowcaseThe women who influence Pip argon not good role models for him and others around them. They have set standards for him that are unattainable and lead to an empty, unfulfilled life. Charles deuce represents the majority of the women in Great Expectations as cruel, hard and domineering. Pip, a young boy upkeep in the marsh country in South East England, has neer had a mother figure to nurture or guide him. His formidable sister raises him by slip away Mrs. Joe Gargery who is a dominating force in both Joe and Pips lives (Dickens 7). Pip had the general flavour that she must have forced Joe to marry him by hand (Dickens 7). Mrs. Joe is represented as being a cold and cruel muliebrity who threatens Pip and Joe with her cane that she has nicknamed the tickler. Mrs. Joe is unhappy as the blacksmiths wife construed to gild the notion that women in the Victorian era assumed the social status of their keep ups. She is resentful of this and longs for more an emotion that is captured in her statement Perhaps if I warnt a blacksmiths wife, and (whats the similar thing) a slave with her apron never off, I should have been able to hear the carols (Dickens 20). Perhaps her resentment, for her present social status, is the reason for her attitude towards her husband and her brother. Her constant abuse towards him and unhappiness in her station greatly influences Pip. Mrs. Joe is brutally attacked by an unknown attacker, and this attack eventually leads to her demise. This brutality and justice are representative of Charles Dickenss portrayal of women in Great Expectations. Ms. Havisham is another authority figure in Pips life, also meets her demise in a brutal way, but unlike Mrs. Joe, she dies after being caught in what appears to be a fire she started herself. Each death is punishably slow which can be construed to mean that Dickens meant to illustrate the atonement of their cruel ty and evil deeds in life. Ms. Havisham is a scorned woman living in a decaying moldy house, and she could still be suffering from the shock of her fiance leaving her on her their wedding day. This left her with everything in its original place, including the time on the clocks, which is a good illustration of her defense reaction and refusal to accept what had happened to her. Her denial and difficulty in accepting her position is echoed by Mrs. Joe who metes out her frustrations on her husband and brother. The generational inheritance of unattainable goals in life from their mothers makes the Victorian era woman a dissent and unsatisfied woman. The suffer in their lives is compensated for by their hard stance in life, cold and cruel behavior and attitudes towards people around their lives. Ms. Havishams rejection by her fiance leaves her mentally unsteady and terrorizing her adopted daughter, Estelle and Pip. On Pips first encounter, he saw that everything within his environmen t, which used to be white long ago, had lost its luster, and was faded and yellow. He saw that the bride within the bridal answer had wizen like the dress and the flowers, and had no luster left, but the brightness of her sunken eyes. Pip saw that the dress had been put upon the rounded figure of a young woman and that the figure upon which it now hung loose, had shrunk to skin and osseous tissue (Dickens 52). Ms. Havisham and Mrs. Joe are represented as domineering forces in the lives of people close to them, which brings a lot of pain and suffering to these individuals. Ms.

Study of unethical business practices Research Paper

Study of un honest channel practices - Research Paper ExampleUnethical doer not following(a) permitted standards of social or professional behavior. It is opposed to law or integrity or scruples. (The Free Dictionary by Farlex) WHAT IS MEANT BY UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES Unethical business practices argon acts that be contrary to business ethics In todays world, there is a need do business with an open eye, incessantly measuring & analyzing the consequences & impact of actions and decisions taken .This responsibility is seen to extend ahead of the reasoned obligation to comply with legislation and seeing organizations taking further initiatives to improve the quality and standard of flavor for employees and their families as well as for the society at large of their own accord. The companies that carry on are the ones that identify ethical issues and correct them before they become tribulations. Our behavior in the business world is stubborn by moral values and beliefs. Thes e are the integral bankrupt of only the activities that are a part of our business they are part of our dealings either with other business organizations or with a solitary customer and are embedded in the creation of an idea to its sale. While the goal of all business is to earn profits, it should contribute to the society by ensuring that ethical and just practices are followed. It is important to note that all wrong practices are not illegal, therefore the deciding factor for going for an act is the persons own conscience. Unveiling of unethical behavior among co-workers actually examines ones own values and ethical behaviors. After all, unethical behavior that is permissible by law comes in the grey area surrounded by what is right and whats not. Therefore, it is always difficult to make a decision in such situations. Furthermore, apprehension of ethical and unethical varies from person to person. What is unethical for one person may not be so for someone else. For example , some people dont consider the act of making long exceed call on the companys expense as unethical. WHY ARE UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES COMMITTED? 1 Stress by the higher management Pressure from managers is one of the prime reasons why people halt involved in unethical practices. The managers in an attempt to achieve better profits for the organization oftentimes set targets that are unrealistic and unachievable for the employees. Target and goal setting is a tool that is utilise for motivating employees but in this case it is just a stress causing factor. Their targets and goals send the following message to their employees I want it done, no matter what. Subordinates due to such targets come under exquisite pressure to meet their targets because their better career prospects rely to a large extent on the consummation of their performance goals. If the goals are not met, then the chances of their career growth are reduced. 2. Personal greed and a desire Personal greed to pr omote ones career is the other reason that forces people to commit unethical business practices. It has led the current business state of affairs towards unethical business practices, legal consequences and mistrust. Often, fade executives are promised huge benefits if they achieve their goals and the

Monday, April 29, 2019

Communication at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Communication at work - Essay ExampleThese two cultures are distinct not only in terms of norms and value but also differ with respect to how hatful expatriate and interact with each opposite. In todays increasingly globalised world people from different ethnic backgrounds are required to work together and have consensus on critical issues. Effective communication becomes in truth historic in the context of such working relationships. It is therefore of particular significance to examine the see of culture on the communication styles adopted by individuals as healthy its impact on peoples personal relationships.This paper illuminates the ways through which salient cultural characteristics influence an individual or whole societys communication styles. It categorises the differences in cultures with respect to individualistic and collectivistic approaches as well as high and low context of communication. It basically aims to illustrate that culture plays a very serious role in determining the way people communicate and interact with each other.Culture plays an important role in determining the specific traits and characteristics of individuals belonging to a conference that are distinct from other groups of people. People tend to identify themselves with respect to cultural groups and take pride in associating with them. Hofstede defines culture as, the incorporated programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another (51). People in a stop group share similar characteristics that are identifiable with the help of visible traits and qualities. Drake delineates that, culture describes a groups relatively homogenous evaluations of multiple, interrelated phenomena (320). These homogenous cultural traits develop into certain social norms and values that have a significant impact on how people think, feel, observe

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Case for Literature-Based Reading Programmes at the Elementary Essay

The Case for Literature-Based Reading Programmes at the Elementary School Level - Essay ExampleThe take of childrens literature has increased developedly and its incorporation into practice programmes has also increased significantly (Harris, 1992). At the aforementioned(prenominal) time, there has been a simultaneous interest in literature-based reading instruction.Nonetheless, the importance and the usefulness of childrens literature substantiate been questioned. The nature of these attacks, however, seem to have less to do with the value of the instructional approaches and substantive materials than a engrossment with preparing students for standardized psychometric tests and a stubborn adherence to traditional methods. Of particular concern is the use of childrens literature as a means for teaching children how to decode information in order to perform better on standardized tests. This instructional method, without more, neglects the very purposes of literature-based readi ng instruction and renders the inclusion of childrens literature in elementary reading programmes an almost tangential inclusion. The strict emphasis on decoding and on standardized testing, while of just about relevance to literacy, is harming the very goals and usefulness of literature-based reading instruction.This essay will argue that the inclusion of childrens literature is of vestigial importance to effective reading programmes at the elementary school level. ... As a preliminary matter, it is immanent to identify the theoretical foundations of literature-based reading instruction. This is because the mere inclusion of literature in a reading programme, without a corresponding shift in instructional methods, may defeat or diminish the very purposes of the programme. Serafini argues that in order for elementary teachers to implement a quality literature-based reading program and make a substantial shift in the way that childrens literature is used in the curriculum, they mu st first make a parallel shift in the theoretical perspectives they use to ground their practice. Without this parallel shift, teachers may simply transport the materials they use to teach reading, relegating childrens literature to an instructional device in the service of higher test scores. In order to make a shift, however, one must first understand what the theoretical perspectives ar and how they influence classroom practice (2003, np).The modernist approach to reading and literacy is a major obstacle to more wide literature-based reading goals. This approach begins with the premise that the meaning of a textual matter is located solely within that text. This is an inordinately limited and strict perception of reading. In short, there is one original meaning in the text and children are required to decipher or decode this meaning from the text. This token of reading perspective excludes an synergistic approach to the text more troubling, perhaps, is the fact that it su bordinates rather completely the context in which the text is examined and enjoyed. This type of approach is typically implemented as part of a reading skills programme. Teachers teach students how to decode true meanings, students

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mid-air Collision on the Hudson River Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mid-air Collision on the Hudson River - Essay ExampleIn a crystalline sky of New York on August 8, 2009, an unexpected air tragedy had happened, claiming the lives of the pilots of both private plane and helicopter and their passengers. New York Citys mayor stated that the crash is non survivable (McFadden). Private Plane PA32 was on its way to Ocean City, New Jersey via Hudson River on that day when another(prenominal) aircraft Eurocopter AS350 is sightseeing, carrying 5 Italian tourists. A radar data by the NTSB shows that both aircrafts were at a first gear level, while witnesses said that neither of them attempted to avoid the crash and investigations revealed that neither also sent word of advice alerts to prevent it. The striking is said to have damaged the private planes left annexe causing it to nose dive into the Hudson River. Meanwhile, the helicopters propeller was also destroyed in the collision and immediately crashed into the river (Schapiro, Cruz, Gendar and McShan e).

Friday, April 26, 2019

An outline marketing plan for the next year for Atlantic Quench 091 Essay

An chalk out marketing plan for the next year for Atlantic allay 091 - Essay ExampleAtlantic Quench operations are based on the suggestive budget that indicates the major expenses that will be incurred as well as the expected 2015 profits.Based on the global stiff competition in the hushed bedevil industry where Coca-Cola Company is a leader, various organizations have been established with an aim of getting a share of the local and global market. Additionally, as more woodland brands have been established in the market, the require for juice drinks as well as non-juice drinks has increased. It is worth to none that based on the health problems that honied juices have been associated with, more consumers have diverted their loyalty towards juices that have less sugar (Bird, 2007). In their efforts to get down the attention of such consumers, mostly at the age of 50 to 65, beverage firms have embarked on goal product of non-juice and light juice drinks to meet their needs.Ju ice drinks industry is faced with a number of challenges that include mercurial market, changes in climate conditions as well as changes in the market trends. As a result, it is not possible to predict the harvest that the firm will incur. It is expected that between the periods of 2012 to 2018, the global soft drink market value shall increase from 530.5 billion to 624.4 billion. Additionally, the market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of or so 4.7% from 2013 to 2018. This expansion is expected to drive the market upwards to a value of 785,269.8 million by the end of 2018 (Marder, E.2007).Atlantic Quench Cranberries Incorporation (AQC) is an agricultural co-operative based in the US. The company mission is to provide quality cranberry products that are produced by healthy Atlantic Canadian cranberries. The company major marketing strategy is finished its website where it provides contact and fax that customers can use to contact the marketing team. The company